What was one economic factor that helped support industrialization in England quizlet?

In addition to a large population of workers, the small island country had extensive natural resources.

Industrialization, which is the process of developing machine production of
goods, required such resources. These natural resources included
• water power and coal to fuel the new machines
• iron ore to construct machines, tools, and buildings
• rivers for inland transportation
• harbors from which merchant ships set sail

- Britain had an expanding economy to support industrialization.
- Business people invested in the manufacture of new inventions.

-Britain's highly developed banking system also contributed to the country's industrialization.
-People were encouraged by the availability of bank loans to invest in new machinery and expand their operations
- Growing overseas trade, economic
prosperity, and a climate of progress led to the increased demand for goods.

- Britain's political stability gave the country a tremendous advantage over its neighbors. - Though Britain took part in many wars during the 1700s, none occurred on British soil. Their military successes gave the British a positive attitude.
-Parliament also passed laws to help encourage and protect business ventures.

-Britain had all the factors of production, the resources needed to produce goods and services that the Industrial Revolution required.
-They included land, labor, and capital (or wealth).

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Unionization- power in numbers -> bargaining for better conditions, higher pay, shorter hours- resisted at first by gov.

Improved labor laws- In Britain- Factory Act of 1833- no kids under 9, shorter hours for older children, 1842 Mines Act- no women and children underground. In US- 1904 National Child Labor Committee , 1919 US Supreme Court ruled against federal protections for children, states set limits on working hours.

Abolition of slavery- Britain ended it it first in 1833, other followed with Brazil being the last in 1888.

women's rights- Women earned higher wages through factory work but still only made 1/3 of what men made. They began to form unions and push for more equal rights. They served as factory safety inspectors and some ran settlement houses. They then began pushing for the right to vote which was not accomplished until 1920.

public education- by the 1850s in most states (Horace Mann), and by the late 1800s in Britain.

Prison reform- 1830's through Alexis de Tocqueville

What was the one economic factor that helped support industrialization in England?

Answer: A major economic factor that helped support industrialization in England was that "England had large deposits of iron." This iron was essential to make the machines and other equipment necessary for development.

How did the economy of England support industrialization?

1. How did the economy of england support industrialization ? The strong banking system used to bank loans to spur industrial advancements.

What economic factors helped the Industrial Revolution begin in Britain quizlet?

Four factors that helped the bring about the Industrial Revolution were resources, new technology, economic conditions, political and Social Conditions. With large supplies of resources such as coal Britain was able to power more steam engines to make more supplies. New technology helped give more jobs.

What are four factors that helped bring about the Industrial Revolution in England?

Many different factors contributed to the rise of the Industrial Revolution in Britain. The new inventions, access to raw materials, trade routes and partners, social changes, and a stable government all paved the way for Britain to become an industry-driven country.


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