True or false? low doses of cns depressants can cause sedative effects and relaxation.

Sedatives should not be given to any patient in acute respiratory distress or with the potential for acute airway obstruction, and should be used cautiously in any patients with a potential increase in intracranial pressure.

From: Complications in Neuroanesthesia, 2016


Patricia Pawson, in Small Animal Clinical Pharmacology (Second Edition), 2008


Many of the drugs used in the practice of anesthesia, including sedatives, exert their effects through the modification of chemical transmission in the CNS. Central synaptic mechanisms are basically similar to those occurring in the periphery; however, the complexity of interneuronal connections in the brain makes the prediction of drug effects far more difficult. A large number of neurotransmitters have been identified in the CNS, including:


γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA)


noradrenaline (norepinephrine)





Glutamate, GABA and glycine

Glutamate, GABA and glycine are amino acid transmitters. Glutamate is the principal excitatory amino acid transmitter in the CNS. It acts at four main types of receptor: NMDA, AMPA, kainate and metabotropic receptors. NMDA and metabotropic receptors are involved in the development of adaptive responses that modulate synaptic transmission, known collectively as synaptic plasticity. These responses have a role in both physiological (e.g. learning) and pathological processes (e.g. facilitation of central nociceptive transmission in chronic pain states). The dissociative anesthetic ketamine blocks the channel associated with the NMDA receptor (see p. 104).

The principal inhibitory neurotransmitter in the CNS is GABA. There are two types of GABA receptor: GABAA and GABAB. The benzodiazepines owe their sedative action to facilitation of this inhibitory neurotransmitter, binding to a discrete site on the GABAA receptor.

Glycine is primarily an inhibitory transmitter found in the gray matter of the spinal cord. However, it is also a coagonist for NMDA receptors and in this context may be considered excitatory.

Noradrenaline (norepinephrine)

Noradrenergic transmission in the CNS appears to be important in control of alertness and mood and in the regulation of blood pressure. As in the periphery, adrenoceptors are recognized and further divided into subtypes, i.e. α1, α2, β1, β2 and β3. While noradrenaline (norepinephrine) appears to have an inhibitory effect on individual brain cells, mediated primarily via β-receptors, excitatory effects may also be observed at both α- and β-receptors. The α2-adrenoceptor agonists owe their sedative action to effects on central noradrenergic transmission.


Dopamine, a precursor of noradrenaline (norepinephrine), has a role in the control of movement and in aspects of behavior. There are two families of dopamine receptor: D1 and D2. The D2 group appears more important in the CNS and comprises D2, D3 and D4 receptors. The D1 group is subdivided into D1 and D5 receptors. The sedative action of the phenothiazines and the butyrophenones has been ascribed to dopamine antagonism, primarily at the D2 family of receptors. Since dopaminergic neurones are also involved in the production of nausea and vomiting, these drugs have additional antiemetic activity.


Various functions have been attributed to 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT). These include the regulation of sensory pathways and the control of mood, wakefulness, feeding behavior and vomiting. An equally large number of receptor types and subtypes have been identified, although receptors belonging to the 5-HT1, 5-HT2 and 5-HT3 groups are probably the most important in the CNS. While none of the veterinary sedatives act principally on 5-HT pathways, the phenothiazines and butyrophenones have mild 5-HT2 blocking effects.


Functions associated with acetylcholine in the CNS include arousal, learning, memory and motor control. Muscarinic receptors appear to be more important, although nicotinic receptors are also present. The effects of acetylcholine are mostly excitatory, although inhibition may be seen at some central muscarinic receptors.


Histaminergic pathways have been described in the brain, and H1, H2 and H3 receptors have been identified. The central functions of histamine are poorly understood, although involvement in the control of wakefulness seems likely, since H1-receptor antagonists induce sedation as a side effect. The phenothiazines have variable H1-receptor blocking activity.

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Substance Misuse: Sedatives

F.J. Couper, in Encyclopedia of Forensic and Legal Medicine (Second Edition), 2016


Sedatives are central nervous system (CNS) depressant drugs primarily used as sleep-inducing hypnotics, anxiolytics, muscle relaxants, and anticonvulsants. The most frequently prescribed sedatives include the benzodiazepines, non-benzodiazepine sedative hypnotics, barbiturates, and muscle relaxants. Other medications, such as the antihistamine diphenhydramine, can also be used for their general sedative properties. The use of sedatives often begins with a prescription to treat insomnia, anxiety, or muscular pain, and abuse develops for their sedative-hypnotic effects resulting in increased dosage without medical advice or continued use after the insomnia, anxiety, or pain has subsided.

