Keisha’s family consists of her mother, her father, and keisha. for keisha, this is her family of


Keisha is the co-protagonist of the "My Annoying Little Sister" series. She is also one of the two main child of the series and roleplays (alongside Baby Biggs) She is the second ZaiLetsPlay role-play character and the first and only to have her own merch. She made her first appearance in "MY ANNOYING LITTLE SISTER", and has since been one of the most popular ZaiLetsPlay characters.She told her age in a video call "My little sister found her real mom" She said that she is 10 years old Keisha has a Step dad name Justin,And a sister which her name is Becky, known as Becky with the good hair Zailetsplay, has said her name is know known as Becky with the good hair Keisha doesn't like Becky her real sister Zailetsplay, is not Keisha "biological" sister she found Keisha and decided to adopt her she adopted her and every since then it feel like Keisha was always part of the family.

Early Life[]

Zai introduced Baby Keisha July 10th, 2017. She was introduced in a video called "MY ANNOYING LITTLE SISTER" with the hashtag #sisterlove where we get a taste of how Keisha will annoy Zai on a day to day basis.Their mom was never around so Zai was practically raising Keisha. In the video " MY LITTLE SISTER GOT IN A FIGHT WITH A BULLY" Keisha was kicked out of daycare and a few hours later Zai received an email from their mom saying, "I'm sorry but I have to go. You were enough of a handful for me but then your sister came along, and it all became too much. She's crazy. There's something wrong with her. You seem to have a strong bond with her. You'll do a great job raising her."

At that point Zai freaked out, as any teenage girl would at reading this email. Keisha ran away for a little while and Zai finally found her. Along the way though, Zai learned she and Keisha have another sister. Their mom came home shortly after but Zai wouldn't let her in the house because she didn't want their mom to go and stay with them for 2 days just to leave for "work". Later on Keisha heard about this and Keisha ugliest girl in the world

ran away again. Finally Zai found her and they decided to take on new identities as Kennith and Kate. After a little while they just decided to go back to their regular selves after almost being kidnapped. In the video "MY ANNOYING LITTLE SISTER GOT CAUGHT STEALING AND LIED!" Keisha stole from the Gucci store. She ran away a few more times but finally seemed to settle down. At least we thought so.

Secrets and Kate[]

Zai met up with their mom because their mom wanted to tell Zai something. Their mom has been holding back a secret from them. Keisha isn't Zai's biological sister. But Zai does have a bio sister named Stacy. Turns out the mom had seen infant Keisha abandoned on the side of the road one night. She took Keisha in until Keisha became to much to handle. Zai was shocked at this information and eventually told Keisha. Keisha was devestated and angry at the same time. After awhile Zai agreed to help Keisha find her bio parents.

Along the way Zai receives an email from a woman named Kate. Kate claims to be Keisha's bio mom, so Zai meets up with Kate. Everything seems fine. Zai finds out Keisha has a twin brother. Once Keisha hears about this she decides to move in with Kate. Kate takes control of Keisha life, but not in a good way. She let Keisha go to the club and even let Keisha get a permanent tattoo! But Kate also took control of Keisha's lifestyle. She took Keisha's phone and stopped Keisha from talking to Zai. She also made Keisha go on a gluten-free diet at only 8 years old. Zai starts to become suspicous of Kate. She tried to talk to Kate but Kate won't even let her see Keisha once. Zai adopted a new sister (who is actually just a robot baby), and made Keisha jealous. Kate was not very nice to zai and keisha. They hated her. Even though it was keishas mom.

Finally Zai decided to do some investigating and found out Keisha's twin brother doesn't exist. The kid who played him was paid 1000 bucks by Kate. After this Zai tried to tell Keisha but Keisha doesn't listen. Zai finally gets DNA proof that Kate isn't Keisha's real mom and Kate got arrested for kidnapping. Keisha was sent to an orphanage until trial and ran away to a prison. There she apparently saw someone murdered with a carrot and ran with a gun in the sun. Zai is finally give custody of Keisha until the next trial. She and Keisha got out to eat dinner, but Keisha wanted to go back to prison because she met a boy there. Then she ran outside, jumped in a car, and drove into the lake. While Zai thought Keisha died it's revealed on Keisha's channel that she's still alive. When Zai finds out about this she's furious and finds Keisha. But Keisha, being the little daredevil she is, decided to jump off a building to get away from Zai. However this plan failed miserably after Keisha ended up in the hospital with a broken leg and a cracked skull. Thankfully Keisha was able to recover quickly and safely, while ignoring the doctor's orders of course.

New Thighs, New Life[]

Zai couldn't pay for Keisha's hospital bills, so she decided to take Keisha to a cheaper hospital. When Keisha got there, they got a room and took Keisha to the plastic surgery room to get her skull fixed. However, when Zai gets back, she learns that not only was Keisha's skull fixed, but Keisha bribed the doctors into giving her thick legs. Zai tried to get Keisha's legs back to normal, but Keisha couldn't go back under the knife for at least a month. Knowing she could not do anything about Keisha's legs for a while, Zai let Keisha keep them.

A week later a police officer showed up at their door, and informed Zai and Keisha that a man has come to the station claiming to be Keisha's dad. When they ran a DNA test, the DNA matched perfectly meaning he was Keisha's real dad. Keisha got super excited when the officer told her that he wanted to meet her and then the officer left. Zai and Keisha got ready to meet him and arrived at the designated place. When he showed up however, he's nothing like Keisha expected. He showed up wearing a pair of glasses, a t-shirt, jeans, and a tie . He formally introduced himself as Ken, Keisha's real father and explains he didn't know he had a daughter until recently. Keisha called him a nerd and ran off. Zai apologizes to Ken and runs after Keisha. When she asks Keisha what happened, Keisha said she hates her dad.

