When a researcher analyzes data from a phenomenological study the final synthesis of participants reported experiences?

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Chapter 06: Qualitative Approaches to ResearchTest BankMULTIPLE CHOICE1.Which qualitative research approach is used by researchers for the purpose of theory building?a.Case studyb.Phenomenologyc.Grounded theoryd.Ethnographic methodANS: CFeedbackAA case study focuses on the peculiarities or commonalities of specific clinicalscenarios or situations.BPhenomenology focuses on the lived experience of persons dealing with aparticular phenomenon.CGrounded theory is associated with building of theory about basic socialprocesses. The theory evolves or emerges during data collection and analysis.DEthnographic methods focus on cultures or subcultures within larger socialcontexts.

DIF:Cognitive Level: Remembering (Knowledge)REF:Page 116-1182.Which qualitative approach would bemostappropriate for a nurse researcher to use whenstudying the daily experience of women undergoing radiation treatment for breast cancer?

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DIF:Cognitive Level: Understanding (Comprehension)REF:Page 112-1153.When a researcher analyzes data from a phenomenologic study, what is the final synthesis ofparticipants’ reported experiences?

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When a researcher analyzes data from a phenomenological study the final synthesis of participants reported experiences?

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When a researcher analyzes data from a phenomenological study the final synthesis of participants reported experiences?
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b.Identification of thought sequencesc.Generalization of the findingsd.Classification of recurring themesANS: AFeedbackAThe final synthesis of a phenomenologic study elaborates the lived experience ofparticipants as a narrative.BIdentification of thought sequences refers to the auditability of the study.CQualitative results are not generalized.DClassification of reoccurring themes occurs during data analysis.DIF:Cognitive Level: Understanding (Comprehension)REF:Page 113-1154.When reviewing the report of a phenomenologic study, the nurse finds there is no section thatdescribes or reports the research question. What approach should be used to determine theresearch question?

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Qualitative Research, researcher, Cognitive Level, Grounded theory

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When a researcher analyzes data from a phenomenological study the final synthesis of participants reported experiences?

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Fundamental Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences


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When a researcher analyzes data from a phenomenological study the final synthesis of participants reported experience is?

3. When a researcher analyzes data from a phenomenologic study, what is the final synthesis of participants' reported experiences? The final synthesis of a phenomenologic study elaborates the lived experience of participants as a narrative.

Which qualitative research approach is used by researchers for the purpose of theory building about basic social processes?

C Grounded theory is associated with building of theory about basic social processes. The theory evolves or emerges during data collection and analysis.

What is the role of the researcher in phenomenology?

Researchers using phenomenological research design assume that people use a universal structure or essence to make sense of their experience. They interpret the participants' feelings, perceptions, and beliefs to clarify the essence of the phenomenon under investigation.

What is the purpose of phenomenological research quizlet?

The purpose of phenomenology is to describe the intrinsic traits, or essences, of the lived experience. An ethnography is a qualitative research approach developed by anthropologists involving the study of individuals, artifacts, or documents in the natural setting.