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Jet Lag

Susan L.F. McLellan, in Travel Medicine (Third Edition), 2013


Sedatives such as benzodiazepines can be used to help induce sleep at the appropriate hour in the new time zone but may cause residual drowsiness on awakening. The shorter-acting sedatives, such as zolpidem or temazepam, are less likely to produce such a ‘hangover’, but certain individuals will have untoward effects.26 Whether the sedatives have any specific effect on the internal clock remains unclear. GABA type A receptors exist in the suprachiasmatic nuclei, so benzodiazepines may have some direct effect, but animal studies are inconclusive and there are no data on humans. Concern has been raised over the use of any sedative while still on a plane, as a sedated sleeper may be less mobile and more prone to deep venous thrombosis (the same, of course, applies to alcohol). The AAMS guidelines recommend the short-term use of sedatives as optional, with cautions that side-effects are a concern and that although sleep onset is improved, there is no evidence to support improvement of daytime symptoms of jet lag.

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Handbook of Sleep Research

Rachel Ward-Flanagan, Clayton T. Dickson, in Handbook of Behavioral Neuroscience, 2019

B General Anesthesia vs. Sedatives

Sedatives (sometimes referred to as hypnotics) are substances designed to depress the central nervous system to induce anxiolysis and increase sleepiness (Wisden, Yu, & Franks, 2017). Often, sedatives can induce a state similar to natural NREM sleep, characterized by increased delta oscillations, reduced respiratory rate, and lowered body temperature (Yu, Franks, & Wisden, 2018). As such, sedatives are frequently employed in clinical settings, such as intensive care units, to reduce postoperative delirium and promote sleep in an inhospitable environment (Skrobik, Duprey, Hill, & Devlin, 2018; Yu et al., 2018). While sedatives differ from general anesthesia in that it is usually possible to be aroused from a sedative state, certain sedative agents share anesthetic molecular targets (GABAA receptors) and even act as general anesthetics at elevated dosages (i.e., propofol and barbiturates) (Franks, 2008; Yu et al., 2018). Accordingly, discerning the neural mechanisms essential to exerting a sedative effect can give insight to the processes of sleep and general anesthesia. Therefore, the literature evaluating the neurobiological overlaps of specific sedative compounds and natural sleep will also be reviewed in the next section (Fig. 15.1).

True or false? low doses of cns depressants can cause sedative effects and relaxation.

Fig. 15.1. Selected, important neuroanatomical sites for the induction and maintenance of unconsciousness in sleep and anesthesia. BF, basal forebrain; AH, anterior hypothalamus (preoptic area); LH, lateral hypothalamus (perifornical area); PH, posterior hypothalamus (tuberomammillary nucleus); vlPAG, ventrolateral periaqueductal gray; VTA, ventral tegmental area; SN, substantia nigra; LC, locus coeruleus.

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Perioperative and anesthesia management

Arthur J. Klowden, ... Benjamin Salter, in Sleep Apnea and Snoring, 2009


Sedatives and narcotics have a propensity to exacerbate the sleep-related apneic episodes and may impair life-saving arousal in patients with OSAHS. Benzodiazepines and barbiturates preferentially decrease neural input to the upper airway dilating muscles, leading to airway obstruction.16 Even small doses of narcotics given intravenously or epidurally can cause severe airway obstruction and apnea.17,18 Administration of a combination of sedatives and narcotics can be disastrous. Anxiolytic drugs such as midazolam should only be administered when close monitoring of the patient by appropriate personnel is possible. This means that the drug should not be given until the patient is about to enter the operating room for surgery. Because of the increased incidence of aspiration of gastric contents, an antacid and/or metoclopramide should be given to decrease the gastric acidity and volume. Glycopyrrolate to reduce oral secretions and dexametasone to reduce airway edema and nausea and vomiting are generally administered.

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Special Issues in Therapeutic Drug Monitoring in Patients With Uremia, Liver Disease, and in Critically Ill Patients

Kamisha L. Johnson-Davis, Amitava Dasgupta, in Clinical Challenges in Therapeutic Drug Monitoring, 2016

11.6.3 TDM of Sedatives and Analgesics in Critically Ill Patients

Sedatives and analgesics are frequently administered to patients in the ICU to provide pain relief for pre- and postsurgical procedures, promote relaxation, relieve anxiety and physical stress, induce sleep, and reduce mobility and agitation. Sedatives that are commonly utilized include benzodiazepines, opioids, and barbiturates [61]. These drugs may also be utilized for analgesia, in addition to nonsteroidal antiinflammatory antibodies. TDM can be utilized to reduce the risk of adverse effects, such as constipation and fatality caused by respiratory depression, hepatotoxicity, nephrotoxicity, portal hypertension, and GI bleeding. However, therapeutic guidelines are not well established [62]. The response to therapy of drugs that are extensively metabolized by the liver can also be impacted by liver disease. For example, the bioavailability of opioid therapy can vary in patients with chronic liver disease or combined hepatorenal diseases and can induce encephalopathy in critically ill patients [62,63].