After a week or two, Keisha's dad wanted to meet up with them again. Keisha made up every excuse under the sun as to why she cannot go, but Zai dragged her out of the house. Keisha asks Zai why she needs to act normal and says she doesn't even know what "normal" means. Keisha calms down but then she procrastinates and as a result they lost time. Since they lost so much time, when they get to the meeting place Ken had already left and they go home. On the way home Keisha tried to flirt with a boy, and kicked a little girl. When she and Zai arrive home, Zai tells Keisha that she has to get used to her dad because at some point she'll have to move in with him. Keisha then said she'll live with Zai forever. Keisha stormed off and Zai followed her. Keisha asks questions about where she got her traits from and Zai tells her it might be him, but Keisha won't know if she never meets him.

Keisha and Zai have a talk about Ken and go outside for a walk. Keisha runs around and meets a little boy named Jake. She decides to adopt him so she doesn't have to move in with her dad. Keisha took Jake around the town and walked him. However, a week later she ignored him and he went missing. While Zai was frantically looking around the whole town, Keisha sat on a balcony chair sunbathing. Zai finally came to the conclusion that Jake ran away to the adoption center and got re-adopted. She still reports him missing just incase though.

A week later, Keisha is seen by Zai watching control my life videos and so Zai decides to let Keisha control her life for a day to strengthen their bond. Keisha first made Zai not brush her teeth and changed Zai's clothes. Then Keisha made Zai go to the club and Keisha gets into a catfight with some girls. They beat Keisha up and leave the club.

About a week later, a police officer shows up to Zai's door and informs her that they are taking Keisha away from her because of disorderly conduct such as taking an 8 year old to the club and letting Keisha adopt a baby. Zai tells Keisha this and Keisha is discouraged. She begged Zai to let her stay, but Zai explained it's not her decision. As Keisha packs up she yelled that she hates Zai and her dad. Keisha then leaves for her dad's house. After a week though, Keisha showed up on Zai's doorstep. When Zai asked what she's doing here, Keisha explained she ran away from her dad's house because she hated him and his new family. Zai panicked and hid Keisha in her closet. A police officer arrived to Zai's house and asked if she's seen Keisha. Zai lied and said no, but the policeman still does a thorough search of the house, ignoring the closets. After the officer left, Keisha come's out of her hiding spot. Zai and Keisha finally agree that Keisha should dress up for now. They decide to dress Keisha up as a little boy named Tommy, who has dark blue hair. A girl insulted "Tommy", and Zai got away from her after making it clear no one talks to her little "brother" like that. They figured out that it's too dangerous to stay in town after almost getting caught, and that they had to get out of town.

Royale Adventure[]

Zai finally figured out a place to go and told Keisha the ground rules. They then traveled to a school called Royale High and Keisha protests that she's not wearing a dress. Zai and Keisha ran into the spa and Keisha does her hair. By "does her hair" I mean she bleached it blonde and put it up into huge, curly pigtails. Zai and Keisha ran downstairs and "borrowed" some clothes from a dorm. Keisha proceeded to put on a short pink top and a mini-skirt that doesn't even fit her. Keisha then went outside the dorm and twerked on the balcony. Zai protested this behavior and Keisha finally stopped.

A week later Keisha met a mermaid and they get along pretty well. Keisha and her new friend were rebelling, and when they asked to get a dorm together Zai said no. Zai is later called to the principal's office and the principal told her the mermaid had said Zai was bullying her. After double-crossing Zai and Keisha, the mermaid bailed on them leaving Keisha and Zai alone in this. Keisha tried to stand up to the principal but the principal wouldn't have it. Principal Susie told Keisha that her legs are "fat", and then Keisha told the principal she looks like a stick. The principal got angry and insulted Keisha. Keisha then kicked the principal and farted in her face. Zai and Keisha ran out of the office and Keisha said it was fun beating up the principal.

Keisha and Zai go to "Earth", to keep a low profile. They learned it's near Christmas and decided to make cookies for Santa. When Santa came down the chimney, he left presents and ate the cookies. After he's gone, Keisha stole Zai's gift and got a flying reindeer. Zai picked up another gift and got fuzzy bracelets. Keisha rode around on her reindeer and acted like a crazy person. Keisha went around searching for a boyfriend and found one. But he dumped her instantly.

A week later Keisha and her new gang/friends started twerking everywhere. The principal (who already hated her ) summoned her to the office. The principal told Keisha she doesn't care how famous she is which Keisha replied to saying that the principle's weave looks bad. After roasting the principal some more Keisha got EXPELLED! Keisha then said that the principal looked like a quote " broke britney spears from 2015". Keisha then stormed out the door and leaves the school after "disowning" Zai and running away.

Zai finally finds Keisha in an igloo on earth and Keisha said that she looked like a sweet little angel. Zai left Keisha there for a little bit and went to Royal High. Zai tried to re-enroll Keisha but the principal was offended. The principal then said Zai is an amazing student and she had potential to become a queen. The principal said that the only place Keisha will succeed in is Bad Girls Club. The principal told Zai that all she has to do for this amazing opportunity is abandon Keisha but Zai refused and told the principal she's leaving the school. Zai stormed out of the principals office to see Keisha standing outside the door. Keisha actually seemed touched by this and they had a sisterly moment.

But then it was cut short when Keisha screamed "Principal Susie?" and then everything went dark. Zai wakes up in a dungeon cell and calls out for Keisha. However there's no response. Zai is able to escape the cell and almost got to the door when she's caught by the principal. Thankfully this time she was locked up with Keisha. The principal came downstairs and started teasing them. The principal left and Zai saw a key in her pocket. She and Keisha made a plan and called the principal back down. While Keisha distracted the principal Zai was able to slip the key from the principal's pocket. After the principal leaves she and Keisha unlocked the cell and finally got free. They zoom out of the place and say good-bye to it forever.

Moving In and Meeting Mary[]

Zai and Keisha got back to their old town and set up a meeting with Ken. When Zai went to get Keisha up however, Keisha is in a bikini jumping for joy. Zai asked what's going on, and Keisha said they're going on a cruise. When Zai said they aren't, Keisha said they are and pulled out stolen cruise tickets. She said that they will be Mr. and Mrs. Bentley for today. Zai finally agreed and they went to the cruise. Keisha and Zai had some fun adventures while there. They jumped out of an airplane, and got smoothies. Keisha uploaded to her Instagram and she and Zai had a great time.

