What are Taylors Principles of Scientific Management choose every correct answer quizlet?

- Frederick Taylor, a young engineer who started his working career at Betlehem Steel Company in Pennysylvania. Father of scientific management 1911
- he observed that the owners and managers of the factories knew little about what actually took place in the workshops.
- believed that the system could be improved, and he looked around for an incentive. He settled on money.
- believed a worker should get a 'fair day's pay for a fair day's work". No more no less
- if the worker couldn't work to the target, then the person shouldn't be working at all.
- believed that management and labor should cooperate and work together to meet goals.
- he was the first to suggest that the primary unctions of managers should be planning and training.
- third, management should cooperate with workers to ensure that jobs match plans and principles
- lastly, management should ensure an appropriate division of work and responsibility between managers and workers.
- was concerned with reducing process time and worked with factory managers on scientific time studies.
- at its most basic level, time studies involve breaking down each job into component parts, timing each element, and rearranging the parts into the most efficient method of working.
- by counting and calculating, Taylor sought to transform management in to a set of calculated and written techniques.
- proposed a "neat, understandable world in the factory, an organization of men whose acts would be planned, coordinated, and controlled under continuous expert directions.
- factory production was to become a matter of efficient and scientific management- the planning and administration of workers and machines alike as components of one big machine.
- in this book, he suggested that productivity would increase if jobs were optimized and simplified.
- he also proposed matching a worker to a particular job that suited the person's skill level and then training the worker to do the job in a specific way. Taylor first developed the idea of breaking down each job into component parts and timing each part to determine the most efficient method of working.
- one of Taylor's most famous studies was from his time at the Bethlehem Steel Company in the early 1900s.
- he noticed that workers used the same shovel for all materials, even various materials differed in weight.
- conducted the the time study

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Terms in this set (100)

Father of Scientific Management

Frederick W. Taylor

The remedy to inefficiency was systematic management, rather than the search for an extraordinary human resource

- Purpose of management was to maximize both employer and employee prosperity

Frederick W. Taylor's arguments

Four principles of scientific management

1. Apply the scientific method to analyze work and determine the most efficient way to perform every task.

2. Match workers to jobs based on their capability and motivation and train them to work at maximum efficiency.

3. Provide instruction and supervision to ensure that the "best" method is being used to complete each task.

4. Divide work between managers and workers, with managers focusing on planning and training and workers focusing on production.

Mother of Modern Management

Lillian Gilbreth

You're drafting a paper that discusses classical management theories. Which of the following best describes scientific management?

A focus on man as machine; specifically, finding the "one best way" to perform a given job

Henri Fayol

French engineer and industrialist
first to identify the major functions of management

Administration Industrielle et Générale

1916 book that proposed the following 14 principles of management

1. Division of work

When employees are specialized, output can increase because they become increasingly skilled and efficient

2. Authority

Managers must have the authority to give orders, but they must also keep in mind that with authority comes responsibility

3. Discipline

Employees must obey and respect the rules that govern the organization. Good discipline is the result of effective leadership, a clear understanding between management and workers regarding the organization's rules, and the judicious use of penalties for infractions of the rules.

4. Unity of Command

Employees should have only one direct supervisor

5. Unity of Direction

Teams with the same objective should be working under the direction of one manager, using one plan. This will ensure that action is properly coordinated

Subordination of Individual Interests to the General Interest

The interests of one employee should not be allowed to become more important than those of the group. This includes managers.

7. Remuneration

Employee satisfaction depends on fair remuneration for everyone. This includes financial and non-financial compensation.

8. Centralization

This principle refers to how close employees are to the decision-making process. It is important to aim for an appropriate balance

9. Scalar Chain

Employees should be aware of where they stand in the organization's hierarchy, or chain of command

10. Order

The workplace facilities must be clean, tidy and safe for employees. Everything should have its place

11. Equity

Managers should be fair to staff at all times, both maintaining discipline as necessary and acting with kindness where appropriate

12. Stability of tenure of personnel

Managers should strive to minimize employee turnover. Personnel planning should be a priority

(13) initiative

Employees should be given the necessary level of freedom to create and carry out plans

14. Espirit de Corps

Organizations should strive to promote team spirit and unity

Fayol's five management duties


Current theory of Six management functions


In section two of your paper, you plan to summarize administrative management theory. Which of the following best summarizes Henry Fayol's contribution to management theory?

Fayol's primary contribution to management theory was his identification of the five management duties or functions

Behavioral Management

Concerned with how to manage productivity by understanding worker motivation, including expectations, needs and interests, and group dynamics

Mary Parker Follett

social worker and social philosopher

one of the first people to integrate the idea of organizational conflict into management theory

proposed that conflict, rather than requiring compromise, could be a stimulus for innovation

1. Organizations should be operated as "communities"
2. Conflicts should be resolved by having managers and workers talk over differences and find solutions that would satisfy both parties
3. The work process should be under control of workers with relevant knowledge

Follett's Theory of Management

-Genuine power is not "coercive" (power over) but coactive (power with)

-True leaders create group power rather than expressing personal power

Elton Mayo

Hawthorne Experiment 1928, founder of the human relations movement

Hawthorne Studies

A series of studies during the 1920s and 1930s that provided new insights into individual and group behavior

- observed workers in a social context—as part of a group—and determined that employee performance is influenced by not only innate ability but by the work environment and their co-workers


Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

(level 1) Physiological Needs,
(level 2) Safety and Security,
(level 3) Relationships, Love and Affection,
(level 4) Self Esteem
(level 5) Self Actualization

Section three of your paper will summarize behavioral management theories. Which of the following points best differentiates behavioral management from other classical management theories?

