Why is the AP axial projection preferred to the PA axial projection of the sacrum?


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Which 2 vertebral curvatures are anteriorly concave thoracic and pelvic
Which 2 vertebral curves are kyphotic curves thoracic and pelvic
Which 2 vertebral curves are lordotic curves cervical and lumbar
Which 2 vertebral curves are primary curves thoracic and pelvic
Which spinal condition involves an excessive dorsal curvature of the thoracic vertebral column kyphosis
Which abdominal spinal condition which involves any lateral curvature of the vertebral column scoliosis
What is the name of the short, thick, bony process that projects posteriorly from the lateral and superior aspects of the vertebral bodies of typical vertebrae pedicles
From the junction of which 2 vertebral structures do transverse processes originate in typical vertebrae pedicle and lamina
Which vertrbral structures unite the origin of the spinous process of a typical vertebrae both laminae
which structures of a typical vertebrae are the zygapophyses articular processes
on which structure is the dens located C2
Which structure is known as the "atlas" C1
which structure is known as the "axis" C2
on which structure is the dens located body of C2
which cervical vertebral structures are perforated with a foramen for the passage of the vertebral artery and vein transverse process
which vertebral structures have bifid tips spinous processes of cervical vertebrae
with reference to the MSP, how do zygapophyseal joints open in cervical vertebrae 90 degress laterally
with reference to the MSP, how do zygapophyseal joints open in thoracic vertebrae 70-75 debress anteriorly
thoracic vertebrae differ from cervical and lumbar vertebrae because thoracic vertebrae have: demifacets
which structures articulate with vertebral demifacets heads of ribs
with reference to the MSP, how do zygapophyseal joints open in lumbar vertebrae 30-60 degress posteriorly
Lumbar vertebrae differ from cervical and thoracic vertebrae because lumbar vertebrae have: broad, large spinous processes
which part of the sacrum form the joints with the ilia the pelvis auricular surfaces
the AP projection that demonstates the dens using the Fuch's method differ from the AP projection (open moutn) becuase the Fuch's method: extends the chin and keeps the mouth closed
The radiographer should not use the Fuch's method to obtain the AP projection of the dens if the patient is: suspected to have a fracture or degenerative disease
which projection of the cervical vertebrae demonstrates the dens imaged within the foramen magnum AP projection (Fuch's method)
which cervical structures are best domonstrated with the AP projection (open mouth) C1 and C2
how and where should the central ray be directed for the AP axial projection of the cervical vertebral column 15-20 degrees cephalic to C4
how should the central ray be directed for the AP projection (open mouth) perpendicular
how should the IR be positioned for the AP axial projection of the cervcal vertebral column centered to C4
for which projection of the cervical vertebrae should the central ray be angled 15-20 degress cephalic AP Axial projection
which evaluation criterion does not apply to the AP axial projection of the cervical vertebral column C1 and C2 should be seen without mandibular superimposition
which projection of the cervical vertebral column requires an SID of 72 inches Lateral projection
which maneuver should ne used to help obtain maximum depression of the shoulders in the lateral projection of the cervical vertebral column suspend respiration after full expiration
what should be done so that the magnified shoulder farthes from the IR is projected below the lower cervical vertebrae for the lateral projection of the cervical vertebrae direct a horizontal central ray to C4
what should be done to prevent madibular rami from superimposing cervical vertebrae in the lateral projection of the cervical vertebral column elevate the chin
what should be done to reduce the magnification caused by the increased object-to-image distance in lateral projections of the cervical vertebrae use a 72 inch SID
which projection of the cervical vertebral column uses the same central ray direction and centering as hypertension and hyperflexion studies of the cervical vertebrae lateral projection
which projection of the cervical vertebrae demonstrates the spinous process elevated ans widly separated hyperflexion lateral projection
which projection ot the cervical vertebrae demonstrates the spinous process depressed and in close approximation hyperextension lateral projection
which projection of the cervical vertebrae should produce a radiographic image showing the patients mandibular body nearly perpendicular to the lower border of the radiograph hyperlexion lateral projection
which projection of the cervical vertebrae must be exposed with a horizontal and perpendicular central ray lateral
how should the central ray be directed for the AP axial oblique projections of the cervical vertebral column 15-20 degrees cephalic
how should the central ray be directed for PA axial oblique projection of the cervical vertebral column 15-20 degrees caudal
which projection of the cervical vertebral column best demonstrates the intervertebral foramina AP axial oblique projection
which position of the cervical vertebral column best demonstrates the left intervertebral foramina with the central ray angles 15-20 degrees cephalic right posterior oblique (RPO)
which position of the cervical vertebral column best demonstrates the right intervertebral foramina with the central ray angled 15- 20 degrees caudal RAO
how many degrees from either the AP or the PA position should the entire body be rotated for oblique projections of the cervical column 45 degress
which evaluation criterion pertains to the AP projection (Fuch's method) of the cervical vertebrae the entire dens should be seen through the foramen magnum
which evaluation criterion pertains to the AP axial projection of the cervical vertebral column the spinous processes should equidistant to the pedicles
which evaluation criterion pertains to the lateral projection of the cervical column all 7 cervical vertebrae should be seen
which evaluation criterion pertains to the AP axial projection of the cervical column the intervertebral foramen should be open with those furthest from the IR demonstrated
which evaluation criterion pertains to PA axial oblique projections of the cervical vertebrae the intervertebral foramina should be open with those closest to the IR well demonstrated
