What is a variable called that is only used in a function and have no meaning outside the function?

Global Variables

Variables that are created outside of a function are known as global variables.

Global variables can be used by everyone, both inside of functions and outside.


Create a variable outside of a function and use it inside the function:

txt <- "awesome"
my_function <- function() {
  paste("R is", txt)


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If you create a variable with the same name inside a function, this variable will be local, and can only be used inside the function. The global variable with the same name will remain as it was, global and with the original value.


Create a variable inside of a function with the same name as the global variable:

txt <- "global variable"
my_function <- function() {
  txt = "fantastic"
  paste("R is", txt)


txt # print txt

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If you try to print txt, it will return "global variable" because we are printing txt outside the function.

The Global Assignment Operator

Normally, when you create a variable inside a function, that variable is local, and can only be used inside that function.

To create a global variable inside a function, you can use the global assignment operator <<-


If you use the assignment operator <<-, the variable belongs to the global scope:

my_function <- function() {
txt <<- "fantastic"
  paste("R is", txt)



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Also, use the global assignment operator if you want to change a global variable inside a function:


To change the value of a global variable inside a function, refer to the variable by using the global assignment operator <<-:

txt <- "awesome"
my_function <- function() {
  txt <<- "fantastic"
  paste("R is", txt)


paste("R is", txt)

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Scope is a region of a program. Variable Scope is a region in a program where a variable is declared and used.

Variables are thus of two types depending on the region where these are declared and used.

Local Variables

Variables that are declared inside a function or a block are called local variables and are said to have local scope. These local variables can only be used within the function or block in which these are declared.

For functions, local variable can either be a variable which is declared in the body of that function or can be defined as function parameters in the function definition

Now let's see an example where a local variable is declared in the function definition.

#include <iostream> using namespace std; int multiply(int a, int b){ return a * b; } int main() { int x = 3, y = 5; int z; z = multiply( x, y ); cout << z << endl; return 0; }


In this example, variables a and b are declared in the definition of the function multiply and are used within the function. These have no meaning outside the function. 'a' and 'b' are the copies of the variables 'x' and 'y' respectively and store their respective values. Thus, any change in the values of 'a' and 'b' does not affect the values of 'x' and 'y'.
Here, 'a' and 'b' are the local variables for the function 'multiply' and 'x' and 'y' are the local variables for the function main.

Let's take one more example to see that local variables are assets of the function in which these are declared.

#include <iostream> using namespace std; void func1(){ int x = 4; cout << x << endl; } void func2(){ int x = 5; cout << x << endl; } int main(){ func1(); func2(); return 0; }


In the function func1, we declared a variable x and initialized it with a value 4. This variable is in the body of the function func1 and thus gets destroyed when the body of the function func1 ends. So, when we called func1, 4 gets printed.
We declared another variable x in the function func2 and gave it a value 5. This variable also gets destroyed as the body of func2 ends and has no relation with the variable x of func1.
So, the two variables are independent of each other and are limited to only the function in which these are declared.

Same as function, variables declared inside a block are also local variables and are accessible only within the block.

A block is a group of statements enclosed within the curly braces { }. For example, the body of a function is a block. The body of loops or conditional statements like if..else is also a block.

Global Variables

Variables that are defined outside of all the functions and are accessible throughout the program are global variables and are said to have global scope. Once declared, these can be accessed by any function in the program.

Let's see an example of a global variable.

#include <iostream> using namespace std; int g; int main(){ int a = 4; g = a * 2; cout << g << endl; return 0; }


Here, g is a global variable since it is declared outside of the main function. Thus unlike the local variable 'a' which can only be used in the function main, 'g' can be used throughout the program and can be used in all the functions in the program. In this example, we declared 'g' outside of all the functions and gave it a value in the function.

#include <iostream> using namespace std; int g = 10; void func1(){ g = 20; cout << g << endl; } int main(){ func1(); g = 30; cout << g << endl; return 0; }


Same as we can change the value of any local variable in a function any number of times and the value last assigned overrides the previous value, we can also override the value of the global variable in a function.
We assigned a value 10 to g at the time of its declaration. Firstly, we called the function func1 in the main function in which we assigned 20 to 'g'. Thus, the value of 'g' became 20 in the function func1 and thus 20 got printed.
After that, we assigned 30 to 'g' in the main function thus making the value of 'g' 30 in the main function and printing 30.

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Programming is a skill best acquired by practice and example rather than from books.
-Alan Turing

What do you call a variable that can be used only within the function in which it is declared?

Local Variables Variables that are declared inside a function or block are local variables. They can be used only by statements that are inside that function or block of code. Local variables are not known to functions outside their own.

What is the variable called that is declared outside all the function?

Correct option - B Global variableExplanation:-The variables that are declared outside all functions are called global variable.

What is the variable called that is declared outside all the functions select one none of these formal variable local variable global variable?

Global Variable: A variable that is declared outside the function or block is called a global variable.

What is static and global variable?

A global variable can be accessed from anywhere inside the program while a static variable only has a block scope. So, the benefit of using a static variable as a global variable is that it can be accessed from anywhere inside the program since it is declared globally. Below is the code which shows how it is declared.


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