The linguistic determinism hypothesis could be challenged by the finding that:

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A line of research within embodied cognition seeks to show that an organism's body is a determinant of its conceptual capacities. Comparison of this claim of body determinism to linguistic determinism bears interesting results. Just as Slobin's (1996) idea of thinking for speaking challenges the main thesis of linguistic determinism, so too the possibility of thinking for acting raises difficulties for the proponent of body determinism. However, recent studies suggest that the body may, after all, have a determining role in cognitive processes of sentence comprehension.

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Our semi-annual journal is published by the University of Arkansas Department of Philosophy. Philosophical Topics publishes contributions to all areas of philosophy, each issue being devoted to the problems in one area. Recent issues have been concerned with individuation, introspection, and free will.

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Benjamin Lee Whorf's linguistic determination hypothesis states that: language shapes people's thinking.
Prompt and clear feedback regarding performance on a psychology practice test is MOST likely to inhibit: overconfidence.
Bilingual children learn to inhibit one language while using their other language. Thus, if asked to say whether a sentence is grammatically correct, bilingual children can focus more quickly on grammar alone. According to Wallace Lambert, this bilingual increased word power.
Several studies have indicated that the generic pronoun "he": tends to trigger images of males but NOT females for both children and adults.
Dierdri is a figure skater preparing for the upcoming national championships. Her coach has suggested she practice mentally for the competition. Which image should she imagine? She should imagine her jumps and spins while listening to her skating music.
At the beginning of the semester, teachers ask their students what grade they think they will get at the end of the semester. When the teachers ask if they think they will get an 'A,' the majority raise their hands. This BEST illustrates: overconfidence.
By the age of _____, infant's typical babbling has changed so that a trained ear can identify the language of the household. 10 months
A person's ability to reason speedily and abstractly decreases slowly up to about age 75, and then more rapidly, especially after age 85. This type of ability is also known as: fluid intelligence.
By around _____ of age, babies enter a babbling stage of language development. four months
The Hopi do not have a past tense for their verbs. According to _____, this suggests that they cannot readily think about the past, because language imposes conceptions of reality. Benjamin Lee Whorf
Dr. Williams is designing a new intelligence test and is thinking about all of the mental groupings or _____ that a person could answer for table, such as: surgical table, dining table, work table, etc. concepts
In the relationship between thinking and language, MOST psychologists believe that: people sometimes think in images rather than in words.
Tammy's sister and her husband want their four-year-old daughter to learn a new language and would like to start by the time she is five. What advice should Tammy give? Early childhood is the best time to learn a new language.
Marcy was not exposed to spoken or signed language during her early years because of abuse and neglect. We know that her ability to master: any language is lost.
Most of the school's instructors use the generic pronoun "he" when referring to psychologists and the generic pronoun "she" when referring to administrative assistants. In student's minds, they automatically think of psychologists as men and administrativ Linguistic determinism predicts that the language shapes their thinking.
When bilingual Canadian students born in China describe themselves in English, they make the positive self-statements typical of Canadians. When these same students describe themselves in Chinese, their self-descriptions are more typically Chinese (that i linguistic determinism.
While studying chimpanzees, _____ observed that animals have the ability to display insight. Wolfgang Köhler
Dr. Tan is interested in studying primate behavior as related to primate thought. If she wants to study behavior that other animal researchers have already found in primates, which topic should she choose? word order comprehension at an adolescent's level.
Dr. James has decided that his 50th birthday would be the perfect time to begin writing an introductory psychology textbook. Because he has accumulated years of knowledge about psychology, it would be a demonstration of his: crystallized intelligence.
Theresa's friend has a cockatiel that he has trained to discriminate between pictures of dogs and cats. Her friend shows the cockatiel a picture of a dog, and the bird pecks at a dog symbol on the cage. Theresa's friend shows him a picture of a cat, and t that it can form concepts.
Mental practice has been used to try to improve academic performance. In Shelley Taylor's study, for five minutes a day, students were asked to visualize themselves studying effectively (e.g., reading chapters, going over notes, etc.). These students had 8 points higher than
The easier it is for a person to remember a circumstance in which a friend betrayed him, the more he expects such an event to recur. This BEST illustrates the impact of: the availability heuristic.
Gary says things like "doggy", "mama", and "dada." He is in the: one-word stage.
At about _____ months of age, the two-word stage of language development typically begins. 24
As adults age, they show the greatest declines in: fluid intelligence and in the memory needed to recall recently presented information.
Four-month-old Shayna is starting to say things like "ah-goo" and "da-da-da-da." Shayna is in the: babbling stage.
George is taking a graduate-level course that explores judgment and decision making. His professor is MOST likely a _____ psychologist: cognitive
Operant conditioning is to B.F. Skinner, as language acquisition device is to: Noam Chomsky.
A lesion in this part of the brain would most likely result in a disruption of language expression Broca's area
At the zoo, a chimpanzee has figured out how to use the right kind of stones to crack open the nuts thrown to him by spectators. His problem solving has been shaped by: reinforcement.
The vocal sounds NOT included in one's native language first begin to disappear from usage toward the end of the _____ stage of language development. babbling