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Mass Effect

V. Chiang, I.A. Awad, in Encyclopedia of the Neurological Sciences (Second Edition), 2014

Adjuvant Cerebroprotectants

Sedatives such as short-acting benzodiazepines, propofol, barbiturates, and paralytics can be used judiciously to help control ICP. However, barbiturates have many side effects, including depression of the cardiorespiratory and immune systems. Consequently, they are used for the acute situation of intractably elevated ICP when the mass effect is likely to resolve relatively quickly. Additional brain protection from hypothermia is promising and under investigation. Anticonvulsants have no direct effect on ICP, but are recommended in selected patients with mass lesions, when a seizure could suddenly increase ICP and cause clinical deterioration.

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Traumatic Brain Injury in Children

Jason T. Lerner, Christopher C. Giza, in Swaiman's Pediatric Neurology (Sixth Edition), 2017

Sedation and Neuromuscular Blockade

Sedatives and analgesics may be useful to reduce struggling and exacerbation of elevated ICP, promote optimal ventilation, alleviate pain, and allow for adequate nursing care. Sedation may reduce cerebral metabolic activity and prevent seizures. Potential adverse effects of sedation are hypotension, which can exacerbate poor cerebral perfusion, and obscuration of the neurologic examination.

Neuromuscular blockade may aid in the management of TBI patients by promoting ease of ventilation, reducing ICP, and stopping metabolic demands from skeletal muscle. Complications of neuromuscular blockade include an increased risk of pneumonia, cardiovascular depression, immobilization stress (if used with inadequate sedation), unnoticed seizure activity, and prolonged paralysis/myopathy.

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Obstetric Analgesia and Anesthesia

Mark D. Rollins, Mark A. Rosen, in Avery's Diseases of the Newborn (Ninth Edition), 2012

Sedatives and Anxiolytics

Sedatives and anxiolytics are administered infrequently to pregnant patients because they increase risks of sedation and respiratory depression in both mother and newborn, especially when used with opioids. Sedatives and anxiolytics were used more frequently in the past to diminish the adverse motivational-affective component of labor pain. Examples of such drugs are barbiturates and benzodiazepines.

Diazepam and midazolam are benzodiazepines used as anxiolytic agents in obstetrics. They rapidly cross the placenta, yielding approximately equal maternal and fetal blood levels within minutes of IV administration (Cree et al, 1973). In addition, the neonate has a limited ability to excrete diazepam, so the drug and its active metabolite may persist in significant amounts in the neonate for up to 1 week (Scher et al, 1972). Diazepam can result in neonatal hypotonia, lethargy, and hypothermia when used in large maternal doses (30 mg) (Cohen et al, 1993). However, when it is used in small doses (2.5 to 10 mg IV), minimal sedation and hypotonia have been observed (McAllister, 1980). Midazolam has a shorter duration of activity, but rapidly crosses the placenta and is associated with neonatal hypotonia in larger doses. The use of benzodiazepines remains somewhat controversial, but these agents can reduce maternal anxiety and are useful for treating convulsions associated with local anesthetic toxicity or eclampsia. However, all benzodiazepines are amnestics, and therefore may not be appropriate in many childbirth situations, depending on the desires of the parturient.

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Labor Pain Management

Michelle J. Mertz MD, Connie J. Earl DO, ABIHM, in Integrative Medicine (Fourth Edition), 2018


Sedatives do not possess any analgesic qualities. They are often used in early labor to reduce anxiety, augment the analgesic effects of narcotics, and decrease the nausea often associated with narcotics. Barbiturates, phenothiazines, and benzodiazepines are examples. The last two classes are not commonly used because of their many maternal and neonatal risks.102–104 Promethazine (Phenergan) is an antiemetic and is the most widely used sedative in labor. It rapidly crosses the placenta and has no known antagonist. In large or small doses combined with opioids, promethazine can depress the fetus for long periods of time. When used carefully with an opioid such as morphine in prodromal labor, however, promethazine may promote therapeutic rest for the patient. In some institutions, zolpidem, a sleep aid, is alternately given for therapeutic rest.

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What is CNS depressant effects?

Prescription CNS depressants act on the brain by increasing activity of GABA, a chemical that slows brain activity. People who start taking prescription CNS depressants usually feel sleepy and uncoordinated at first. They can also have poor concentration, confusion, lowered blood pressure, and slowed breathing.

Can CNS depressants cause anesthesia?

CNS depressants slow normal brain function. In higher doses, some CNS depressants can become general anesthetics.

What are the effects of depressants quizlet?

Depressants are drugs that tend to slow the central nervous system and slow brain activity by affecting the neurons. These drugs are dangerous because they slow heart and breathing rates and lower blood pressure.

What is an example of a depressant of the central nervous system and briefly explain what it does to your body and neurotransmitters?

Depressants are drugs that affect neurotransmitters in the central nervous system. They slow brain activity to induce feelings of drowsiness, relaxation, and pain relief. Common types of antidepressants include alchohol, barbiturates, and benzodiazepines.