Behavioral management focuses on improving productivity by understanding worker needs and motivation

learning organization

an organization that has developed the capacity to continuously learn, adapt, and change

Which of the following modern management theories best prepares both organization and individual to thrive in dynamic, disruptive times?

learning organization

Which of these best describes how managers allocate tasks using scientific management theory, also known as Taylorism?

assign tasks to workers based on capability and motivation

Elton Mayo's Hawthorne studies:

viewed workers in a social context

Which of these is NOT one of the primary goals of a learning system?

To establish a set of procedures to use in perpetuity

Lorina, a manager, is assigning personnel to tasks. She chooses who does what job based on each person's skill set, level of efficiency in that task, and production numbers. Which of Fayol's management principles is Lorina enacting?

division of work

Peter Senge proposed five disciplines of a learning organization. Which of the following is NOT one of the five disciplines Senge covers in his management theory?


Henry Fayol's original management principles include all of the following EXCEPT:

staffing and motivation

Mary Parker Follet described organizational conflict as an important dynamic of the workplace, characterizing genuine power in what manner?

coactive or participative

Sales team members engage in a friendly competition to see who can come up with the best slogan for a new product, and the winner chooses the next team lunch location. What principle does this team display?

Espirit de Corps

What was Taylor's proposed solution to the search for more competent workers?

To provide systematic measurement

How did the Gilbreths' studies on motion and domestic management impact the average work experience?

Their studies led to improved efficiency and ergonomic designs

Which of these needs in Maslow's hierarchy of needs is NOT considered a deficiency need?

Inner fulfilment

An organization's mission is

its purpose or reason for existence

SWOT analysis

strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats

The first step in the strategy planning process, the elements that are factored into strategic analysis are:

Mission, values, culture, and situational analysis

There are two potential sources of competitive advantage:

cost (price) or differentiation

The goal of an organization pursuing a cost leadership strategy is to

become the lowest cost producer in the industry

The goal of an organization pursuing a differentiation strategy is

to differentiate the firm and its products or services based on one or more attributes that consumers value and that it is uniquely capable of delivering

The second step in the strategy planning process is strategy formulation, where the inputs from the strategic analysis stage are used to:

Develop a competitive strategy

Which of these statements is NOT one of the objectives of a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis?

eliminating risk factors

Ysela's company is focused on selling one-of-a-kind artisanal chairs at a premium price. What is the best way to characterize Ysela's basic company strategy?

differentiation focus

Randy produces rubber gaskets for model airplane engines, and his strategy focuses on being the lowest cost provider for this market. What competitive strategy is Randy employing?

cost focus

What is the purpose of establishing a set of core values?

To guide and inform business practices and policies

In Porter's Generic Competitive Strategies, which strategy combines a focus on a total market scope and a competitive cost advantage?

cost leadership

A successful human capital plan is likely to place the LEAST amount of emphasis on which type of goals?

short term

In the context of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis method, which of these is NOT considered an opportunity?

leadership expertise

From a human resource management standpoint, which of these is the most important factor in implementing a successful strategy?


Attracting, Retaining & Developing Critical Talent

Recruiting and selecting scarce talent with critical skills

Developing the required capabilities in the current talent

Addressing the needs/interests of multigenerational workforce

Building high performance work organizations

Establishing accountability for achieving business results

Aligning reward systems with changing priorities

Building values and principles to sustain long-term growth

Alining people with the business

Involving employees in the business planning process

Building more effective communications and coaching systems

Focusing efforts on growth, market share, new markets, and customer retention

What role does the Human Resources department play in an organization's strategic planning process?

Human resources provides human capital insight to support strategic analysis and develops human resources strategies and objectives to support implementation

Your organization's strategic plan has just been finalized and you're briefing your HR staff on what it means for the department. Which of the following options best summarizes the implications?

We will be evaluating current policies, programs and procedures relative to the strategic plan and will develop and communicate a plan to support implementation

Personnel Management's planning guide identifies the following essential elements:

A clearly understood strategic direction

Customer and stakeholder human capital management outcomes/goals

Strategies/objectives for accomplishing the goals
An implementation plan

A communication/change management plan, if needed

An accountability system

The topic for your next staff briefing is human resource planning—specifically, human capital planning. Which of the following options best communicates what the process involves?

