What is the most common cause of death in post operative abdominal aneurysm repair patients?

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Which is the most common complication after an abdominal aortic aneurysm resection?

The most common complications associated with resection of aneurysms of the thoracic and abdominal aorta are: hemorrhage, acute renal failure, ischemic colitis, distal emboli, graft thrombosis, infection, pseudoaneurysm formation, aorto-caval and aorto-enteric fistulae, neurologic deficits, ureteral obstruction, sexual ...

What is the leading cause of death after AAA repair?

In the presented results, it is clear that AAA patients undergoing repair have a worse vital prognosis compared with the age- and gender-matched population. Interestingly, the predominant causes of death beyond 30 days are cardiovascular and cancer related, in similar proportions.

What is the most serious life threatening complication of abdominal aortic aneurysm?

A ruptured aneurysm can cause massive internal bleeding, which is usually fatal. Around 8 out of 10 people with a rupture either die before they reach hospital or don't survive surgery. The most common symptom of a ruptured aortic aneurysm is sudden and severe pain in the abdomen.

What are the complications of aneurysm repair?

Some possible complications may include, but are not limited to, the following:.
Damage to surrounding blood vessels, organs, or other structures by instruments..
Kidney damage..
Limb ischemia (loss of blood flow to leg/feet) from clots..
Groin wound infection..
Groin hematoma (large blood-filled bruise).