What are the advantages and disadvantages of using naturalistic explanations in ethics?

  • Created by: sophiesims98
  • Created on: 08-06-18 10:14



  • If verified, they are objective truths that apply to everyone. This means that goodness is held consistently throughout societies, and therefore allows for a level of justice
  • We all live in the empirical world, and so goodness is knowable to us
  • Scientific approach is favoured by modern society. By investigating the impact of an action and the impact it has on others, we have conclusive proof that something is good or bad
  • Hedonic naturalists can define something good as something pleasurable. This is convincing as from our experience we know that we pursue things that are pleasurable. It is in keeping with Mill's idea of universalisability - that we ought to pursue things that are pleasurable for ourselves and for our wider society


  • We don't see that difference societies respond to these 'objective truths' in the same way. For example, sacrifice and the pain it brings are observable as abhorrent in our society, but may be seen as a point of worship in another
  • The Is-Ought problem would challenge that science can be used to give moral values. We cannot move as readily from fact to value as we do - Hume believes that we skip a step. For example, we have evolved by reproduction between a man and a woman, therefore homosexuality is wrong because it doesn't further this. Hume argues that unless the 'jump' is explained, the argument falls short
  • The Naturalistic Fallacy believes that defining good is a mistake. It is a simple notion, like yellow, and cannot be explained to someone who doesn't already know it. It is 'sui generis', of its own kind. This is convincing as it rests on the understanding that goodness can be a multitude of things, which we know from our experience to be true. If we could define one thing as good, such as pleasure, 'is pleasure good?' would be a contradictory question as it would be like asking 'is good good?' however, this is not the case
  • The NF also is supported by the open-question argument. This states that if we define something as good, we should have a closed question. For example, 'is a mug used to drink liquids?' we answer with yes. However, we cannot respond to the question 'is pleasure good?' with a closed answer because it is multifaceted. Moore argues that it isn't reducible to one idea


Naturalism is wholly unconvincing. To define goodness as something we can empirically measure is a tempting notion, however in reality goodness is far wider than this and cannot be distilled to something like hedonic naturalists do with equating it to 'pleasure'. Whilst there are advantages, the challenges from More and Hume are too convincing, particularly those of More, in proving that goodness isn't something we can know from nature alone.

a. ethics is the study of why people act in certain ways.

Answer --> True: Ethics is the study of the values of people, which influences their behavior. It is not the
only reason that people behave the way they do, but it encompasses a great deal. For example,
some people do not eat meat because they believe it is wrong. However, some people dance for
fun, but do not do so because they believe it is 'right' or 'wrong'. Therefore, ethics does not
encompass all human behavior

b. the solution to moral conflicts and ethical disputes is to accurately describe the way the world actually is.

answer --> False - Even though all ethical mindsets are based on logic, some ethical issues are subjective.
Religious ethics are based around beliefs that are generated from
an individual's religion, which
can differ from another individual's religion. We cannot definitively say whether or not one
person's religion is correct, and so this ethical dispute is unable to be resolved, since there is no
way to describe how the world 'actually is

c. the statement 'most people believe that cheating is wrong' is an ethical evaluation of cheating.

answer --> True - The term 'wrong' defines this as normative ethics. Many cultures teach that cheating is
wrong, but not everyone would agree. Some people would argue that the ends would justify the
means, and the lack of universality in the statement "Most people believe" means that this is a
subjective ethical matter.

  • School California State University, Fresno
  • Course Title PHIL 120
  • Type

    Homework Help

  • Pages 31
  • Ratings 92% (12) 11 out of 12 people found this document helpful

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3. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using naturalistic explanations inethics.

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4. As they occur in the following statements, label the reasons for the conclusion asappeals to the motive (M), the act (A), or the consequences (C).A. Although you intended well, what you did was bad because it caused more harm thangood.(M)

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What are the advantages and disadvantages of using naturalistic explanations in ethics?

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What are the advantages and disadvantages of using naturalistic explanations in ethics?

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What are the advantages of naturalism?

An advantage of naturalistic observation is that it allows the investigators to directly observe the subject in a natural setting. The method gives scientists a first-hand look at social behavior and can help them notice things that they might never have encountered in a lab setting.

What is a major limitation of naturalistic observation?

On the other hand, naturalistic observation as a research method has some drawbacks. The main disadvantage is generalizability. The value of naturalistic observation techniques to any area of traffic psychology is dependent on how well the study is designed and executed.

Is naturalistic observation ethical?

Such an approach is called disguised naturalistic observation. Ethically, this method is considered to be acceptable if the participants remain anonymous and the behavior occurs in a public setting where people would not normally have an expectation of privacy.

What are some examples of naturalistic observation?

Examples range from watching an animal's eating patterns in the forest to observing the behavior of students in a school setting. During naturalistic observation, researchers take great care using unobtrusive methods to avoid interfering with the behavior they are observing.