Japanese-born Makita moved to Canada when she was 11 years old. Half her classes are taught in English and half in Japanese. Research has shown that non-English speaking children taught in bilingual programs tend to _____ than if they had gone to an Engli have HIGHER levels of creativity and academic achievement
A(n) _____ is a mental image or best example of all the features people associate with a category. prototype
Jessica believes she can complete a term paper, start to finish, in two days and so begins the paper two days before its due date. Unfortunately, once she begins, she realizes it will more likely take five days to complete. Her failure to accurately deter overconfidence.
When Judy's professor failed to recognize that Judy had her hand raised to answer a question, Judy began to think her professor was unfriendly. Judy later learned that the professor's limited vision kept him from seeing her raised hand, but she continued belief perseverance
According to researchers, a child who hears English spoken with one accent at home and another in the neighborhood and at school will adopt: the accent of the peers, and not the parents.
Linguistic determinism suggests that _____ think differently when they are speaking _____. bilingual people; in one of their two languages
Children will master the past tense for a regular verb like "push" (i.e., "pushed") before they will learn the past tense construction of an irregular verb like "go" (i.e., "went"). This phenomenon is BEST explained by the language acquisition theory of: Noam Chomsky
_____ represents a person's accumulated knowledge, as reflected in vocabulary and analogies tests, and increases up to old age. Crystallized intelligence
The hospital where Jack works has specific step-by-step procedures or _____ for treating heart attack victims. algorithms
Some psychologists believe that thinking affects people's language, which then affects their _____. thought
Arnold had difficulty recognizing that bullfighting was a sport because it failed to resemble his _____ of a sport. prototype
Sultan, a chimpanzee studied by Wolfgang Köhler, showed evidence for animal cognition. He was given a short stick that could not reach a banana, but then seemed to have an "Aha!" experience. He used the short stick: to pull in a longer stick, which he used to reach the banana
The linguistic determinism hypothesis could be challenged by the finding that: people with no word for a certain shape can still perceive that shape accurately.
People more quickly recognize that a blue jay is a bird than that a penguin is a bird because a blue jay more closely resembles their _____ of a bird. prototype
The linguistic determinism hypothesis could be challenged by the finding that: people with no word for a certain shape can still perceive that shape accurately.
People more quickly recognize that a blue jay is a bird than that a penguin is a bird because a blue jay more closely resembles their _____ of a bird prototype
Because of an automobile accident, Jenny suffered damage to her cerebral cortex in Broca's area. Jenny is MOST likely to experience aphasia
_____, most children are in the one-word stage. Around their first birthday
Ahote is a 25-year-old Hopi. The Hopi have no past tense for their verbs, and it is very difficult for Ahote to readily think about the past. Benjamin Lee Whorf would suggest that this is caused by: linguistic determinism
After a construction accident, James was left without the ability to comprehend and express language because of damage sustained in his: left temporal lobe
In language development, _____ is the ability to comprehend speech, whereas _____ is the ability to produce words. receptive language; productive language
Chinese-born Min has lived in the United States since she was seven years old. Min reports that when she is speaking Chinese to her family and friends, she thinks about things differently than when she is speaking English. This is a good illustration of: linguistic determinism.
To solve a problem, sometimes people resort to trial and error. If they want a guaranteed solution, they may follow a(n) _____, which is a step-by-step procedure. algorithm
During a lecture, a professor says, "A child learns language as he interacts with caregivers." This generic use of the pronoun "he" is more likely to trigger images of males than of females. This BEST illustrates the impact of: language on thinking.
Sinjon is fluent in both English and French. His parents spoke both languages to him when he was a very young child. Sinjon has an amazing capacity to inhibit his attention to irrelevant information, which helps him as he does simultaneous interpretation. his increased word power.
A mental grouping of similar objects, events, ideas, or people is known as a(n): concept.
The smallest, distinctive sounds of any language are phonemes
Many psychologists are skeptical of claims that chimpanzees can acquire language because the chimpanzees have NOT shown the ability to: use syntax in communicating.
Unlike English, which has a rich vocabulary for self-focused emotions such as anger, _____ has more words for interpersonal emotions such as sympathy Japanese
_____ refers to the system of rules of a language that enables people to communicate with and understand others speaking the same language. Grammar

What is linguistic determinism hypothesis emphasizes that?

Linguistic determinism is the strong form of linguistic relativity (popularly known as the Sapir–Whorf hypothesis), which argues that individuals experience the world based on the structure of the language they habitually use.

Which of the research findings below would challenge the linguistic determinism hypothesis?

The linguistic determinism hypothesis is challenged by the finding that: People with no word for a certain color can still perceive that color accurately. Several studies have indicated that the generic pronoun "he": Tends for both children and adults to trigger imagines of males but not females.

What is linguistic determinism in psychology quizlet?

Linguistic determinism. refers to the strong version of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, which claims that the language one speaks determines all aspects of thought, including perception.

What is the Whorfian hypothesis of linguistic relativity quizlet?

The Linguistic Relativity Hypothesis, popularly known as the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, or as Whorfianism, holds that the structure of human language effects the way in which an individual conceptualizes their world.


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