Why does the conclusion section of a research report hold an enormous amount of power?

A conclusion is an important part of the paper; it provides closure for the reader while reminding the reader of the contents and importance of the paper. It accomplishes this by stepping back from the specifics in order to view the bigger picture of the document. In other words, it is reminding the reader of the main argument. For most course papers, it is usually one paragraph that simply and succinctly restates the main ideas and arguments, pulling everything together to help clarify the thesis of the paper. A conclusion does not introduce new ideas; instead, it should clarify the intent and importance of the paper. It can also suggest possible future research on the topic.

An Easy Checklist for Writing a Conclusion

  1. Is the thesis of the paper accurately restated here (but not repeated verbatim)?
    It is important to remind the reader of the thesis of the paper so he is reminded of the argument and solutions you proposed.
  2. Are the main points of the paper addressed and pulled together?
    Think of the main points as puzzle pieces, and the conclusion is where they all fit together to create a bigger picture. The reader should walk away with the bigger picture in mind.
  3. Do you remind the reader of the importance of the topic?
    Make sure that the paper places its findings in the context of real social change.
  4. Is there a sense of closure?
    Make sure the reader has a distinct sense that the paper has come to an end. It is important to not leave the reader hanging. (You don’t want her to have flip-the-page syndrome, where the reader turns the page, expecting the paper to continue. The paper should naturally come to an end.)
  5. Do you avoid presenting new information?
    No new ideas should be introduced in the conclusion. It is simply a review of the material that is already present in the paper. The only new idea would be the suggesting of a direction for future research.

Conclusion Example

As addressed in my analysis of recent research, the advantages of a later starting time for high school students significantly outweigh the disadvantages. A later starting time would allow teens more time to sleep--something that is important for their physical and mental health--and ultimately improve their academic performance and behavior. The added transportation costs that result from this change can be absorbed through energy savings. The beneficial effects on the students’ academic performance and behavior validate this decision, but its effect on student motivation is still unknown. I would encourage an in-depth look at the reactions of students to such a change. This sort of study would help determine the actual effects of a later start time on the time management and sleep habits of students.

A threat to conclusion validity is a factor that can lead you to reach an incorrect conclusion about a relationship in your observations. You can essentially make two kinds of errors about relationships:

  1. Conclude that there is no relationship when in fact there is (you missed the relationship or didn’t see it)
  2. Conclude that there is a relationship when in fact there is not (you’re seeing things that aren’t there!)

Most threats to conclusion validity have to do with the first problem. Why? Maybe it’s because it’s so hard in most research to find relationships in our data at all that it’s not as big or frequent a problem — we tend to have more problems finding the needle in the haystack than seeing things that aren’t there! So, I’ll divide the threats by the type of error they are associated with.

Finding no relationship when there is one (or, “missing the needle in the haystack”)

When you’re looking for the needle in the haystack you essentially have two basic problems: the tiny needle and too much hay. You can view this as a signal-to-noise ratio problem.The “signal” is the needle — the relationship you are trying to see. The “noise” consists of all of the factors that make it hard to see the relationship. There are several important sources of noise, each of which is a threat to conclusion validity. One important threat is low reliability of measures (see reliability). This can be due to many factors including poor question wording, bad instrument design or layout, illegibility of field notes, and so on. In studies where you are evaluating a program you can introduce noise through poor reliability of treatment implementation. If the program doesn’t follow the prescribed procedures or is inconsistently carried out, it will be harder to see relationships between the program and other factors like the outcomes. Noise that is caused by random irrelevancies in the setting can also obscure your ability to see a relationship. In a classroom context, the traffic outside the room, disturbances in the hallway, and countless other irrelevant events can distract the researcher or the participants. The types of people you have in your study can also make it harder to see relationships. The threat here is due to random heterogeneity of respondents. If you have a very diverse group of respondents, they are likely to vary more widely on your measures or observations. Some of their variety may be related to the phenomenon you are looking at, but at least part of it is likely to just constitute individual differences that are irrelevant to the relationship being observed.

All of these threats add variability into the research context and contribute to the “noise” relative to the signal of the relationship you are looking for. But noise is only one part of the problem. We also have to consider the issue of the signal — the true strength of the relationship. There is one broad threat to conclusion validity that tends to subsume or encompass all of the noise-producing factors above and also takes into account the strength of the signal, the amount of information you collect, and the amount of risk you’re willing to take in making a decision about a whether a relationship exists. This threat is called low statistical power. Because this idea is so important in understanding how we make decisions about relationships, we have a separate discussion of statistical power.

