Quizlet what are some factors that contribute to low voter turnout among latino texans?

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Terms in this set (35)

Texas shifted from a Democratic-dominated state to a Republican-dominated state as Texas voters adopted a more conservative political ideology.
True or False?

The movement of Texas from a one-party Democratic-dominated state to a one-party Republican-dominated state coincided with the national Democratic Party becoming more liberal, not with a change in the political ideology of Texas's voters.

Place the following party organization in order from the lowest level of temporary party organization to the highest level of temporary party organization

a. state convention
b. party primary
c. county/district convention
d.precinct convention

Political parties' conventions are temporary organizations that help organize permanent party structure and bring party activists together to share common political concerns and shape party policies.

The Democratic Party in Texas has a large Latino base, which is very interested in the issue of immigration.
True or False?


What are the likely effects of continued party polarization in state and national politics?
1)increased levels of rhetoric and hyperbole as politicians attempt to be seen as strong by party voters

2)an increase in the ideological extremism of appointees

3)increased split-ticket voting by voters in general elections

4)increased gridlock and a reduction in the passage of legislation


What are some factors that contribute to low voter turnout among Latino Texans?

1)A significant number of Latinos in Texas are not citizens and cannot vote.

2)Latinos are not motivated by current political issues in Texas and the United States.

3)Many Latinos are too young to vote.

4)Latinos have not been candidates for important offices in Texas, depressing turnout.


What characteristic of political socialization is most likely to lead to the adoption of a political ideology?

1)consistent messages from external influences
2)involvement with political parties
3)economic and historic events
4)direct instruction from parents

1)consistent messages from external influences

Which term describes the degree to which Republicans have become more conservative and Democrats more liberal?

political polarization

In 2018, in Harris County alone, the Houston Chronicle documented a total of 76 contested judicial races. More than 20 contested district and county judicial races appeared on the Bexar County ballots. What is the biggest effect that electing so many public officials has on voters?

Voters rely on party labels.
Voters use party labels as information shortcuts to help them make decisions about whom to vote for.With hundreds of races for public office happening across the state, voters are unable to consume enough information to make informed decisions in each race, making them reliant on party labels to make decisions.

While Texas is becoming more racially and ethnically diverse and is now a majority-minority state (meaning that non-Hispanic Whites are less than half of the population

Not only has the population shift made Texas more closely resemble the American Southwest, but it has raised the hopes of Democrats to become more competitive in elections.

The fading of La Raza Unida as a third party in Texas coincided with the state's shift from a Democratic- to a Republican-dominated state. Which of the following is the likely explanation for what caused the disappearance of La Raza Unida?

The Democratic Party of Texas began adopting issues that were important to Latino voters who had been supporters of La Raza Unida as the party sought to replace the White voters that had left for the Republican Party

By looking at the slate of statewide candidates Democrats deemed the "Dream Team" in 2002, what can we deduce about the Democratic Party's strategy in recruiting these individuals?

With a diverse ticket, Democrats believed that there were candidates to appeal to all the strands of their base as well as attract some Republicans, but low turnout among Latinos doomed their hopes.

Which term identifies the gathering of party members who voted in the party's primary for the purpose of electing delegates to the county or district convention?

A precinct convention is a temporary organization of the party with the main function of selecting delegates and submitting resolutions to the party's state platform.

What is the relationship between the temporary party organizations and the permanent party organizations?

the temporary organization establishing the direction of the party by creating the party platform and electing party leaders.

What are the consequences of the continued growth of party polarization?

Correct Answer(s)
Gridlock has increased in legislatures.
Fewer moderates are elected to public office.
Incorrect Answer(s)
Voter turnout has decreased. (largely the same)
Elections for public office are more competitive.

Why is the characterization of Texas as a "deep red" state misleading?

The Republican Party is divided.
Declaring Texas to be a "deep red" state implies that the state is under a unified Republican Party, when, in fact, it has become more divided in recent years.

