Dwayne haevischer wer ist das

What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

Fear the Walking Dead

A dude is trapped in a car; he’s impaled on something. The driver tells him just stay with her; someone will stop and help. The driver is Crazy Lady. I guess this is her backstory. She yells for a car to stop, but they just keep moving. As does the next one. A third goes around her.  Crazy Lady cries, and sits next to the car. A zombie toddles out of the woods. She starts telling him that her husband needs help, and realizes this guy is not right. She slams him a rake. Don’t ask me where she got that from.

Back in the car, she tells her husband someone will help them; someone will come. He wants her to go, but she won’t. She holds his hand and kisses it. It’s nighttime, and she cries on the hood of the car. The next morning, she’s still saying, someone will come. We hear zombie noises, but this time it’s her husband from inside the car. She wraps her hand, and picks up a piece of broken glass. All is quiet.

Crazy Lady buries her husband in a field nearby, digging the grave with her hands, and crying. When it’s done, she builds a fire, talks to herself, and slowly goes crazy. She sleeps on the grave.

A truck stops by the broken down car. A woman takes a box out of the back, and places it at the nearest sign. She sees Crazy Lady, and asks if she needs something. They make a drop about every ten miles. Crazy Lady looks at what she’s written on the box, and tells her, it’s farther not further. Further denotes degree; farther denotes distance. She was an English teacher, and drives people crazy, but words matter. It’s all we leave behind. The woman introduces herself as Stevie, and Crazy Lady says she’s Martha. Stevie thanks Martha for helping her. Martha says she doesn’t help, then kills Stevie, saying neither does she.

With Stevie at the end of a pole, Martha nails the next delivery person, and with that guy, the next, and so on. She tells the last guy, when you help people, they never learn to take care of themselves. She says one of them told her the man who started this calls himself Polar Bear. The guy won’t talk, and she lets the latest pole zombie loose on him. She gets on the radio in the truck, and she asks if Polar Bear copies. A voice says he thinks he hitched ride accidentally in the back of a semi. I think it’s Morgan. She half-smiles.

In the back of Sarah’s truck, Morgan and June stir. In the cab, Sarah’s belt is jammed. Jim gets her free, just as Martha comes back around in Al’s tank. The tank stops. Morgan looks through a bullet hole in the door. He wonders what she’s waiting for, and Al says she probably used up all her ammo. Sarah’s been hit, and Wen tells Jim to keep the pressure on; he’s got this. Morgan says they can’t stay, and helps Luci up. Wen says, sh*t in a sandbox, seeing there’s a gas leak.

They get out of the truck. Al runs to her tank, and opens the back. Martha comes out with her Quinn zombie kabob. Morgan tells her not to do this, and Martha says she didn’t; he did. He says, then make him pay. She tells him that he has potential. He says she’s stuck; he was too. Martha says she is, and Wen shoots her in the shoulder. Quinn is in the process of trying to eat June’s face, and Morgan stabs him in the head. Wen tells Martha not to move; he’s going to lay her down with the next one. A fire starts in the engine of the truck, and Jim tells Sarah, that’s not good. She and Jim ditch the truck, and it blows up. Morgan says, the boxes, but it’s too late. The whole thing goes up in flames.

Jim says his yeast cake was in there. A small crowd of zombies has arrived, and Luci says they don’t have enough ammo. Martha takes off in the tank.

Alicia and Charlie arrive at the remains of the truck. Charlie wonders where they are, and Alicia tells her, stay in the car. Alicia calls Morgan’s name. Charlie approaches Alicia, and says, the woman on the walkie. Why would she do this? Alicia borderline cries.

They look at a map. Charlie says, they could still be out there. Alicia says, they could be anywhere. She’s thinking east. They get back in the car.

Sarah says, sh*t in a sandbox, which is apparently the phrase of the night. A load of zombies is coming up the road behind them. Morgan says it’s going to keep building. Jim is pulling Wen, and Al has a ruptured ear drum. Jim says at least she’s mobile. Wen wants to know why Jim got through it without a scratch, and Jim says he’s good. Sarah says, at ducking, and Jim says, no; at living. We find out Sarah was a Marine. June wants to check everyone out, but Jim says they can’t slow down. Morgan sees shelter, and says maybe they can. Sarah tells him, good eye, Momo. Jim wonders why wait them out when they can keep moving away from things that want to eat them. Morgan says Jim thinks they can get ahead of them, but they won’t. Jim says he’ll take his chances. Sarah says he wouldn’t be there if Momo hadn’t saved him. Jim owes him. Jim asks, for what? She got shot because Morgan brought them back and wouldn’t listen. The woman wants him, not them. She tells him to go, and tosses his bag at him. Jim asks if Morgan really thinks they’ll be safe. He does. Jim looks at the zombies coming up the road, and joins the others. I wonder why he didn’t pick up the bag.

