With a global information system (gis) in place, an international company _____.

Video Transcript

Hello students. We are given a question before adding a global information systems. GIS international companies must take into consideration the blank infrastructures of their countries where its subsidies are located. We are given some options management, power transmission, daily communication and social. So we are supposed to know that it should consider take a consideration the into that fairly communication. Okay. We can mention below international companies, international companies, Master Students companies must babe big into consideration dot consideration the the weekender telecommunication infrastructures, barely communication. Okay. Students here we can write infra structures structures of the countries where of the countries best friends there? It's a subsidiaries are located subsidiaries. The absurdity is odd. Look, you're dead. Okay, so basically what we can state which option is correct? Option C And this is going to be our final answer of this question. Thank you.

Global information system is an information system which is developed and / or used in a global context. Some examples of GIS are SAP, The Global Learning Objects Brokered Exchange and other systems.


There are a variety of definitions and understandings of a global information system (GIS, GLIS), such as

  • A global information system (GIS) is an information system which is developed and / or used in a global context.[1]
  • A global information system (GIS) is any information system which attempts to deliver the totality of measurable data worldwide within a defined context.

Common to this class of information systems is that the context is a global setting, either for its use or development process. This means that it highly relates to distributed systems / distributed computing where the distribution is global. The term also incorporates aspects of global software development and there outsourcing (when the outsourcing locations are globally distributed) and offshoring aspects. A specific aspect of global information systems is the case (domain) of global software development.[2] A main research aspect in this field concerns the coordination of and collaboration between virtual teams.[3][4] Further important aspects are the internationalization and language localization of system components.

Tasks in designing global information systems[edit]

Critical tasks in designing global information systems are

  • Process and system design: How are the processes between distributed actors organized, how are the systems distributed / integrated.
  • Technical architecture: What is the technical infrastructure enabling actors to collaborate?
  • Support mechanisms: How are actors in the process of communication, collaboration, and cooperation supported?

A variety of examples can be given. Basically every multi-lingual website can be seen as a global information system. However, mostly the term GLIS is used to refer to a specific system developed or used in a global context.


Specific examples are

  • Systems developed for multinational users, e.g., SAP as a global ERP system
  • Global Information Systems for Education: The Global Learning Objects Brokered Exchange
  • For the specific case of data integration : //data.un.org, //web.archive.org/web/20190825060649///www.internettrafficreport.com/, //www.unhcr.org/statistics.html

More information / courses[edit]

  • Global Information Systems at the University of Jyväskylä
  • Resources on Global Information Technology at AIS World


  1. ^ Pawlowski, J.M.: Globale Informationssysteme (Global Information Systems). In: Kurbel, K., Becker, J., Gronau, N., Sinz, E., Suhl, L. (Eds.): Online Lexikon Wirtschaftsinformatik Online Encyclopedia Business Information Systems, Oldenbourg, 2008.
  2. ^ Sangwan, R., Bass, M., Mullick, N., Paulish, D.J., Kazmeier, J. (2006): Global Software Development Handbook, Auerback Publications, 2006. ISBN 0-8493-9384-1
  3. ^ Carmel, E. (1999): Global Software Teams: Collaborating Across Borders and Time Zones (High Performance Cluster Computing) - ISBN 0-13-924218-X
  4. ^ Garton, C., Wegryn, K. (2006): Managing Without Walls: Maximize Success with Virtual, Global, and Cross - Cultural Teams, MC Press, US, 2006.

Which is considered a core function of a global information system GIS )? Quizlet?

strategic planning is a core function of a GIS. A GIS can be defined among 2 dimensions: control and coordination. control consists of using managerial power to ensure adherence to the organizations goals.

What are two key components of a global information system?

A working GIS integrates five key components: hardware, software, data, people, and methods. Hardware is the computer on which a GIS operates. Today, GIS software runs on a wide range of hardware types, from centralized computer servers to desktop computers used in stand-alone or networked configurations.

Which statement is true of a global organizational structure?

Which statement is true of a global organizational structure? It requires an extensive communication network. In an organization with a global structure, to achieve organizational efficiency, duplicate information systems must be eliminated.


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