What is the process of defining two or more methods within same class that have same name but different parameters?


Guys, does anyone know the answer?

get defining two methods with the same name but with different parameters is called. from screen.

Overloading and Overriding


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Overloading and Overriding

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Method overloading[edit | edit source]

In a class, there can be several methods with the same name. However they must have a different . The signature of a method is comprised of its name, its parameter types and the order of its parameters. The signature of a method is not comprised of its return type nor its visibility nor the exceptions it may throw. The practice of defining two or more methods within the same class that share the same name but have different parameters is called .

Methods with the same name in a class are called . Overloading methods offers no specific benefit to the JVM but it is useful to the programmer to have several methods do the same things but with different parameters. For example, we may have the operation runAroundThe represented as two methods with the same name, but different input parameter types:

Code section 4.22: Method overloading.

public void runAroundThe(Building block) {

... }

public void runAroundThe(Park park) {

... }

One type can be the subclass of the other:

Code listing 4.11: ClassName.java

public class ClassName {

public static void sayClassName(Object aObject) {



public static void sayClassName(String aString) {



public static void main(String[] args) {

String aString = new String();


Object aObject = new String();


} }

Console for Code listing 4.11

String Object

Although both methods would be fit to call the method with the String parameter, it is the method with the nearest type that will be called instead. To be more accurate, it will call the method whose parameter type is a subclass of the parameter type of the other method. So, aObject will output Object. Beware! The parameter type is defined by the type of an object, not its type!

The following two method definitions are valid

Code section 4.23: Method overloading with the type order.

public void logIt(String param, Error err) {

... }

public void logIt(Error err, String param) {

... }

because the type order is different. If both input parameters were type String, that would be a problem since the compiler would not be able to distinguish between the two:

Code section 4.24: Bad method overloading.

public void logIt(String param, String err) {

... }

public void logIt(String err, String param) {

... }

The compiler would give an error for the following method definitions as well:

Code section 4.25: Another bad method overloading.

public void logIt(String param) {

... }

public String logIt(String param) {

String retValue; ... return retValue; }

Note, the return type is not part of the unique signature. Why not? The reason is that a method can be called without assigning its return value to a variable. This feature came from C and C++. So for the call:

Code section 4.26: Ambiguous method call.


the compiler would not know which method to call. It is also the case for the thrown exceptions.

Test your knowledge

Variable Argument[edit | edit source]

Instead of overloading, you can use a dynamic number of arguments. After the last parameter, you can pass optional unlimited parameters of the same type. These parameters are defined by adding a last parameter and adding ... after its type. The dynamic arguments will be received as an array:

Code section 4.27: Variable argument.

public void registerPersonInAgenda(String firstName, String lastName, Date... meeting) {

String[] person = {firstName, lastName};

lastPosition = lastPosition + 1;

contactArray[lastPosition] = person;

if (meeting.length > 0) {

Date[] temporaryMeetings = new Date[registeredMeetings.length + meeting.length];

for (i = 0; i < registeredMeetings.length; i++) {

temporaryMeetings[i] = registeredMeetings[i];


for (i = 0; i < meeting.length; i++) {

temporaryMeetings[registeredMeetings.length + i] = meeting[i];


registeredMeetings = temporaryMeetings;

} }

The above method can be called with a dynamic number of arguments, for example:

Code section 4.27: Constructor calls.

registerPersonInAgenda("John", "Doe");

registerPersonInAgenda("Mark", "Lee", new Date(), new Date());

This feature was not available before Java 1.5 .

Constructor overloading[edit | edit source]

The constructor can be overloaded. You can define more than one constructor with different parameters. For example:

स्रोत : en.wikibooks.org

Different ways of Method Overloading in Java

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What is the process of defining two or more methods within same class that have same name but different parameters?

Different ways of Method Overloading in Java

Difficulty Level : Basic

Last Updated : 04 Sep, 2022

If a class has multiple methods having same name but parameters of the method should be different is known as Method Overloading.

If we have to perform only one operation, having same name of the methods increases the readability of the program.

Suppose you have to perform addition of the given numbers but there can be any number of arguments, if you write the method such as a(int,int) for two parameters, and b(int,int,int) for three parameters then it may be difficult for you to understand the behavior of the method because its name differs.