A week later Zai and Keisha finally go to meet Ken. On the way there Keisha was kidnapped by a stranger and Zai got her back. When they arrive at the apartment Ken welcomed them with open arms. He told Keisha and Zai a bit about himself, and he acted very kindly toward Zai. Keisha asked what her last name was and Ken tells her it's Tikklebutt. Keisha called him nasty and Zai explained it's her last name. A week later, Zai decided to do an "ignore my little sister for 24 hours challenge". Zai decided to go to the cinema without Keisha and went to fun places that they would usually go to together. Keisha followed Zai everywhere and tried to get Zai to not ignore her anymore. Keisha then decided to get Zai's attention by pretending to jump off a building. Zai ultimately failed the challenge after breaking her silence. After that, Keisha decided to prank Zai back by locking her in the house. However, just a few minutes after she leaves, Zai finds an exit and decided to prank Keisha by dressing up as a random girl and going to Keisha's beach party. After nearly drowning Keisha by accident, they decided that they wouldn't pull anymore pranks on each other.

Keisha begs Zai a week later to go to a beach party. Zai told her to run it by Ken. However when Keisha started talking about a bunch o' boys being there, he said no. Keisha then tells Zai they're going anyway. Zai asked what time it is, to which Keisha replies 10:00 P.M. Zai tried to stop Keisha from going, but Keisha insisted on going anyway so Zai went along to make sure Keisha stayed safe. They arrived at the beach and Keisha went up to the bartender. She tells Zai she has a fake ID. Zai thankfully persuaded Keisha to instead get a milkshake. Then after waiting for a bit, Ken showed up at the beach and made them go home. He grounded Zai for 2 months and Keisha for 1 since he said that Keisha's just a kid, and Zai should've been more responsible.

A week later Ken calls them downstairs. He then told them they are ungrounded. He explained that he and his wife were getting a divorce. While Keisha was ecstatic in the corner of the room, Zai tried to help comfort Ken. He took them to McDonalds and they all got meals together. A week later, Ken calls them downstairs again. He said that they are going on a trip with someone special. He then told him that he got a new girlfriend. Keisha tells him "no new girls", but that doesn't stop him from bringing her over. When she arrived, Ken was getting ready still. Zai tried to make friendly conversation with Ken's new girlfriend Mary, but Keisha tried everything in her power to scare her away. Mary then "jokes" that Keisha will be in a trashcan in a month. The conversation got awkward, and thankfully Ken came down the stairs. He then looked for his wallet but couldn't find it. Mary volunteered to take the girls there, and they go there while Ken looked for his wallet. While at the beach, Zai and Keisha talk about how they have a bad feeling about Mary.

A week later, Keisha and Zai are downstairs. Keisha then asked Zai if she had liposuction and that she doesn't look like a boy anymore. Zai then explained she had just been working out more. She then tells Keisha that Mary and Ken were upstairs and that it would be the perfect time to spy on them. They spy on them and learn that Mary and Ken are going to the store to get DESIGNER clothing. They follow them to the store and pretend to work there after putting on disguises. When Mary asked for the most expensive dress and Ken's card got declined she freaked out. After that Keisha and Zai ran home and concluded that Mary is a gold-digger.

When Ken left for work and lets Mary babysit for Keisha and Zai some unexpected things happen. She shows up wearing a brand new Gucci outfit. When Keisha asks how much it is Mary simply replies with "It's a good thing Ken has a good job." After that she serves the girls food but since Keisha thinks it's poisoned she tells Mary that she's a breadaterian and that she cannot have bread. Mary decided to go out on the deck and sunbathe. They secretly followed her and spied on her. They find out she thinks that their dad's an ugly nerd and she only wants his money. She also says something about getting rid of his dumb daughters. Zai and Keisha run downstairs and Mary checked on them. When Mary left and their dad got home they try to tell him what happened but he doesn't believe them.

The next week they put up cameras around the house to record her. They go to the ice-cream store alone by telling Mary that if she let them go alone they would tell their dad they love her. She agreed and they went there.They got home as she left and they checked the footage which showed her looking for their dad's money. They show him this but he dismissed it saying that she was probably just pulling a prank on them because she knew they had cameras or something.

The next week they tried to make a new plan. As they walked upstairs after lunch she confronted them and asked if they're all done. She then comments that they should have choked on the bread and died. She then told them she knows everything. They told her they know about her plan and stormed downstairs. Keisha said they should kill her, which Zai obviously said no to. Then Keisha came up with a great plan to make Mary dump their dad for a richer man. They decided to try that. However they try to tell Ken about her one more time but he refuses to listen telling them that they should start calling her "Mom". A week later Zai and Keisha tried to annoy Mary to death. Keisha even set off a firework in the house and called her Hairy Mary, but nothing worked. Keisha then had to go to the bathroom. While in the bathroom with Zai looking away, Keisha went to open the door after she's done, but it won't work. Then she see's Mary outside taunting them and Mary runs away. She and Zai try everything to unlock the door. Eventually they end up smashing stuff against it to break the glass.

When they get out Mary isn't there. Mary had left for the day and Ken was coming home soon. Zai asked Keisha one question she would never ask again. She asked Keisha if she would like to run away. Keisha said yes and they left the house, taking nothing with them. They survive for a week on the streets but one particular night it gets really cold. They sneak into Ken's house only for him to catch them. He said he was worried sick about them. They tried to lie saying they were just in the bathroom but he didn't believe that. They make him a deal that if he breaks up with Mary they will not run away again. The next day Keisha wakes up early and is super excited. Zai talks about how they'll be able to help their father get through this and Keisha suggests getting him a new girl. They rush downstairs when they here Mary come in. Ken tells her they need to talk and he breaks up with her. They are finally Mary-free! But after a few minutes they can't find their father...