Which of these statements are associated with the growth of the Republican Party in Texas?
Correct Answer(s)
Republicans have dominated the state legislature since the early 2000s.
Since the 1980s, Texans have been consistently supportive of Republican candidates for president.
Presidential Republicanism began after a split between conservative and liberal Democrats during the 1952 presidential election.
Incorrect Answer(s)
Republicans have enjoyed unprecedented unity within their party which has allowed them to largely achieve their goals.
Republicans have seen their base expand in urban areas as the population has grown.

Conservative Democrats followed the example of Governor Allan Shivers in voting for Republican Dwight Eisenhower in the 1952 election and for Republican presidential candidates more regularly for the next two decades.
The Republican Party has enjoyed dominance in state politics since the early 1990s but faces future challenges due to internal divisions and a changing state population.

Identify the functions of political parties.
Correct Answer(s)
Political parties raise money for candidates' campaigns.
Political parties select candidates to run as members of the party.
Political parties are held accountable to the electorate.
Incorrect Answer(s)
Political parties are responsible for enforcing "ideological purity."

In states, and at the federal level, where the two major parties are competitive, parties can be rewarded or punished by voters for what the public perceives as good or bad events and actions.Parties play multiple roles in society by helping voters make sense of what unfamiliar candidates stand for, organizing government, and holding politicians accountable when things are going well or poorly

Which of the following statements about party platforms are accurate?
Correct Answer(s)
Party platforms state the beliefs and policy goals candidates will pursue if elected.
Incorrect Answer(s)
Most voters study party platforms closely.
Members of a party pledge to follow each part of the party's platform.
Party platforms are published by major newspapers before primaries to inform voters.

Party platforms state the beliefs and policy goals candidates will pursue if elected

No Democratic presidential nominee has won Texas since _________. Republicans captured most statewide offices in Texas for the first time in _________. In recent years, the most competitive statewide election was the___________ Senate race between Ted Cruz and Beto O'Rourke.


The important year for Republican?1984,2002,2015

1984 saw the first large jump in Republican representation in the U.S. House of Representatives, with 10 Republicans being elected to the House.

In 2002, for the first time, both Democrats and Republicans had an equal number of representatives in the U.S. House.

By 2015, Texas had sent the largest delegation of Republicans to the U.S. House of Representatives.

Which of the following demographic factors have affected Texas politics?
Correct Answer(s)
mixed party affiliation in the suburbs
increasing urbanization
interstate migration
Incorrect Answer(s)

Many suburban areas, once marked mostly by White flight from cities, now have a much more mixed ethnic composition and partisan makeup, changing the nature of Texas politics.

In 2003, the state legislature took what unusual step?

Republicans who won control of the state legislature in the 2002 elections took the opportunity to redistrict for a second time in order to gerrymander districts in a way more favorable to Republican candidates.

As late as the 1990s, many conservative Democrats in Texas would not support Democratic candidates for national office but continued voting for Democrats for statewide office. Which of the following voting patterns best explains that trend?

Presidential Republicanism was a form of ticket-splitting in which conservative Democrats voted Democratic for state candidates but Republican for presidential candidates. Many conservative Democrats have since switched fully to the Republican Party, especially as civil rights became a more Democratic issue.

In Texas, African Americans have a larger influence in the Democratic Party than other groups because of their high voter turnout rate, even though they have a smaller population percentage than in other southern states.


Match each issue with its corresponding faction of the Republican Party.

The religious right has expressed support for legally restricting bathroom use to the gender assigned on one's birth certificate.While the religious right and economic conservatives differ on which issues they prioritize, they generally end up supporting whoever is the Republican candidate in the general election.

Which roles do political parties perform in our society?
Correct Answer(s)
provide a label for the public
recruit organization volunteers and leaders
organize government officials
Incorrect Answer(s)
create laws and regulations


Which voter groups are most likely to be part of the Democratic Party electoral coalition?
Correct Answer(s)
liberal Whites
African Americans
Incorrect Answer(s)
evangelical Christians
suburban Whites

The Democratic Party base is a diverse mix of voters, with concentrations in urban areas and the Rio Grande Valley, while Republicans dominate in rural areas and among White voters and evangelical Christian voters.