Method overloading in java is based on the number and type of the parameters passed as an argument to the methods. We can not define more than one method with the same name, Order, and type of the arguments. It would be a compiler error. The compiler does not consider the return type while differentiating the overloaded method. But you cannot declare two methods with the same signature and different return types. It will throw a compile-time error. If both methods have the same parameter types, but different return types, then it is not possible.

Java can distinguish the methods with different method signatures. i.e. the methods can have the same name but with different parameters list (i.e. the number of the parameters, the order of the parameters, and data types of the parameters) within the same class.

Parameters should be different means

1. Type of parameter should be different



/*package whatever //do not write package name here */

import java.io.*; void add(int, int);

void add(double,double);

class Adder{

void add(int a, int b){

System.out.println(“sum =”+(a+b));


void  add(double a, double b){



public static void main(String[] args){

Adder ad=new Adder();

ad.add(5,6); ad.add(5.4,7.2); }}

2. Number of parameter should be different



class Adder{

void add(int a, int b){

System.out.println(“sum =”+(a+b));


void  add(int a, int b,int c){



public static void main(String[] args){

Adder ad=new Adder();

ad.add(5,6); ad.add(5.4,7.2); }}

Geeks, now you would be up to why do we need method overloading?

If we need to do some kind of operation in different ways i.e. for different inputs. In the example described below, we are doing the addition operation for different inputs. It is hard to find many meaningful names for a single action.

Ways of Overloading Methods

Method overloading can be done by changing:

The number of parameters in two methods.

The data types of the parameters of methods.

The Order of the parameters of methods.

Let us propose examples in order to illustrate each way while overloading methods. They are as follows:

Method 1: By changing the number of parameters.


// Java Program to Illustrate Method Overloading

// By Changing the Number of Parameters

// Importing required classes

import java.io.*; // Class 1 // Helper class class Addition { // Method 1

// Adding two integer values

public int add(int a, int b)

{ int sum = a + b; return sum; } // Method 2

// Adding three integer values

public int add(int a, int b, int c)


int sum = a + b + c;

return sum; } } // Class 2 // Main class class GFG {

// Main driver method

public static void main(String[] args)


// Creating object of above class inside main()

// method

Addition ob = new Addition();

// Calling method to add 3 numbers

int sum1 = ob.add(1, 2);

// Printing sum of 2 numbers

System.out.println("sum of the two integer value :"

+ sum1);

// Calling method to add 3 numbers

int sum2 = ob.add(1, 2, 3);

// Printing sum of 3 numbers


"sum of the three integer value :" + sum2);

} }


sum of the two integer value :3

sum of the three integer value :6

Method 2: By changing the Data types of the parameters


// Java Program to Illustrate Method Overloading

// By Changing Data Types of the Parameters

// Importing required classes

import java.io.*; // Class 1 // Helper class class Addition {

// Adding three integer values

public int add(int a, int b, int c)


int sum = a + b + c;

return sum; }

// adding three double values.

public double add(double a, double b, double c)


double sum = a + b + c;

return sum; } } class GFG {

public static void main(String[] args)


Addition ob = new Addition();

int sum2 = ob.add(1, 2, 3);


"sum of the three integer value :" + sum2);

double sum3 = ob.add(1.0, 2.0, 3.0);

System.out.println("sum of the three double value :"

+ sum3); } }


sum of the three integer value :6

स्रोत : www.geeksforgeeks.org

What is the process of defining two or more methods within the same class that have the same name but different parameters declaration?

Answer (1 of 5): This is KNOWN as Polymorphism https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polymorphism_(computer_science) In programming languages and type theory, polymorphismis the provision of a single interface to entities of different types[1] or the use of a single symbol to represent multiple differen...

What is the process of defining two or more methods within same class that have same name but different parameters?

What is the process of defining two or more methods within the same class that have the same name but different parameters declaration?

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Sort Chukwuemeka Ajima Software Engineer3y

It’s actually not a process, or maybe we can still call it a process and it’s called Method Overloading, however I like to see it as a concept.