After a while of celebrating Zai and Keisha's lives return back to normal. However not just 2 weeks later they notice their dad acting strangely again. One night, a 12 AM, he wakes them up to tell him he's getting pizza. Suspicious, Keisha suggests they follow Ken, so they do. They follow him until he stops. But it's not at the pizza place. It's outside the club, and with him is MARY! Zai and Keisha immediately figure out that their dad is seeing Mary again. They try everything to get their father to break up with her but he just won't. Eventually Mary figures out their plan and kidnaps Keisha. They are let go on the promise they will NEVER communicate with they're Dad again and they move out of town. The following night Keisha and Zai run away from home and go to Meepcity to start a new life...

New Life, More Problems[]

When they arrive in Meepcity, Zai finally enrolls her and Keisha into school for the first time in in forever. Everything is going well until Keisha gets into a fight with a bully. She's summoned to the principal's office, where she and Zai are given 24-hour detention! They end up escaping and life returns to normal,(JK). Not to long later when they're back in school they decide to skip class. When they come out of the door though, Ken is standing right in front of them. He's really angry and claims he broke up with Mary. He wants another chance but it doesn't help when a little girl shows up next to him and asks if he's her dad. Keisha calls him a player and deadbeat dad before running off. Zai follows Keisha into the garden of the school and asks her if she wants to give Ken another chance or keep away. Keisha decides to not give Ken any more chances and she and Zai run away from Ken. They save up enough money to buy their dream house and move into it.However Mary comes back and demands $50,000 to stay away from Ken. But Keisha and Zai don't have the money. So Zai and Keisha come up with a plan to get rid of Mary once and for all. They decide to go to prison and have Keisha's boyfriend, Thuglife, print out fake money for them to give Mary. But before they leave the prison, Thuglife proposes to Keisha and she accepts. Then she tells Zai that she was so worried he would break up with her, she pretended that she and him were having a baby to get him to propose to her.

Later Keisha and Zai finally have the fake money to give Mary. Their plan works but soon Ken comes knocking on their door asking if they had anything to do with Mary's arrest. Keisha begins "going out" with a kid named Baby Biggs so he would stop flirting with her. However she and him "break up" soon after and Keisha's back to being happy. Not just a week later she find out Thuglife might be "cheating" on her. She goes to the prison and he's there with another girl. However he stays loyal to Keisha. Keisha still thinks he's cheating though and beats up both Thuglife and the girl flirting with him. She leaves heartbroken and angry as Zai follows her.

Meeting Biological Mom[]

Zai wants to celebrate Keisha's birthday so they go to the club. They dance and talk. Zai gives Keisha the cake she made for her and Keisha takes a bite. Immediately after eating the cake Keisha passed out. Zai runs Keisha to the hospital where she is taken to a bed and put on oxygen. Zais a worried mess and the doctor comes inside. The doctor asks her if Keisha has any family history that could help conclude the diagnosis. Zai explains that Keisha was adopted and they don't have her family records. Sh asks the doctor if he can please look up Keisha's family file and he reluctantly agrees putting his job on the line. He finds her paperwork and is able to figure out the diagnosis. As he leaves the room to run some labs Zai looks through the records and find Keisha's birth certificate, which of course lists her mom and mom's info. On this massive discovery Zai was Keisha up with a piece of pizza and they leave the hospital to find her mom. When they arrive at the address they find a little family holding a baby and Keisha thinks the baby's there to replace her.

Keisha finally kicks on the door and lady in her late 20's-early 30's answers. She sweetly asks them what they're there for and introduces herself as Karen. Keisha pretty much explodes yelling "WHY DID YOU ABANDON ME?!" in the lady's face. Karen frantically asks them if they want money and tells them to go away saying she doesn't want Keisha to ruin her life. Keisha runs in the house and Zai's left to explain to Karen what's happening. Karen gets Keisha out of the house and says she'll explain everything the next day at the park.

Keisha and Zai arrive to the park to meet Karen. Karen then explains that she was only in high school when she had Keisha and she wasn't ready. Then Keisha asks how old the other baby is and Karen says 8 years old which is only a few months younger than Keisha. Keisha asks why Becky was kept and eventually Karen just admits her lie. She wasn't 16 when she had Keisha but instead was a grown woman who cheated on her husband with Ken and found out she was pregnant with Ken's baby. So Karen pretty much told Keisha that she's an illegitimate child born out of cheating. Keisha gets mad and runs to Karen's house. Keisha then walk in and tells Karen's husband, Justin, about the whole cheating and baby. He gets mad and tells them to go away and stop lying. Zai drags Keisha out of the house and they go eat lunch at the deli near the house.

Ken is Keisha's bio dad. He introduced them to him and karen. Karen of course was a Karen because one time she tried to poison them by giving them a bad sandwich. Then....a few days later...... Karen introduced Zai and Keisha to the evil new step sister named becky, Becky was the WORST SISTER EVER according to Zai. Becky as evil as she is she one time told on zai and keisha and made them be grounded and gyess what, keisha took zai's side thats how bad becky was. Karen of course took becky's side because she is a karen. That is the introduction of their sister becky.

The next week while playing Keisha and Zai are sitting in their room there step-dad walks in and tells them that he wants to take them out for ice cream. At first Keisha thinks this is a prank and doesn't trust him, but he assures her he's telling the truth. So they all go get ice cream and Justin explains that he wasn't trying to be rude and was just angry and in disbelief. He says that he's over it and wants to be a good step-dad so he ungrounds them. They all walk home laughing, but they stem in the door Karen yells at Zains and Keisha telling them to get in their room. Justin tries to explain he ungrounded them but it turns into a full scale fight and they girls go into their room. eventually the fighting stops and they go play in the living room. Keisha get hungry so the go get some snacks in the kitchen. However as they're leaving they hear Karen talking on the phone with a friend. They eavesdrop and find out that she's planning to get rid of them bu being the worst mom ever until they run away. In a secret act of rebellion Keisha and Zai decide to stay no matter what.