which projection should be included in a cervical series of the lateral projection does not demonstrate the C7 vertebrae lateral projection swimmers view
for the lateral projection swimmers view of the cervical vertebrae, how and where should the CR be directed perpendicular to the intervertebral disk space of C7 and T1
which structure is best demonstrated with the lateral swimmers view projection lower cervical vertebrae
for the AP projection of the thoracic column where should the CR be directed on the anterior chest wall slightly below the sternal angle
with reference to the patient, where should the top border of the IR be positioned for the AP projection of the thoracic column 1 1/2 to 2" above the top of the shoulders
for the AP projection of the thoracic column with the patient supine, why should the patients knees and hips be flexed to reduce dorsal kyphosis
which projection most requires usage of the anode heel effect to improve image quality AP projection of the thoracic column
which projection best demonstrates the intervertebral foramina of the thoracic column lateral projection
when performing the lateral projection for the thoracic vertebrae, what is the preferred procedure that should ne performed when the long axis of the vertebral column is not horizontal elevate the lower or upper thoracic region with a radiolucent support
to what level of the body should the CR be directed for lateral projection of the thoracic column inferior angle of the scapula
what compensation should be made in the lateral projection of the thoracic column on a recumbent patient when the lower thoracic region is not parallel with the table angle the CR 10-15 degrees cephalic
which structures are best demonstrated with the lateral position swimmers view upper thoracic vertebrae
which projection of the vertebral column best demonstrates kyphosis lateral projection of the thoracic vertebrae
which projection of vertebral column best demonstrates scoliosis PA projection of thoracic vertebrae
which projection of the vertebral column best demonstrates lordosis Lateral projection of lumbar vertebrae
why should the patient flex the hips and knees for the AP projection of the lumbar column to reduce lordotic curvature
how should the IR be positioned for the AP projection of the lumbar vertebrae and sacrum centered to level of iliac crests
which positioning maneuver should be performed to reduce the normal lordotic curvature for the AP projection of the lumbar column flex hips and knees
which plane or line of the patient should be centered on the midline of the table for the AP projection of the lumbar column MSP
where ahould the CR be directed for the AP projection of the lumbar column for a lumbo-sacral exam L4
which plane of the patient should be centered on the midline of the table for the lateral projection of the lumbar column midcoronal
which projection of the lumbar column best demonstrates intervertebral foramina lateral projection
how many degrees and in which direction should the CR be directed for the lateral projection of the lumbar column when the vertebral column is parallel with the table perpendicular
how many degrees and in what direction should the CR be directed for the lateral projection of the lumbar column when the lumbar column is not parallel with the table 5 degrees caudal for females and 8 degress caudal for males
how many degrees and in which direction should the CR be directed for the lateral projection of L5-S1 when the lumbar column is parallel with the table perpendicular
which projection of the lumbar column best demonstrates zygapophyseal joints AP olblique projection
which vertebral structures are best demonstrated if a supine patient is rotated 45 degrees with the right side elevated and a perpendicular CR is directed at the lumbar vertebrae Zygapophyseal joints on the left side
which vertebral structures are best demonstrated with the AP oblique projection of the lumbar column with the patient RPO Zygapophyseal joints of the right side
which vertebral structures are best demonstrated with the AP oblique projection of the lumbar column with the patient LPO zygapophyseal joints on the left side
which positioning error most likely ocurred if the zygapophyseal joints were not well demonstrated and the pedicle was quite anterior on the vertebral body in AP oblique projection radiographs of the lumbar column the patient was not rotated enough
which positioning error most likely occurred if the zygapophyseal joints were not well demonstrated and the pedicle was quite posterior on the vertebral body bar AP oblique projection radiographs of the lumbar column the patient was rotated too much
which projection of the vertebral column demonstrates the "scottie dog" Oblique projections of the lumbar column
what is demonstrated if the "scottie dog" is well visualized zygapophyseal joints of the lumbar vertebrae
how many degrees of body rotation are necessary for the AP obliques projection of the lumbar vertebral column 45 degrees
which projection of the lumbar column places the MSP perpendicular to the IR AP projection
which projection of the lumbar column places the MSP parallel to the IR lateral projection
how many degress and in which direction should the CR be directed for AP axial projection of the lumboacral junction 30-35 degrees cephalic
which projection best demonstrates the right SI joint AP oblique projection with the patient in the LPO position
which projection best demonstrates the left SI joint AP oblique projection with the patient in the RPO position
how many degrees of body rotation from the supine position are required for AP oblique projections of the SI joints 25- 30 degrees
how many degrees and in which direction should the CR ne directed for AP axial projections of the sacrum 15 degrees cephalic
how many degrees and in which direction should the Cr be directed for AP projections of the coccyx 10 degrees caudal
how many degrees and in which direction should the CR be directed if it is necessary to have the patient prone for a PA projection of the coccyx 10 degrees cephalic
how many degrees and in which direction should the CR be directed for lateral projections of the sacrum perpendicular
how many degrees and in what direction should the CR be directed for lateral projections of the coccyx perpendicular
which projection of the Ferguson method should be performed to evaluate scoliosis upright PA


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