Human capital planning involves developing a 3-5 year plan for human capital

Human capital planning - often characterized as a roadmap - generally has a ____ year timeframe


Mario is working on building a high performance work organization as part of his HR duties. Which of these tasks will Mario most likely NOT perform during this process?

establishing a fixed rate for employee raises

Developing the required capabilities in the current talent is included with which of HR's key initiatives supporting organizational strategy?

attracting, retaining, and developing critical talent

What should implementation plans include at an operational level?

specific actions required, who is responsible, required resources, completion timeframe

Which of the following is NOT one of the key HR initiatives in support of organizational strategy?

focusing on past mistakes and making contingency plans

A company just performed an "overhaul" on its whole market strategy. This change will carry all of the following implications for HR, EXCEPT?

Workers will have to have paycuts

An energy drink company sponsors extreme adventure sports. Employees and representatives must be "on-brand" in public to promote their products. What is LEAST likely to occupy HR's concerns?

HR will advise to change the production per can of the beverage

Which of the following statements is NOT true, regarding the Gilbreths' contributions to scientific management?

Their film studies identified dangerous working conditions and mitigation plans

Team members attend an annual retreat. What management principle does a group activity like this retreat exemplify?

Espirit de corps

Considering Maslow's hiearchy of needs, which of these needs, if not met, is LEAST likely to result in depression, downtime, and loss of motivations


Hilda often finds opportunities to learn new technologies and integrate them into her management style and encourages evolution of her company's business model. What type of organization does Hilda run?

- a stable management system

- learning system

- quantitative management system

Given the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) model, a new farming technology would most likely represent a(n) _________ for a large producer?


Laura's company goals is to make custom jet-themed jewelry at a low price point. Which competitive strategy most accurately characterizes Laura's company goals?

cost focus

A successful HR management strategy will accomplish which of the following goals?

aligning culture with an organization's mission and values

LouAnn, an HR manager, schedules employees for continued education seminars and professional development workshops. What HR key initiative is LouAnn supporting?

attracting, retaining & developing critical talent

For a company driven by image, brand recognition, and extreme sports, which of the following is probably the LEAST of HR's concerns?

production costs for branded items

Shawna, an HR manager, knows her workplace has several employees poised to retire in the next few years. What can she do now to prepare for this eventuality?

consult and revise her human capital roadmap

A business is looking for highly skilled, highly competent workers. According to Taylor's scientific management theory, what is the best means of attaining this?

provide systematic management and train existing employees

Stanley takes great notes. Philomena balances ledgers very well. On a group project, their manager appoints Stanley as scribe and Philomena as treasurer. What management principle is the manager enacting?
You were correct.

Division of work

Considering Maslow's hierarchy of needs, which of these needs, if not met, is LEAST likely to result in depression, downtime, and loss of motivation


Saul approaches management like he approaches a mathematical problem that can be analyzed to find an optimum solution. Which modern management theory does Saul emulate?

Quantitative management

Which of these exemplifies a set of core values?

integrity, service, excellence

A company trying to be the lowest cost producer in the whole market would be characterized by which of Porter's Generic Competitive Strategies?

Cost leadership

A successful HR management strategy will accomplish which of the following goals?

aligning culture with an organization's mission and values

Aja is brainstorming ideas with her HR manager, striving to make her workforce the most effective team she possibly can. Which of these ideas is Aja's HR manager LEAST likely to agree with?

establishing a fixed rate for employee raises

A shoe company that prides itself on providing comfortable high fashion footwear would be most likely to praise which of these employees?

Ron, who designed a beautiful peep-toe sneaker

The U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) planning guide suggests inclusion of all of the following elements of strategic planning, EXCEPT:

a detailed budget

The terms "power over" and "power with" describe different power dynamics, each of which involve conflict. What purpose did Mary Parker Follet believe conflict served?

Conflict can be a stimulus for innovation

What should human capital objectives be closely aligned with?

strategic goals

Wesley, a manager, is matching workers to tasks based on scientific management theory. How will he make tasking decisions?

assign workers to tasks for which they are capable and motivated

Which of these management principles was NOT one of the 14 principles of management Fayol proposed?

Staffing and motivation

According to the "Hawthorne effect", which of these factors has the greatest impact on productivity?

management pays attention to group dynamics

A company that provides a product to a niche market at a differentiated price point operates under what basic company strategy

differentiation focus

Which of these tasks stands the best chance of success in aligning personnel with goals to achieve a desired outcome or result?

Rhonda's ice cream shop values customer service, and she provides on-the-job training in addition to training videos

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What are Taylor's Principles of Scientific Management choose every correct answer?

Which of the following are Taylor's principles of scientific management? Management should scientifically select, train, teach, and develop each worker.

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The four principles of Taylor's scientific management are: Science, not rule of thumb. Harmony, not discord. Cooperation, not individualism.

What are Taylor's Principles of Scientific Management quizlet?

Terms in this set (4).
Replace rule-of-thumb work methods with methods based on a scientific study of the tasks..
Scientifically select, and develop each trainers rather than passively leaving them to train themselves..
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What are the major elements of Taylor's scientific management quizlet?

Taylor's four principles were:.
Develop a science (process) for each element of an individual's work..
Scientifically (systematically) select and train, teach, and develop workers..
Cooperate with workers to make sure work guidelines are followed..
Divide work and responsibilities between management and workers..