Ruining Life For Mom[]

A few days later Keisha is playing with toys in the living room and Zai mentions that Karen's been acting weird. They go to their bedroom and Zai admits she thinks Karen is hiding something from Justin. They agree to spy on Karen and follow her. Karen leaves and they follow her to the pizza shop. Keisha and Zai think maybe they're just being paranoid but then Karen buys a pizza and goes to the beach. They follow her to find her talking to a man. Zai says she thinks Karen's cheating and Keisha changes into her spy outfit. Keisha and Zai follow Karen and the man to the castle, Keisha's new pet trailing along. They watch Karen saying she hates Justin and wants to have the other guy. Zai and Keisha decide to record Karen and the guy for evidence, and they catch Karen kissing the guy. When Karen gets back home, Zai and Keisha tell Karen that they caught her cheating for the 2nd time, and they threaten to tell Justin. Since Karen really doesn't want Justin to know since she's gold-digging from him, Zai and Keisha decide to instead take the opportunity to blackmail her.

First off by letting Keisha keep her new pig, and also some other things. But Zai begins to feel guilty for not telling Justin the truth, and ultimately since Justin is a nice guy, they decide to tell Justin, hoping that maybe after Justin leaves Karen that they'll be able to live with him, and be able to finally have a nice life, since he's rich. However, after Justin breaks up with Karen, he's an absolute mess, and moves into a tiny house. Zai and Keisha go over there to try to convince him to adopt them, but Justin tells them that since Keisha is really Karen's biological daughter, and Zai is Keisha's sister, they will have to stay with Karen. Justin is nice enough though to at least leave Karen the house. However, since Karen doesn't have a job, and she got all of her money from Justin, they're pretty much broke. And since Karen says that her and Becky are too pretty to work, she tells Zai and Keisha to get a job, even though Keisha is underage, and Zai won't get a job either because she wants to keep an eye on Keisha. Luckily, for Karen and Becky at least, Karen finds a new guy who's rich to gold-dig from, and Karen tells Zai and Keisha that her and Becky will be leaving for vacation, and that she's leaving Zai and Keisha there. however Zai thinks it won't be too bad because they'll have the house to themselves, but Karen doesn't trust them so she hires a nanny, who Karen thinks is super mean and will torture the kids.

Nice Nanny[]

But once the Nanny arrives, it turns out that she's actually very sweet and nice, and her name is Beatrice. She tells Zai and Keisha that she just pretended to be really mean so that she would get the job. Which really surprises them. Beatrice basically spoils them, and Zai and Keisha had a better time with her than they had had in a while. However, Zai realizes that if Karen finds out Beatrice is actually nice, she'll fire her, and since they really don't want that to happen, they decide to record a video of Beatrice pretending to be really mean and drowning Keisha, and also throwing stuff at her. This ends up fooling Karen, so they end up keeping Nanny Beatrice. One day, after Beatrice tells them that she's going to get them some pizza, and takes a really long time, Zai and Keisha take it upon themselves to spy on her to see what she's pig, and it turns out she had been seeing Justin, and actually really liked him. They then realized that since Beatrice is their Nanny who basically loves them, and Justin is their old dad who said he'd take care of them if he could, if they were able to pull some strings and set them up, then Beatrice and Justin could maybe be their new parents. So Zai and Keisha tell Beatrice that Justin wants to propose, and they tell Justin that Beatrice wants to be his girlfriend, which ends up bringing the 2 together. Their plans end up working, and after Beatrice and Justin become a couple, since Karen doesn't care about them anyway, they are able to gain custody of Zai and Keisha, and become their children.

Livin' the Rich Life[]

Since Justin is rich, they move into a new huge mansion that Justin bought, and since Zai and Keisha are there kids, they get to live there. Zai and Keisha can't believe their eyes, and they tour the mansion, with huge bedrooms, everything's really nice, and they even have their own little beach where they can ride a jet ski, which Keisha tries out, and they nearly crash it. After Zai and Keisha see their new mansion they will be living in, Justin then tells them that if they're going to be their children, they will have to go back to school, and they will be enrolling in private school. Zai is immediately worried though, since Keisha has never behaved, or done well in school, and saying that they definitely won't fit into private school, since they basically grew up in "the hood". None the less though, they don't have a choice, and as Zai thought, on just their first day, Keisha already finds a way to get them into trouble.

Zai was hoping that when they got to school, they would stick together how they always have, however, Keisha doesn't really want to be associated with Zai at school, and instead tries to and out with the cool kids, and try to get into their group. As reluctant as Zai is, Zai decides that if that's what she wants, then she'll let her do that. However, outside of school, Zai sees somebody push Keisha into a bush. Zai then asks Keisha if she's been getting bullied, but Keisha insists that she's fine. The next day, things are going fine so far, though Keisha is still trying to hang out with the bad kids. But then Keisha shows a bit of a kinder side of herself, after a girl tells her and Zai that some kids were bullying her, for once, Keisha actually tries to do the right thing, and stick up for the girl. However, after Keisha was very confrontational to the people that the girl said were bullying her, and Zai helps a little too, the teacher Ms. Melon sees this, and thinks Keisha and Zai were the bullies. So they end up getting sent to the principal's office. Keisha then tells Zai that this is the reason she doesn't do the right thing, because she always ends up being the one to get in trouble. Since the principal wasn't there that day, they end up seeing the vice principal instead, and despite Zai and Keisha desperately trying to tell them that it wasn't them, the vice principal still doesn't believe them. The vice principal then tells them that they will be receiving a week of detention. Zai then realizes, that if their parents find out that they got detention, then they'll be in big trouble, and they might disown them, so they plead to the vice principal to not tell their parents. But she tells them that any time a kid gets detention, parents must be notified. However, she tells them that she's in a good mood today, so in exchange for not telling their parents, they'll have to serve 2 weeks of detention instead.

On the weekend, though, they have a lot better of a time, as Justin and Beatrice take them on vacation at a very nice hotel, and let them basically explore the resort themselves, and they even bought them their own penthouse. Zai and Keisha end up having a very fun time, including going on a toilet bowl waterslide, after Zai breaks into th control room, and presses the button to send Keisha down it. When they go back to school, on their first day of detention, Zai is pretty angry at Keisha for getting them into this situation. All of a sudden, a guy comes in named Lewis, that Keisha immediately likes, and tries to get him to be her boyfriend, but the guy actually likes Zai, which while it does make Zai feels good that a guy likes her over Keisha, Zai doesn't want to be with him since he's a rebellious bad boy. And when he tries to get her to skip detention with him, Zai decides not to, which disappoints Lewis, so instead Keisha goes with him, and the tells Zai that she's no fun.

