In what time does a sum of money becomes four times at the simple interest rate of 10% per annum?

A sum of money at simple interest becomes four times in 24 years. What is the rate of interest per annum?

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The correct option is C 1212%We have, n = 4 and T =24 years. ∴ Rate of interest =100(n−1)T=100(4−1)24 =1212%


CT 1: Current Affairs (Government Policies and Schemes)

10 Questions 10 Marks 10 Mins


Amount = 4 times of principal

Rate of interest = \(6\frac{1}{4}%\)% p.a.

Formula Used:

Simple interest = Amount - Principal

Simple interest = Principal × Time × Rate of interest/100


Let assume the principal be x

Amount  = 4x

Simple interest = Amount - Principal

⇒ Simple interest = 4x - x = 3x

Simple interest = Principal × Time × Rate of interest/100

⇒ 3x = x × Time × (25/4)/100

∴ Time = 48 years

The correct option is 2 i.e. 48 years

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Last updated on Sep 30, 2022

The Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation of India Limited (DFCCIL) has released the schedule of Document Verification for the Advt. No. 04/2021. The schedule is out for the candidates whose names were on the waiting list. The DV of the shortlisted candidates is scheduled to be conducted on 16th June 2022. Candidates who will get a successful selection under the DFCCIL Executive Recruitment process will get a salary range between Rs. 30,000 to Rs. 120000. With Diploma or BE/B.Tech as a basic DFCCIL Executive Eligibility Criteria, this is a golden opportunity for job seekers.

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10 Questions 40 Marks 9 Mins

The principal(P) amount becomes 4 times at simple interest(SI) in 10 years

Formula used:

SI = (P × R × T)/100

R = rate of interest

T = time period


According to the question:

4P = P + (P × R × T)/100

⇒ 4P = P[1 + {(R × 10)/100}]

⇒ 40 = 10 + R

⇒ R = 30

∴ Rate of interest is 30%

In what time does a sum of money becomes four times at the simple interest rate of 10% per annum?
Shortcut TrickA sum of money becomes n times at simple interest in T years, then the rate of interest is

R% = [(n - 1)× 100]/T

According to the question,


n = 4

t = 10 years

R % = [(4 - 1)× 100]/10 = 3 × 10 = 30%.

∴ Rate of interest is 30%.

Last updated on Sep 26, 2022

BPSC LDC Mains Application process reopened. The candidates can apply between 26th September to 5th October 2022.  Earlier, the commission had released the details of the BPSC LDC Syllabus & Exam Pattern for the Mains Exam. The schedule for the Mains exam will be announced shortly. The Prelims exam was held on 26th February 2022. A total of 24 vacancies were announced for the said post. The finally appointed candidates will be entitled to a pay scale of INR 19,900 -I NR 63,200.

Ace your Interest preparations for Simple Interest with us and master Quantitative Aptitude for your exams. Learn today!

In what time does a sum of money becomes 4 times at the rate of 10% per annum?

Detailed Solution Sum of money becomes 4 times in 10 years at compound interest. ∴ It will become 8 times in 15 years.

In what time does a sum of money become four times at the simple interest being 5% per annum?

A sum of money become four times at the simple interest rate of 5% per annum in 60 years . Formula : Hence a sum of money become four times at the simple interest rate of 5% per annum in 60 years .

At what rate of compound interest a sum of money becomes 4 times itself in 4 years?

Hence at an interest rate of 100% , the sum of money becomes 4 times itself.

In what time will the sum of money becomes three times at a simple interest of 10% per annum?

T=20 years It takes 20 years.