Cultural, social and ethnic diversity, cultural, social and ethnic diversity quiz

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Product Description

Cultural diversity – how psychologists can meet the challenges and grasp the opportunities

Culture and diversity are both challenge and opportunity. This volume looks at what psychologists are and can be doing to help society meet the challenges and grasp the opportunities in education, at work, and in clinical practice. The increasingly international and globalized nature of modern societies means that psychologists in particular face new challenges and have new opportunities in all areas of practice and research.

The contributions from leading European experts cover relevant intercultural issues and topics in areas as diverse as personality, education and training, work and organizational psychology, clinical and counselling psychlogy, migration and international youth exchanges.

As well as looking at the new challenges and opportunities that psychologists face in dealing with people from increasingly varied cultural backgrounds, perhaps more importantly they also explain and discuss how psychologists can deepen and acquire the intercultural competencies that are now needed in our professional lives.

Praise for the book

"This book delivers vital insights into how European psychologists can meet the challenges posed by cultural and ethnic diversity. It provides researchbased evidence of the importance of developing intercultural competencies as part of the psychology curriculum at bachelor and master levels, discussing important theoretical, conceptual, and ethical aspects. It’s a book that we were all waiting for, and will be useful not only to psychologist practitioners and students, but also to stakeholders and policy makers in education."
Bruna Zani, Professor of Social and Community Psychology, Department of Psychology, Alma Mater Studiorum-University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy; EFPA Executive Council Member

"This book offers us the tools to understand and work in a globalised world, where the challenges of cultural and ethnic diversity are present daily and defy the traditional ways of dealing with problems. European professionals must be prepared for this new world, and develop the competencies to help people from very different backgrounds and origins as they become part of our societies as fellow citizens."
Telmo Mourinho Baptista, President of the European Federation of Psychologists’ Associations (EFPA), Professor of Psychotherapy and Health Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, University of Lisbon, Portugal

Ref-ID:600490_M   P-ID:600490_M

The Cultural, Social, and Ethnic Diversity module is designed according to the AES course framework, which includes four phases:

  1. Explore
  2. Learn & Practice
  3. Reflect
  4. Reinforce

Below you'll discover how AES can help you teach your students about diversity among patients according to these four phases.

Phase 1: Explore

Activity: Diversity Comfort Level

In this activity, students are introduced to the breadth of diversity, and are urged to see their personal connection with the topic.

Phase 2: Learn & Practice

Unit 1: Cultural, Social, and Ethnic Diversity

In this unit, students will learn about: cultural diversity and its scale in the US as they investigate biases and generalizations vs. stereotypes and their effects on healthcare. Students learn about health disparities and equity. They define health literacy, cultural competency, and linguistic competency and identify the need for customer service in healthcare. 

  1. A Diverse Nation 
  2. Effects on Healthcare 
  3. Health Disparities and Health Equity 
  4. Customer Service 
  5. Quiz

Phase 3: Reflect

Activity: Reflection Questions and Discussion

In this activity, students review scenarios related to the cultural, social, and ethnic diversity of patients in healthcare.

Phase 4: Reinforce

Activity: Culture Guide Research

In this activity, students select and read a culture guide from one of five countries and then answer questions to help reinforce the concepts of religion and culture diversity, and their impact on healthcare.

Activity: Demographics Research

In this activity students research the demographics of a location and then determine the cultural diversity of the area. Next, they predict potential areas of concern, and to suggest an action plan or guidelines to address the diversity in the location.

Activity: Current Event

Students will review articles for information related to a topic in the module. Once an article is found, students complete a Current Event form.

What is cultural and ethnic diversity?

Cultural diversity is the quality of diverse or different cultures, as opposed to monoculture, the global monoculture, or a homogenization of cultures, akin to cultural evolution. The term "cultural diversity" can also refer to having different cultures respect each other's differences.

What are the four steps to building trust AES?

Be empathetic, respectful, genuine, and listen actively.

What are the four steps to building trust in the medical?

4 Steps to Start Building Strong Patient-Provider Relationships.
Give your patients active involvement in decision-making. ... .
Show empathy and compassion to your patients. ... .
Be transparent with your patients. ... .
Listen, engage in conversation, and make eye contact..

What is the main focus of linguistic competency?

Linguistic Competence: Providing readily available, culturally appropriate oral and written language services to limited English proficiency (LEP) members through such means as bilingual/bicultural staff, trained medical interpreters, and qualified translators.


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