On their next day back at detention, they see Lewis there again, and while Keisha is excited to see him, Zai isn't a fan and says they should sit at the other table and not talk to him. However, they don't seem to be able to avoid him, since he comes and sits at their table himself. After Lewis calls him a lady, Keisha becomes very happy and starts dancing around doing her "lady dance". Lewis then asks Zai if she did her hair for him, where Zai starts getting defensive and denies it. Lewis then tells Zai that if she wants him to leave her alone, then she has to go on a date with him. But Zai isn't interested, and declines his offer since he doesn't want to go on a date with the school's bad boy. Keisha then tells Zai that maybe dating the bad boy will help her personality. Lewis then tells Zai that he guesses she'll have a difficult time in detention then. Zai and Keisha then talk about it, and Keisha just tells Zai to do it, and that boys are dumb. Zai then gets the idea that while she's on the date with Lewis, Keisha can spy and be her little earpiece and tell her what to say. After detention Zai and Keisha head to the beach for Zai's date with Lewis. However, Zai mostly has to come up wit things on her own since Zai doesn't wanna say what Keisha tells her. Lewis starts to get a bit suspicious, and asks Zai if she's ok. After Lewis calls it a date again, Zai calls him out and says that he doesn't have to pretend this is a real date, and that he probably just got dared to do this. Lewis then told Zai that that's not the case, and that he actually just really likes her, and that all of the rumors about him being a bad boy aren't true. While theses happening Keisha keeps making silly outrageous comments, and Zai has to go over there to tell her to stop. Lewis then starts to get very suspicious, and asks Zai what's going on. Zai then tells him the truth that she doesn't really know how to talk to guys, (since she hadn't been on a date with a guy since she was 15 where Keisha ruined that too) and tells her that she ad Keisha come along and spy on them. Lewis thanks her why she would ask her little sister for advice, and Zai tells him that it's because her sister happens to be the cool one and she's the "nerdy" one. Lewis then tells Zai that he thinks she owes him another date, but Zai says no, because they only agreed on one date, and then he would leave her alone. Zai then tells Lewis that she only likes him as a friend. Zai then tells Lewis to go on another date with him then, as a friend, and Zai then tells him that she'll think about it, even though she did actually enjoy it. Zai then tries to find Keisha, who left after Zai told Lewis that she was spying, and Zai finally finds Keisha inside of a hot air balloon. The next week, since Zai no longer has detention, she is very excited to just sit back in her bedroom and relax, Keisha says she's used to having detention though, so she doesn't really care. Suddenly though, Keisha sees Lewis outside their door, which makes Zai wonder how he even knows where she lives. Zai knows Lewis can't be there or Justin may see them. But Keisha tells Zai that she knows how to sneak out of there. After Zai and Lewis talk about how Zai didn't show up to a second date, and basically what their relationship looks like, they suddenly hear "what's going on?". This really states Zai since she thinks Justin saw them, fortunately it was just Keisha joking around. They then hear "what's going on?" again, but this time it's not Keisha pretending to be Justin, it's actually Justin who sees Zai and Lewis up their on the roof, and Justin is furious since Zai's not allowed to have boys over. After they go inside, Justin is very angry as he believes that he saw Zai and Lewis kissing, even though they didn't. Despite what Zai tells him, for proof Justin decides to get Keisha's side of the story, and instead of having her back, Keisha decides to throw Zai under the bus and say that she was kissing him, and that Lewis was her boyfriend. Which made both Justin furious, and Zai for the way Keisha treated her. In the middle of explaining that she's not actually a bad kid, Zai also accidentally spilled out that she and Keisha got detention too, which Justin didn't originally know about since the vice principal agreed to not tell them. Justin then said that he thinks Zai's the one that's a troublemaker clearly, and the she was a bad influence on Keisha. Which Keisha just went along with. Justin told Zai that while he was planning on sending both of them, he decided it would be best if he just sent Zai to an all girls boarding school. On the day she was supposed to be getting sent out the house to go to boarding school, Keisha just went in Zai's room and acted like her normal self as if nothing ever happened. Zai was still disgusted by how Keisha acted throwing her under the bus like that, while Keisha claimed she was just joking around, Zai took it a lot more seriously and felt like Keisha didn't see the severity of the situation that she was going to be away from Keisha. Keisha then revealed that she did that because now that they're rich, she wants to be spoiled and have all of Justin's money to herself, and she had to get rid of Zai to do that. Zai was very angry at Keisha and didn't even feel like talking to her, and decided that she wasn't going to take this from them anymore, and decided that she was going to run away.

Livin' On Their Own[]

After arriving in a new city, Zai had just enough money to buy herself her own house. Zai felt like she had a nice fresh start, until all of a sudden Keisha showed up, following her around trying to convince her to come back. While Zai didn't wanna hear it, Keisha tried to tell Zai how strict and mean Justin was, and how she needed Zai back. As Zai continued to try to run away from Keisha, Keisha kept following her and went into her house and said that she'll stay with her. Despite this not being what Zai wanted, she did let her stay for a night. But she told Keisha that if she didn't leave, then she would call Justin and Keisha would be in big trouble and would have to go back home. In the next episode Zai had realized she was running out of money, and she wouldn't be able to afford to keep living in her house, so she decided to get herself a job. She got herself a job as a cashier at a restaurant and was doing well until Keisha showed up, and once again Keisha had shown up, now with a new outfit she had bought, and tried once again to convince Zai to come back home and saying they have a sisterly bond. But Zai said she was done with Keisha, and she had broken that bond by letting Justin kick her out the house when she did nothing wrong. When Zai had gotten back to her house, Keisha suddenly showed up out the window, so Zai reluctantly let her in as Keisha explained she had nowhere to go after running away from Justin's house. It seemed though that Keisha just wanted to annoy Zai more, and told her she needed more responsibility in her life, so she decided to adopt Zai a child named Rachel. Keisha then essentially blackmailed Zai and told her to either come home or take care of Rachel and become a teen mom. Zai chose to take care of Rachel along with Keisha helping out, and since Zai needed to go to work, Zai reluctantly had to leave Rachel with Keisha, and had Keisha babysit Rachel. Keisha tried her best to give Rachel a fun time and basically gave Rachel a makeover so she looked a lot like Keisha, but Rachel really enjoyed it. Zai didn't approve at all, and decided to end her shift early to stop Keisha from doing anything else with Rachel. In the next episode they had taken Rachel back to the adoption center since they couldn't take care of her any longer, so Zai and Keisha were living in the house by themselves. Keisha was nagging Zai saying she was hungry and that she needed to stay "thick", so they went to go get a burger. All of a sudden an officer came into the restaurant and recognized them since Justin had reported the both of them missing. Since Zai and Keisha didn't want to be arrested and go back to Justin they got in the car and drove away. Zai was panicking so much that she wasn't paying too much attention to driving and they crashed into the ocean. Eventually they got out, and Zai said that if they didn't want to get caught by the cops, they would have to disguise themselves so they wouldn't recognize them. When they got back home, the officer had found them and still recognized them, so they got arrested and were brought back to Justin.

