What is the connection between culture and competitive advantages explain with examples

Not all company growth comes from selling more, explains Wes Gipe, Founder of Agil IT, in the video above. “I had been so externally focused,” he says. “I was focused on growing the business. I really didn’t spend a lot of time thinking about the success of the people within the organization.”

Photo courtesy of Aileron.

CEOs are tasked with growing the business and driving strategy. There are different types of strategy: product superiority, customer intimacy, and operational excellence. Each of these strategies can drive a competitive advantage. But one of the most important questions CEOs need to step back and answer is, “What drives a sustainable competitive advantage for the organization?”

A great strategy may drive customers to your company, but a sustainable competitive advantage can keep customers with you over time.

Culture: A Sustainable Competitive Advantage

A strong culture can be a sustainable competitive advantage—if not the only sustainable competitive advantage—because it cannot be duplicated, unlike a product, price point, or delivery system. A healthy company culture provides an environment that supports stronger recruiting, retention, increased customer intimacy and loyalty, greater productivity, and an increased sense of employee ownership. A strong culture also directly impacts the bottom line.

Allow Employees to Flourish

Image courtesy of Aileron.

Strategic, social, and structural influences are what shape an organization’s culture. There’s a three-part, intentional process to set the climate that will allow individuals to flourish:

  • Define the culture: Have you clarified the driving organizational values, beliefs, and behaviors that will help you distinctively serve your customers?
  • Align the culture: How do you turn your values into ongoing norms of behavior within your organization?
  • Monitor the culture: How are you supporting the environment? How are you getting and giving feedback?

Part of this culture design process requires a change in perspective for many CEOs. You may think delivering results is your primary responsibility, but part of your responsibility is fostering culture and growing the individual and team talent needed for today and the future.

“An organization’s leaders need to revisit how they view their structure, including how they see themselves as supporting the rest of the organization,” says Mary Connors, a 2-Day Professional Management Workshop facilitator at Aileron. Shifting from a manager mindset to a coaching mindset gives you a more participatory, supportive role with your people.

“Everyone within the organization needs a voice in co-creating the collaborative culture, and leadership's role is then to support and engage that process,” adds Mary.

Supporting Positive Change in Your Organization 

As Mary argues, you’re never truly “building” your culture because there is already a culture in place at your company. What you are doing, however, is evolving your culture every day. As a business owner, you’re uniquely positioned to shape your culture in a way that can drive long-term value for the organization.

Knowing this, here are three actions you can take to invest time in developing your culture:

1. Make sure your vision, mission, and values are clear.

Your vision should be written in the future tense and can describe what you want the business to become. The vision should be attainable, believable, and easily understood by employees.

Your mission is the company’s purpose in life. It’s a brief statement that summarizes your reason for existing. It should be clear, defines what you do, and should capture the soul of the organization.

Your values are “how we do it.” Having complete clarity around your vision, mission, and values supports decision making that contributes to a healthy culture. “Individuals will feel comfortable and safe within an environment when you are very clear on the vision, the mission and values, and you are able to hold people accountable to that,” says Mary.

2. Hire people who align with your company values.

Mary has seen organizations who celebrate their values by displaying them on walls within their office or facility. It’s a reminder to current employees of the values that matter to them and to their customers.

Some teams will collectively use sticky notes to describe and share the values that matter to them on a wall. Then they take the hundreds of sticky notes and filter them down to the company’s core values.

“This ‘value wall’ is not a quick process, but it's a very inclusive process,” explains Mary. Once you have a wall that displays your values, you can use it to show and attract individuals who align with these values and your culture. “You can also challenge all associates to hold each other accountable for living those values out each day,” says Mary.

3. Provide ample opportunities for input.

Support an environment where there is respect for your constantly evolving culture. High-performing organizations embrace opportunities to exchange ideas. Ensure that you gather input and feedback from employees. Lastly, look for development opportunities that align with the company’s strategic direction and employee’s aspirations.

What is the connection between culture and competitive advantage?

Culture can be an organization's key competitive advantage because it is unique to the company and cannot be replicated. Cultivating the positive aspects of your company's culture results in more engaged and fulfilled employees. And, there is no one more important to your success than your people.

What is competitive advantage explain with example?

For example, if a company advertises a product for a price that's lower than a similar product from a competitor, that company is likely to have a competitive advantage. The same is true if the advertised product costs more, but offers unique features that customers are willing to pay for.

How can culture be a competitive advantage for a business?

Culture: A Sustainable Competitive Advantage A healthy company culture provides an environment that supports stronger recruiting, retention, increased customer intimacy and loyalty, greater productivity, and an increased sense of employee ownership.

Why is the connection between culture and competitive advantage important for international business?

For international businesses, the connection between culture and competitive advantage is important because: a strong connection is likely to produce the most viable competitors.


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