The Libertarian Party has established itself as a party of limited government that is liberal on social issues, whereas La Raza Unida established itself as a political force to get Latino officials elected to public office

Libertarians believe in limited government regulation and interference and have liberal positions on social issues because they believe that individuals should be free to make personal decisions.
The Libertarian Party is the largest third party in the state of Texas today. La Raza Unida was a political force that has since been absorbed by the two major parties in Texas.

In which of the following ways does the population of Texas differ from that of other states in the American South?

smaller African American population

The major cities of Dallas, San Antonio, Houston, Austin, and El Paso have all emerged as Democratic strongholds in the state of Texas. What other area of the state is also considered a Democratic stronghold?

Though the Rio Grande Valley is largely rural, the high populations of immigrants and voters of color give Democrats an upper hand with registered voters in the region

What do the statewide elections of Dan Patrick, Greg Abbott, and Ted Cruz tell us about the Texas Republican Party?
Correct Answer(s)
Winners of the Republican primary normally go on to win the statewide election.
Hard-line conservatives within the Tea Party have significant influence over whom Republicans nominate.
Incorrect Answer(s)
Republicans have a narrow edge in statewide politics.

Patrick knocked out moderate Republican David Dewhurst in the primary by adopting more conservative positions.
While Patrick and Cruz had the closest elections of Republicans statewide in over a decade, Abbott and other less controversial Republicans won by safe margins.The Republican Party has dominated statewide politics in Texas for the last two decades, but Patrick's margin of victory of less than 5 percent and Cruz's of less than 3 percent signaled an energized Democratic Party more ready to present challenges to Republicans.

The Shivercrat movement of the 1940s and 1950s was made up of which group?

Conservative Democrats

The election of Ronald Reagan ushered in a period when conservative Democrats began to switch to the Republican Party in record numbers.

Large numbers of conservative White Democratic voters, who became known as "Reagan Democrats," shifted from the Democratic to the Republican Party with the election of Ronald Reagan.

In Texas, the Tea Party is closely aligned with which political party?

Republican Party
Tea Party members believe they can have more influence on state politics if they become a force to be reckoned with within the Republican Party by forcing the GOP to adapt their positions.

What are three emerging trends that could change the state of partisan politics in Texas?
Correct Answer(s)
New residents from out of state could change the Texas electorate.
Texas Democrats could begin attracting stronger statewide candidates.
Tea Party-backed Republicans could move too far to the right.
Incorrect Answer(s)
The large secession movement in Texas might grow in strength.

共和党的天下坐不稳,一个是从外州搬来的选民,二是民主党候选人更出色, 第三是共和党太右了

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What are the reasons for low voter turnout in Texas quizlet?

One reason for low levels of voter turnout in Texas is the low level of educational attainment in the state. Poll taxes, such as those used in Texas, disenfranchised poor voters. Texas instituted early voting in order to expand participation.

What are the causes of low voter turnout quizlet?

Terms in this set (29).
Reasons for low voter turnout. lack of efficacy, voter fatigues, negative campaigns, the structure of elections, and the rationale abstention thesis. ... .
annual registrations. ... .
poll tax. ... .
socioeconomic factors. ... .
caucus. ... .
open primary. ... .
closed primary. ... .
restricted access to ballot..

Which of the following factors may contribute to low voting participation rates in Texas quizlet?

Which of the following are the most likely causes for low voter turnout in Texas elections? Texas holds its elections during nonpresidential election years. There are so many candidates for office that voters are simply overloaded with elections and candidates.

What are the top two reasons Texans give for not voting quizlet?

What can be done to increase voter participation? The top two reasons Texans give for not voting is: they're busy and they're not interested or they believe that their vote does not count.


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