After coming back to Justin's house, they had to go back to school, where Keisha had apparently found a new boyfriend named Atticus. And unlike a lot of Keisha's boyfriends, Zai was surprised to see that Atticus looked pretty nerdy. Zai figured that Keisha was probably just dating him to get him to do her homework, but Keisha told Zai that she was genuinely in love with Atticus, and Atticus told Zai that Keisha is very smart. Zai was very shocked to hear this since Keisha had never done well in school, but Keisha told Zai she was holding her back, and that she's actually very smart, and Keisha kept using big vocabulary words. Zai later spotted Keisha and Atticus talking about her, as Atticus told Keisha that she was right about Zai not being as smart as her, and that Zai was mean. Keisha agreed with Atticus and insulted Zai saying her anatomy resembles a whale.

In the next episode, Zai and Keisha found out that Justin lost his job, and they were no longer rich, and that they would have to sell everything including the house, and that they were now homeless. Keisha was not a fan of this and freaked out saying that Justin is useless, and that she liked being rich and didn't want to go back to the hood. Unfortunately there was nothing they could do about it, which made Keisha very upset. Zai then had the idea that there was a place she knew they could stay where they would probably be able to afford things, back in Robloxian Life, a.k.a "the hood", where Zai and Keisha used to live.

Returning to "The Hood" and Getting Justin Back with Beatrice[]

In the next episode, while Keisha and Zai were wandering Life in Paradise, Zai told Keisha she had some big news to share, while Keisha was spending time changing her hair and outfit. Eventually she finally settled down, and Zai told Keisha that she's actually pregnant in real life, to which Keisha replied that she knew Zai looked fat. Keisha then began to think deeper about Zai's pregnancy and realized she did something "nasty". Keisha was entertained by it though. After about a week of living in "Life in Paradise, one day Zai and Keisha noticed that Justin was in the living room crying in his pajamas, and was an absolute mess. They went over there to find out what was going on, and Justin told them that Beatrice broke up with him, since things haven’t been the same since Justin lost everything. This made the both of them very angry, and Keisha said that she knew Beatrice was a gold digger, though Zai was very surprised to hear this since Beatrice was always very nice. They went into the town looking for her so they could confront her about this. They found Beatrice in a restaurant, and Beatrice said that she was happy to see them, but they didn’t understand why since Beatrice just broke up with their dad. Beatrice told them that she didn’t break up with Justin though, and that he broke up with her, saying that she deserved better than him. This now made Zai and Keisha mad at Justin since that meant that he lied to them, and Keisha said she hated liars and they made her blood boil, making it where Keisha’s skin actually went red. Zai tried to convince Beatrice that Justin is just being stupid, and is going through a lot right now since this had never happened to him before, but Beatrice wasn’t sure if she wanted to get back together with him after he broke her heart like that. In "OUR STEP-DAD IS DATING A GOLD DIGGER! *SHE GOT EXPOSED*", since Justin was still a mess, Zai was ready to attempt to get Justin back together with Beatrice. Keisha suggested that she give him a makeover similar to the one she gave herself giving herself purple hair. Zai agreed, but regretted it after Keisha ended up making Justin look like he fell through a rainbow. Zai decided that she would do it instead, and made Justin look presentable to talk to Beatrice, to Keisha's disappointment. While Justin talked to Beatrice, Zai and Keisha spied on them, and as Justin continued to try to say some nice compliments to Beatrice, Keisha kept making comments on pick-up lines he should have said all relating to being "thick". Beatrice wasn't super quick to fall for Justin though, and was still upset Justin broke up with her, but Justin pleaded for her to take him back, and that he only did that because he thought she deserved the world. Beatrice still didn't know what to think, and thought Justin was assuming she's a "gold digger" and would want to leave him because he lost his money. Despite this though, Zai was pretty confident they would end up together, and decided to go with Keisha to get some pizza. In "I Stopped My Sister ONLINE DATING Using ADMIN COMMANDS!", since Keisha didn't go to private school anymore, she ended up breaking up with her boyfriend Atticus. As a result she started going around the neighborhood trying to get a new boyfriend. To stop Keisha from dating, she decided to use her new admin commands to troll her and embarrassed her in front of other people. It was pretty effective and no one wanted much to do with her, especially after Zai made Keisha "rainbow fart".