In computer programming, mainly OOP (Object-Oriented Programming) there’s a concept know as method overloading. This allows you to overload a method, mainly by supplying different parameters in all he various method but the method signature remains the same.

For instance:

public String overloadedMethod() {

// logic goes here }

public String overloadedMethod(String name) {

// logic goes here }

public String overloadedMethod(String name, String gender) {

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Christopher Richards I

Former Senior Software Engineer at Intel (company) (1999–2003)Upvoted by

Sandy Perlmutter

, computer consultant for more than 30 years, from COBOL and IBM assembler on.Author has 4.1K answers and 428.3K answer viewsFeb 3

This is KNOWN as Polymorphism

Polymorphism (computer science) - Wikipedia

Using one interface or symbol with regards to multiple different types In programming language theory and type theory , polymorphism is the provision of a single interface to entities of different types [1] or the use of a single symbol to represent multiple different types. [2] The concept is borrowed from a principle in biology where an organism or species can have many different forms or stages. [3] The most commonly recognized major classes of polymorphism are: Ad hoc polymorphism : defines a common interface for an arbitrary set of individually specified types. Parametric polymorphism : not specifying concrete types and instead use abstract symbols that can substitute for any type. Subtyping (also called subtype polymorphism or inclusion polymorphism ): when a name denotes instances of many different classes related by some common superclass. [4] History [ edit ] Interest in polymorphic type systems developed significantly in the 1960s, with practical implementations beginning to appear by the end of the decade. Ad hoc polymorphism and parametric polymorphism were originally described in Christopher Strachey 's Fundamental Concepts in Programming Languages , [5] where they are listed as "the two main classes" of polymorphism. Ad hoc polymorphism was a feature of Algol 68 , while parametric polymorphism was the core feature of ML 's type system. In a 1985 paper, Peter Wegner and Luca Cardelli introduced the term inclusion polymorphism to model subtypes and inheritance , [2] citing Simula as the first programming language to implement it. Ad hoc polymorphism [ edit ] Christopher Strachey chose the term ad hoc polymorphism to refer to polymorphic functions that can be applied to arguments of different types, but that behave differently depending on the type of the argument to which they are applied (also known as function overloading or operator overloading ). [5] The term " ad hoc " in this context is not intended to be pejorative; it refers simply to the fact that this type of polymorphism is not a fundamental feature of the type system. In the Pascal / Delphi example below, the Add functions seem to work generically over various types when looking at the invocations, but are considered to be two entirely distinct functions by the compiler for all intents and purposes: program Adhoc ; function Add ( x , y : Integer ) : Integer ; begin Add := x + y end ; function Add ( s , t : String ) : String ; begin Add := Concat ( s , t ) end ; begin Writeln ( Add ( 1 , 2 )) ; (* Prints "3" *) Writeln ( Add ( 'Hello, ' , 'Mammals!' )) ; (* Prints "Hello, Mammals!" *) end . In dynamically typed languages the situation can be more complex as the correct function that needs to be invoked might only be determinable at run time. Implicit type conversion has also been defined as a form of polymorphism, referred to as "coercion polymorphism". [2] [6] Parametric polymorphism [ edit ] Parametric polymorphism allows a function or a data type to be writt


In programming languages

and type theory

, polymorphismis the provision of a single interface

to entities of different types


or the use of a single symbol to represent multiple different types.[2]

The concept is borrowed from a principle in biology where an organism or species can have many different forms or stages.

Joseph Newcomer

Former Chief Software Architect (1987–2010)Author has 17.1K answers and 4.4M answer views1y

You type the definitions in. That’s the process. Nothing to it.

स्रोत : www.quora.com

What is the process of defining two or more methods within same class that have same name but different parameters declaration in Java?

If a class has multiple methods having same name but parameters of the method should be different is known as Method Overloading.

What is the process of defining more than one method in a class having the same name but differentiated by method signature?

Explanation: Function overloading is a process of defining more than one method in a class with same name differentiated by function signature i:e return type or parameters type and number.

When 2 or more methods in the same class have the same name it is called method?

Having two or more methods named the same in the same class is called overloading. It's not overloading if you have the same method name in two different classes.