They hole up inside a hospital. Zombies scrabble at the windows. June says she stitched up Wen, Al has a mild concussion, and Jim is Jim. Morgan says they can’t stay for long, and June says they got medical supplies, and a chance to catch their breath.

They move deeper into the building. Sarah finds a radio. She says if that woman is still alive, she’d like to light her up like a pinball machine. Wen says he got her pretty good, but June says she shot him. Al gets where he’s coming from. She asks how he got into the chair. Wen explains that when he was ten, a kid kicked a ball into the street. He didn’t see a car coming, and Wen pushed him. The kid got up; Wen didn’t. Al asks if that’s what changed him. He says it made him help people even more. He had to work harder for things. After graduation he went to register for the Marines, but the recruiting officer laughed, and wouldn’t file the application. Al says, bad sh*t happens when you try to help people. Wen says now she’s getting it.

Alicia and Charlie looks for gas in other cars. Charlie thinks they should turn back, but Alicia says they have to keep moving. Alicia tries a truck, and gets nothing. Charlie asks how they could have gotten this far, and Alicia says they’re not looking for them. They’re going to Galveston; that’s where the beach is. Charlie has never been to the beach, so Alicia is taking her. It’s one thing she knows she can do.

Morgan blocks the windows with hospital equipment. Jim tells Morgan that earlier, when he said this was Morgan’s fault… The zombies finally push in the window, and Morgan grabs Jim. They run, and the zombies pour in.

Morgan says they need to get out. Okay, Captain Obvious. Jim says Morgan claimed they’d be safe there. Sarah tells Jim to shut up, but Jim says he got them into this. He had the answer; what now, Sherlock Holmes? They listened to him, now he needs to get them out. Everyone waits, and Morgan finally says they go up.

They bypass the first floor, where zombies clamor at the door window. Morgan says, keep going. The zombies below begin to follow. The next floor’s door window is shatter, and a zombie grabs for them as they go by. Morgan makes noise at the next door, but there’s nothing. He tells them to come in. Zombies clutter the stairwell, and they block the door behind them.

Morgan tells them to make sure the stairwells are secure. Sarah and Al check the floor. Al asks Sarah about the Marines, and Sarah says she quit. She didn’t agree with their code of conduct. Al bangs at a door, and radios Morgan that those stairs can’t be used; they dumped the dead there. Morgan suggests the west stairs, and June tells him the roof has caved in on the landing, and the barricade isn’t holding. Morgan says, the roof; they’ll take the elevators. June says the generators were kept high up because of flooding. Sarah tells Al, let’s stir some beef.

Jim tells Morgan, if they get out alive, they’re driving directly to Virginia. Morgan says he can’t get there soon enough. Two zombies back Morgan against the wall, while another one attacks Jim. Jim calls for Morgan, who’s a little busy, but grabs a pair of surgical scissors and stabs the zombie in the neck. The zombie gets Jim down on the floor, and when he grabs at it, it’s scalp comes off. Yuk, He manages to get ahold of the scissors again, and spikes it in the head. Morgan runs in, and Jim says, it wasn’t so hard. June finds the generators. She says she’ll get them working, and to meet at the elevators. Luci tells her to hurry; they can’t hold on much longer.

Al tells Sarah to leave with her brother. Trust her. Go. Al closes the door.

Luci. Wen, and June dash for the elevator, and Morgan and Jim come around the other way. Sarah tells them, Al has gone solo. The zombies are there, and Morgan says, ready? Sarah pries the elevator door open, and they run in, the door closing just before any zombies get inside. It’s so effing close, my heart is pounding.

They go onto the roof. Morgan says, it’s clear. Sarah radios Al, but gets nothing. Luci says, she’s smart, she’s resourceful, and she’ll find a way up. Jim looks down to the street, and doesn’t think they want to go down there, even if they could. His hand is bleeding, and June asks what happened. He says he put his hand through a window, and she wants to clean it up before it gets infected. He lifts his shirt, and she doesn’t look happy. She says he didn’t get cut by glass. He has a bite. He tells her, do something. She’s sorry, but there’s nothing she can do. He says, no, no, no, no, no, and everyone looks sick. He asks how long it takes, but June doesn’t know. He stands by himself. I’m wondering if he’s going to jump off the roof.