Keisha's Brother[]

In "I MET MY SISTER TWIN BROTHER FOR THE FIRST TIME!", Keisha came to Zai that something happened that would change their lives for good. Zai came downstairs and saw boy sitting on the couch named Karl. Keisha explained that she found him on the street with a note saying he was their brother. Keisha pointed out that he looked like Ken, but Zai thought he showed a lot of resemblance to Keisha and they looked a lot alike, but Keisha pointed out she didn't have a bucktooth. Still though, Zai thought that it was possible that the boy wasn't Keisha's little brother but actually her twin brother. They tried their best to try to figure him out, but for some reason he wasn't talking at all and was completely silent. Keisha then noticed his top which gave them very bad vibes, and Keisha thought he might be a demon who would try to kill them. Zai continued to try to be nice, and eventually they were able to get a "hi" out of him, that he stuttered. Eventually Karl told them that he didn't remember anything about his parents, where he lived or where he came from, all he remembered was being told to find his sister to take care of him. Zai and Keisha continued debating if it was Keisha's brother or Zai's brother, but Zai still thought it must be Keisha's twin brother since he looked like her. They then went to get him some new clothes and Keisha gave hm a makeover that made him look even more like Keisha to Zai, they decided that they were gonna take care of him until they are able to find any more info about him, and Zai thought that they were going to have to go back to Ken and Karen for answers about Karl.

In "I FOUND OUT MY LITTLE BROTHER'S BIG SECRET! *HE Got EXPOSED*", still wondering about Karl's true identity. They went to a pizza restaurant to talk about Karl, where Zai asked Karl if he remembered anything yet, and Karl told Zai that he still remembered nothing. Keisha got more and more annoyed with Karl who still remembered nothing, and wanted to kick him in the head to see if that would help. Karl didn't mind Keisha's antics since he thought she was funny, but Zai warned Karl to not encourage her behavior. While they were at home, Zai heard Karl on a FaceTime call, which Zai thought was strange considering he lost all his memory, and couldn't be able to call anyone. Zai continued to eavesdrop on Karl's call and found out he was talking to his father, meaning he must have not lost his memory, and Karl was also talking about his father wanting Karl to kill them. Zai started to get freaked out and went to Keisha, where Keisha told Zai that she knew something was up with him. Zai and Keisha confronted Karl about it, and while Zai was trying to be nice about it so they didn't freak him out, Keisha decided to play bad cop and threatened to cut him if they didn't tell them what was going on. Hearing this convinced Karl to tell them since he didn't want to be cut, and he told them that he was talking to his father Ken. Hearing this news, Zai was happy since she knew Karl was Keisha's brother, while Keisha on the other hand fainted.

In "OUR STEP-DAD CAUGHT MY BOYFRIEND IN MY BEDROOM!", Zai decided that they needed to find Ken for answers about Karl. Zai told Karl that he was probably going to have to sleep in the closet, since Justin would be coming over and he couldn't know that Karl was there, since he probably wouldn't like that, and Karl complied since he figured it would be better than sleeping on the street. Suddenly Justin showed up at the house, and Keisha and Zai yelled at Karl to get out of there before Justin saw him, but it might have been too late and Justin was confused as to what was going on. They insisted that nothing was going on, but Justin said that he saw the boy jump out the window, and asked who's boyfriend it was, since he assumed they were probably hiding a boyfriend from him. Zai insisted that he was no one's boyfriend, but Keisha made the situation worse claiming that it was her's, and that she was having his baby. Zai couldn't believe Keisha would lie and say that since that was only making it worse, and Justin got furious hearing this news. Zai had no idea what Keisha was doing and kept messing with Justin and telling him to "chill". At this point Zai decided it would be better to tell him the truth then what Keisha was doing, and Zai told Justin that it was Keisha't twin brother. Justin didn't even believe them and thought that they must think he's dumb, and decided to ground the 2 of them until they told him the truth, even though they were telling him the truth. Zai was very upset with Keisha since she kept getting Zai into trouble that she didn't deserve, and they still didn't know what they were going to do about Karl, and they went outside to look for him since he jumped out the window.

Physical Apperance[]

Keisha is a young girl with brown hair and and black eyes, with a headband over her hair. She used to wear a top that said "FLAWLESS" and jean shorts along with an angel halo and wings, and at one point got plastic surgery to have big thighs. When she was taken into Kates care she wore a red crop-top with a tattoo and ripped jeans. Then when she met her dad she finally changed back into her original "FLAWLESS" outfit, but instead of angel wings and a halo, she wore a crown. Besides her main "FLAWLESS" outfit, Keisha often changes looks and buys new outfits that Zai often deems inappropriate.


Baby Keisha is a very spunky, fiesty, and sometimes rude little girl although has matured a bit over the years, and became a lot more edgy and often makes references to being "thick". Most of the time she acts crazy and sassy, and she's also funny at times, but she doesn't always know it. But Keisha also has a soft side of her too. Even though she doesn't show it, very often she's caring, and clever. She loves animals and is very gentle with them. Keisha also loves to watch TikTok, and will often do TikTok dances, or make TikTok references. Despite Keisha being very young she knows quite a lot about more mature stuff for her age, and the lifestyle that she had been loving with Zai for years unfortunately caused her to have to grow up quickly, similar to Zai. Keisha has often shown to lack situational awareness and can make bad decisions, and will often make situations that her and Zai could've gotten out of worse, due to her crazy, and feisty nature.


  • Keisha's name means "favorite".
  • Keisha is played by Zai's husband Ricky, a.k.a Biggs.
  • She is the only ZaiLetsPlay character to have her own plushie.
  • She has a Youtube channel.
  • She shares the main child role of the roleplays and franchise with Baby Biggs. They are both sassy. They prank Zai.


  • Keisha’s family consists of her mother, her father, and keisha. for keisha, this is her family of

Credits to Baby Keisha's Instagram for pictures.

What is a family of procreation quizlet?

Family of procreation. the family that a person forms by having or adopting children.

Which family includes relatives of the nuclear family who are economically and emotionally dependent on each other the family?

An extended family is a family that extends beyond the nuclear family of parents and their children to include aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins or other relatives, all living nearby or in the same household.

What is the family quizlet?

Definition of Family (U.S. Census Bureau) -Two or more people who are related by birth, marriage, or adoption and who live together as one household. -implies long-term commitment, and biology genes and ancestors. Dictionary Definition. 1.

Which child is most likely to blame themselves for their parents divorce?

Preschoolers (2 to 5 years). These children are too young to grasp the meaning of divorce, and so are likely to become confused and fearful of losing their other parent too. They tend to blame themselves for their parents' divorce.