You should read your math textbook the same way you read your psychology textbook.

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Having trouble getting long term assignments done? Try this calculator out. It will automatically begin with today's date. Then put in the date of when the paper or project is due. Click and voila. All the interim pieces, what you have to do each week to get it done on time, are laid out for you. No more excuses!


How to study Psychology eBooks
Reading eBooks is not the same as reading printed textbooks! Here are some tips for reading and taking notes from eBooks, in particular Psychology!


PSY 101 Textbook Reading Strategies  
PDF file
First thing, find out how much of the exam comes from the textbook and how much from the lectures! This resource has lot of good information, like don't read more than 8 pages at a time!


Read, Picture, Recite
Tips include having a conversation with the material as well as coming up with your own experiences and stories to understand a concept. Great for auditory learners. Story telling relates to case studies. This technique works well for Psychology


Study Tips for Introduction to Psychology
First hint: Studying is not the same as reading! Scroll down to see a sample compare-contrast chart, also known as a matrix. It shows how to study 2 different concepts in a Psy chapter.


Tips on Taking Multiple-Choice Tests
In preparing for the exam, simulate the required behavior. Includes what to do if more than one answer seems correct!


Taking essay exams  
PDF file
Gives a sample psychology essay question. Then analyzes the questions and gives suggestions for how to answer the essay question.


Know the difference between a research paper and a reaction paper? What is a literature review. Find out the strategies needed for each kind of writing.


Psychology Lab Peer Review  
PDF file
What do you do if you have to write a peer review? Will "Good Job" be enough? Don't know what to say? Here is a list of what you might want to include from Title Page, Introduction, Method and References. Best of all is the Section on Rules to Live By So if you have to write a peer review print off this guideline sheet!


The Psychology Lab Checklist  
PDF file
Complete Checklist from title page, abstract and introduction to method, results and discussion. Also includes references, tables and figures. All of these with little boxes included for your check marks!! Print this off and make multiple copies if you have Psy Labs.


Where to Start
Writing for Psychology is very different. It may combine elements of social analysis, natural sciences and mathematics all in one. Here's how to get started.


Writing for Psychology  
PDF file
This extensive guide includes:
Do's and Don'ts of Effective Writing in Psychology
How to Read Sources Critically
as well as Writing a Conceptually Coherent Paper.
Well worth the download of this resource from Harvard University.


Writing in APA Style (6th Edition)
Print this guideline for your papers. No more MLA style for Psychology.


Writing in Psychology Courses
What is APA? Do I use this for my bibliography? Oh,oh. It says don't rely on Internet resources!


Writing a psychology literature review  
PDF file
Learn the difference between a lit review and a research report. Follow the 6 steps for writing a review in this .pdf file.


Which method is recommended when reading a chapter in your textbook for the first time?

It is best to highlight sentences as you read them for the first time. Making a list of new terms and definitions you encounter in a text can help you to learn the material more effectively.

What part of a textbook reviews the overall organization and contents often chapter by chapter?

Look in the front: Read and think about the Table of Contents. 1. This will show you the overall organization of the course and help identify what's important.

Which is the list of key words and their definitions found in a textbook?

Glossary- Glossary is the textbook's dictionary of terms about the subject you are reading about. In the glossary you will find important words about your subject. The terms are listed in alphabetical order followed by their definitions.

Which is the first thing you should read when previewing a reading assignment?

When you preview a reading assignment you become familiar with its contents and goals before you start to read. This helps to make the reading an easier, faster, and more effective learning experience. 1) Read and think about the title. 2) Start turning the pages and read and think about each of the bold-face headings.


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