Evidence suggests that faking or enhancement almost never occurs on personality tests.

Chapter 09 - External Selection II


Chapter 09

External Selection II

Substantive Assessment Methods

True / False Questions

1. Substantive assessment methods are used to reduce the applicant pool to candidates.

True False

2. Personality tests and ability tests are examples of substantive assessment methods.

True False

3. Discretionary assessment methods are used to reduce the candidate pool to finalists for a


True False

4. Contingent assessment methods are used to make sure that tentative job offer recipients

meet certain qualifications for the job.

True False

5. Currently, personality tests are viewed as having no validity whatsoever as selection


True False

6. The Big Five personality test is used to describe emotional and cognitive traits that capture

20% of an individual's personality.

True False

Chapter 09 - External Selection II


7. The traits measured by Big Five personality tests are measures of factors brought about

entirely by life environments, and not by genetics.

True False

8. Surveys are the most common means of assessing personality.

True False

9. Conscientiousness is a trait that is associated with better job performance, higher job

satisfaction, better leadership performance, and higher retention.

True False

10. Extraversion is associated with higher levels of creativity and adaptability.

True False

11. Individuals who have higher levels of agreeableness tend to have lower levels of career

success and are less able to cope with conflicts.

True False

12. There is little controversy over the use of personality measures in personnel selection.

True False

13. Evidence suggests that faking or enhancement almost never occurs on personality tests.

True False

14. Socially desirable responding, or presenting oneself in a favorable light, doesn't end once

someone takes a job.

True False

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Chapter 09 - External Selection II Chapter 09 External Selection II Substantive Assessment Methods True / False Questions 1. Substantive assessment methods are used to reduce the applicant pool to candidates. True False 2. Personality tests and ability tests are examples of substantive assessment methods. True False 3. Discretionary assessment methods are used to reduce the candidate pool to finalists for a job. True False 4. Contingent assessment methods are used to make sure that tentative job offer recipients meet certain qualifications for the job. True False 5. Currently, personality tests are viewed as having no validity whatsoever as selection methods. True False 6. The Big Five personality test is used to describe emotional and cognitive traits that capture 20% of an individual's personality. True False 9-1 Chapter 09 - External Selection II 7. The traits measured by Big Five personality tests are measures of factors brought about entirely by life environments, and not by genetics. True False 8. Surveys are the most common means of assessing personality. True False 9. Conscientiousness is a trait that is associated with better job performance, higher job satisfaction, better leadership performance, and higher retention. True False 10. Extraversion is associated with higher levels of creativity and adaptability. True False 11. Individuals who have higher levels of agreeableness tend to have lower levels of career success and are less able to cope with co ...
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Are personality tests misleading?

While personality tests are entertaining, they are not entirely accurate and should not be perceived as binding. These tests represent a single moment in time and do not have the power to make a trait unchangeable.

Are personality tests valid and reliable?

Personality tests are used for research and job placement but more often for personal entertainment. The good news is that the evidence-based personality tests are highly accurate when used in an appropriate manner.

Why are personality tests not accurate?

It is unreliable because a person's type may change from day to day. It gives false information (“bogus stuff,” one researcher puts it). The questions are confusing and poorly worded.

What is the biggest problem with personality tests?

Researchers agree that while personality traits are valuable for analyzing group trends, they can't be used to predict individual behavior. Why? Because human behavior is context-based. People exhibit different personalities in different situations, and do not have fixed personality traits throughout our lifetimes.


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