Komm, heilger Geist, mit deiner Kraft lyrics

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Komm, Heiliger Geist, Herre Gott

Text and Translation of Chorale


: 98
Anonymous 15th century German poet - verse 1
Martin Luther (1524) - verses 2-3
Chorale Melody: Komm, Heiliger Geist, Herre Gott | Composer: Anon, related somewhat to the melody for the hymn Adesto, sancta spiritus by Marchetto di Padua (c1270)

Vocal Works by J.S. Bach:













BWV 59 Mvt. 3







Chorale [S, A, T, B]



BWV 226

Mvt. 2







Chorale [S, A, T, B] / [S, A, T, B]


German Text

(verses in bold print set by Bach)

English Translation


Komm, Heiliger Geist, Herre Gott,
Erfüll mit deiner Gnaden Gut
Deiner Gläubigen Herz, Mut und Sinn,
Dein' brünstig Lieb' entzünd' in ihn'n!
O Herr, durch deines Lichtes Glast
Zu dem Glauben versammelt hast
Das Volk aus aller Welt Zungen;
Das sei dir, Herr, zu Lob gesungen!
Halleluja! Halleluja!

Come, Holy Spirit, Lord God,
fill with the goodness of your grace
the heart, spirit and mind of your believers,
kindle in them your ardent love !
O Lord, through the splendour of your light
you have gathered in faith
people from all the tongues of the world;
so that in your praise Lord, may there be sung
Halleluja! Halleluja!


Du heiliges Licht, edler Hort,
Laß uns leuchten des Lebens Wort
Und lehr uns Gott recht erkennen,
Von Herzen Vater ihn nennen!
O Herr, behüt vor fremder Lehr',
Daß wir nicht Meister suchen mehr
Denn Jesum mit rechtem Glauben
Und ihm aus ganzer Macht vertrauen!
Halleluja! Halleluja!

You holy light, precious refuge,
let the word of life enlighten us
and teach us to know God truly,
to call him father from our heart!
O Lord, protect us from strange doctrines
so that we may never look for any teacher
except Jesus in true belief
and may trust him wholeheartedly!
Halleluja! Halleluja!


Du heilige Brunst, süßer Trost,
Nun hilf uns fröhlich und getrost
In dein'm Dienst beständig bleiben,
Die Trübsal uns nicht abtreiben!
O Herr, durch dein' Kraft uns bereit
Und stärk des Fleisches Blödigkeit,
Daß wir hier ritterlich ringen,
Durch Tod und Leben zu dir dringen!
Halleluja! Halleluja!

You sacred warmth, sweet consolation,
now help us always to remain joyful and comforted
in your service,
do not let sorrow drive us away!
O Lord, through your power make us ready
and strengthen the feebleness of our flesh
so that we may bravely struggle
through life and death to reach you!
Halleluja! Halleluja!


English Translation by Francis Browne (April 2006)
Contributed by Francis Browne (April 2006)

Cantata BWV 59

: Complete Recordings | Recordings of Individual Movements | Discussions
German Text | Translations: Chinese-1 | Dutch | English-1 | English-3 | French-3 | French-4 | French-6 | Hebrew-1 | Indonesian | Italian-2 | Russian-1 | Spanish-3

Motets BWV 225-231

: Details
Recordings: Until 1950 | 1951-1960 | 1961-1970 | 1971-1980 | 1981-1990 | 1991-2000 | From 2001
General Discussions:
Part 1 | Part 2 | Systematic Discussions: BWV 225 | BWV 226 | BWV 227 | BWV 228 | BWV 229 | BWV 230 | BWV 231 | BWV 225-231 - Summary
Individual Recordings:
Motets - Cantus Cölln | Motets - Ericson | Motets - Fasolis | Motets - Harnoncourt | Motets - Kammler
Motet BWV 226:
German Text | Translations: Dutch | English-1 | English-3 | English-5 | English-10 | French-6 | Hebrew | Indonesian | Italian | Portuguese-2 | Spanish


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