Finding a relationship when there is not one (or “seeing things that aren’t there”)

In anything but the most trivial research study, the researcher will spend a considerable amount of time analyzing the data for relationships. Of course, it’s important to conduct a thorough analysis, but most people are well aware of the fact that if you play with the data long enough, you can often “turn up” results that support or corroborate your hypotheses. In more everyday terms, you are “fishing” for a specific result by analyzing the data repeatedly under slightly differing conditions or assumptions.

In statistical analysis, we attempt to determine the probability that the finding we get is a “real” one or could have been a “chance” finding. In fact, we often use this probability to decide whether to accept the statistical result as evidence that there is a relationship. In the social sciences, researchers often use the rather arbitrary value known as the 0.05 level of significance to decide whether their result is credible or could be considered a “fluke.” Essentially, the value 0.05 means that the result you got could be expected to occur by chance at least 5 times out of every 100 times you run the statistical analysis. The probability assumption that underlies most statistical analyses assumes that each analysis is “independent” of the other. But that may not be true when you conduct multiple analyses of the same data. For instance, let’s say you conduct 20 statistical tests and for each one you use the 0.05 level criterion for deciding whether you are observing a relationship. For each test, the odds are 5 out of 100 that you will see a relationship even if there is not one there (that’s what it means to say that the result could be “due to chance”). Odds of 5 out of 100 are equal to the fraction 5/100 which is also equal to 1 out of 20. Now, in this example, you conduct 20 separate analyses. Let’s say that you find that of the twenty results, only one is statistically significant at the 0.05 level. Does that mean you have found a statistically significant relationship? If you had only done the one analysis, you might conclude that you’ve found a relationship in that result. But if you did 20 analyses, you would expect to find one of them significant by chance alone, even if there is no real relationship in the data. We call this threat to conclusion validity fishing and the error rate problem. The basic problem is that you were “fishing” by conducting multiple analyses and treating each one as though it was independent. Instead, when you conduct multiple analyses, you should adjust the error rate (i.e., significance level) to reflect the number of analyses you are doing. The bottom line here is that you are more likely to see a relationship when there isn’t one when you keep reanalyzing your data and don’t take that fishing into account when drawing your conclusions.

Problems that can lead to either conclusion error

Every analysis is based on a variety of assumptions about the nature of the data, the procedures you use to conduct the analysis, and the match between these two. If you are not sensitive to the assumptions behind your analysis you are likely to draw erroneous conclusions about relationships. In quantitative research we refer to this threat as the violated assumptions of statistical tests. For instance, many statistical analyses assume that the data are distributed normally — that the population from which they are drawn would be distributed according to a “normal” or “bell-shaped” curve. If that assumption is not true for your data and you use that statistical test, you are likely to get an incorrect estimate of the true relationship. And, it’s not always possible to predict what type of error you might make — seeing a relationship that isn’t there or missing one that is.

I believe that the same problem can occur in qualitative research as well. There are assumptions, some of which we may not even realize, behind our qualitative methods. For instance, in interview situations we may assume that the respondent is free to say anything s/he wishes. If that is not true — if the respondent is under covert pressure from supervisors to respond in a certain way — you may erroneously see relationships in the responses that aren’t real and/or miss ones that are.

The threats listed above illustrate some of the major difficulties and traps that are involved in one of the most basic of research tasks — deciding whether there is a relationship in your data or observations. So, how do we attempt to deal with these threats? The researcher has a number of strategies for improving conclusion validity through minimizing or eliminating the threats described above.

Why does the conclusions section of a research report hold an enormous amount of power?

Why does the Conclusions section of a research report hold an enormous amount of power? Rationale: The Conclusion is one of the most important and powerful sections of the research report because it's where the results and their meanings are explained and related to clinical practice.

Why is it important to refer to the limitations of the study in the conclusion?

Limitations are important to understand for placing research findings in context, interpreting the validity of the scientific work, and ascribing a credibility level to the conclusions of published research. This goes beyond listing the magnitude and direction of random and systematic errors and validity problems.

Are there limitations after conclusion?

Generally speaking, the limitations are added in the Discussion section, just before the concluding paragraph. While you should definitely point out the limitations, do not get into an elaborate discussion about them.

Why should Researchers list limitations in a research report?

Why do I need to include limitations of research in my paper? Although limitations address the potential weaknesses of a study, writing about them towards the end of your paper actually strengthens your study by identifying any problems before other researchers or reviewers find them.


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