Morgan tells June that Jim asked for his help. He asked Morgan to save him. June says he did, as long as he could. She says, Al will make it back. They made it there; what’s next? Morgan laughs, and says, she’s asking him? She says he got them there, and he says, that’s right; he did. She asks if he can he get them out. He says he can’t, but she says he will.

Alicia tells Charlie that it’s a little farther. Charlie says they’re hundreds of miles from the coast. They should have kept looking. Alicia says it wouldn’t have made a difference, but Charlie says, they need help. Alicia says, they could be dead. They could find them, find them dead, or die tying to find them. She’s trying to take Charlie to Galveston. She though if could get Charlie there, that would be good. Getting her to the beach; she knows that would be good. Alicia needs something to be good. I can identify. Charlie says she does too. She asks if Alicia hears that. It sounds like water.

Alicia says, it’s not on the map. They come out near John’s lagoon. Charlie says, it’s a beach, and walks to the water. Be careful of that crocodile. Charlie picks up John’s hat. She says, look, and they look across the water. Alicia laughs, and says, holy sh*t.

Next time, Martha shoots at Charlie and Alicia, June says they’ll find a way down, and Wen isn’t sure if they’re all right, but they’re still kicking.

🎥 The episode was dedicated to Dwayne Haevischer. He worked in the transportation department of many films, including three of my favorites, Planet Terror, Death Proof and Machete. You can read more about him here:


📣 Tonight’s Talking Dead guests were the mega talented Tonya Pinkins (Martha, FWD), Lou Diamond Phillips (who has been directing FWD this season), and Sinbad (!), who apparently is a super fan. It was a lively discussion, but I mentioned it just to say that Ms. Pinkins cleans up well. She would be unrecognizable as being the Crazy Lady aka Martha. She was just gorgeous.

💍 A Couple of Couples…

A quickie about 90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days (where the delusional meet), since I can’t contain myself. Jesse paid a visit to Darcey in the US, and it was a bickering hell. Remember Fantasy Island? This was just the opposite. It boggles my mind that these two are still together, albeit off again/on again. Their anger is palpable during the interviews they do together. They spent a couple of days in NYC, which neither one of them enjoyed, then stayed at an Airbnb in Connecticut. Darcey’s girls met Jesse in Manhattan, and also spent time at the rental. Jesse insisted on calling Connecticut CT, which is fine if you’re addressing something, but normal people don’t talk like that. Darcey said their chemistry is magnetic, and Jesse said something about a connection, so I can only assume it’s the sex. Or they get some weird S&M satisfaction out of it. These two just do not get along. It was pretty funny when she threw a Louboutin at him though.

The other couple I’d like to touch on is Ricky and Melissa, who is now Ximena. No, she’s not a trans person, but Ricky came to Columbia looking for Melissa’s love, and ended up finding it with second choice, Ximena, when Melissa ghosted him. Ricky is totally out of touch with reality, since Melissa was freezing him out before he even left the States. She did show up for dinner – three hours late – but what he said was having chemistry, was basically a mercy date. Ximena on the other hand, seems to be an open, lovely person, attractive, but not in the bombshell way Melissa is. Ricky’s first mistake, thinking he was in Melissa’s league, and an explanation as to why Ximena was second string. Which led to his second mistake, calling Ximena Melissa in what, no doubt, was an intimate moment. But instead of doing the hard, but noble thing, by explaining things to her – hint: she will see the show anyway – he told her it was a member of the crew. He made a couple of feeble attempts to tell her, all of them ending in him making something else up. I just kept thinking, what an idiot. All the things she’s thinking whenever he says, I have something difficult to tell you, are so much worse than what it is. But since he waited so long, he did make it worse. Tonight, he finally told Ximena that he’d originally come there to meet Melissa. To her credit, Ximena didn’t crack him one across the face. Although she did call him a bullsh*t artist, and said she never wanted to see him again. I do kind of feel sorry for him, since he seems to care for her, but sorrier for her. Then again, it’s hard to feel sorry for people who think they can fall in love in five minutes, especially when they can barely communicate.

👓 Beauty Advice…

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone. – Audrey Hepburn

☁ It’s Ba-a-ack…


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