Which of the following best describes the relationship between cultural relativism and ethnocentrism quizlet?

Table of Contents

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  • What is the difference between ethnocentrism and cultural relativism quizlet?
  • What are the differences of ethnocentrism?
  • What are the similarities between cultural relativism and ethnocentrism?
  • Which of the following best describes the relationship between cultural relativism and ethnocentrism?
  • What is the difference between ethnocentrism?
  • What is an example of cultural relativism?
  • What are some examples of relativism?
  • Do You Believe in cultural relativism?
  • Can You give Me examples of cultural relativism?
  • Post navigation
  • What is the relationship between ethnocentrism and cultural relativism?
  • What is the relationship between ethnocentrism and cultural development?
  • What is a example of ethnocentrism and cultural relativism?
  • What is the difference between ethnocentrism and cultural relativism quizlet?

  • 1 What is the differences between cultural relativism and ethnocentrism?
  • 2 What is the difference between ethnocentrism and cultural relativism quizlet?
  • 3 What are the differences of ethnocentrism?
  • 4 What are the similarities between cultural relativism and ethnocentrism?
  • 5 Which of the following best describes the relationship between cultural relativism and ethnocentrism?
  • 6 What is the difference between ethnocentrism?
  • 7 What is an example of cultural relativism?
  • 8 What are some examples of relativism?
  • 9 Do You Believe in cultural relativism?
  • 10 Can You give Me examples of cultural relativism?

Ethnocentrism is the tendency to look at the world primarily from the perspective of one’s own culture. Cultural relativism is the principle of regarding and valuing the practices of a culture from the point of view of that culture and to avoid making hasty judgments.

What is the difference between ethnocentrism and cultural relativism quizlet?

Ethnocentrism- Using your culture as a yardstick to judge other cultures. Usually leading to negative evaluations of their society. Cultural Relativism- Not being judgmental of a culture but trying to understand it on it’s own terms.

What is the differences of cultural relativism?

Cultural relativism is the practice of assessing a culture by its own standards rather than viewing it through the lens of one’s own culture. Xenocentrism is the opposite of ethnocentrism, and refers to the belief that another culture is superior to one’s own.

What are the differences of ethnocentrism?

Ethnocentrism is the idea that one’s own culture is the main standard by which other cultures may be measured. A competing idea, cultural relativism is the belief that the culture of people serves particular needs and must be looked at in terms of the world the people inhabit.

What are the similarities between cultural relativism and ethnocentrism?

One similarity between cultural relativism and ethnocentrism is that both are a way of interpreting different cultures. The differences relate to whether or not you cast judgment on other cultures and consider them inferior to your own.

What is ethnocentrism example?

Ethnocentrism is the term anthropologists use to describe the opinion that one’s own way of life is natural or correct. An example of ethnocentrism in culture is the Asian cultures across all the countries of Asia. Throughout Asia, the way of eating is to use chopsticks with every meal.

Which of the following best describes the relationship between cultural relativism and ethnocentrism?

Which of the following best describes the relationship between cultural relativism and ethnocentrism? Cultural relativism emphasizes understanding from an insider’s view, and ethnocentrism judges other cultures from an outsider’s view.

What is the difference between ethnocentrism?

What are the similarities of cultural relativism and ethnocentrism?

What is an example of cultural relativism?

Cultural relativism refers to not judging a culture to our own standards of what is right or wrong, strange or normal. For example, instead of thinking, “Fried crickets are disgusting! ” one should instead ask, “Why do some cultures eat fried insects?”.

What are some examples of relativism?

Relativists often do claim that an action/judgment etc. is morally required of a person. For example, if a person believes that abortion is morally wrong, then it IS wrong — for her. In other words, it would be morally wrong for Susan to have an abortion if Susan believed that abortion is always morally wrong.

What are some arguments against cultural relativism?

If someone claims to be a cultural relativist, he/she supports the cultural differences argument that states: different cultures have different moral codes; therefore, there is no objective truth in morality. Furthermore, the argument continues saying that right and wrong are only matters of opinion, and opinions vary from culture to culture.

Do You Believe in cultural relativism?

Cultural relativism is widely accepted in modern anthropology. Cultural relativists believe that all cultures are worthy in their own right and are of equal value. Diversity of cultures, even those with conflicting moral beliefs, is not to be considered in terms of right and wrong or good and bad.

Can You give Me examples of cultural relativism?

Understanding why bullfighting is a practice in Spain (religious factors).

  • Understanding why individuals in some parts of Asia eat insects (subsistence strategy).
  • Understanding why American individuals place high value on individual success and material wealth (Protestant Reformation in Europe,producing Calvinism; Calvinist New World settlers).
  • How is ethnocentrism different from racism?

    Ethnocentrism is a see also of racism. As nouns the difference between ethnocentrism and racism. is that ethnocentrism is the tendency to look at the world primarily from the perspective of one’s own culture while racism is the belief that each race has distinct and intrinsic attributes.

    Post navigation

    What is the relationship between ethnocentrism and cultural relativism?

    Ethnocentrism compares other cultures by using a group's specific culture as the basis of that comparison, believing theirs to be superior and the standard to be used in comparison to other cultures. Cultural relativism, on the other hand, believes that culture is understood best through its own people.

    What is the relationship between ethnocentrism and cultural development?

    Ethnocentrism is judging other cultures based on the preconceptions originating in the standards and customs of one's own culture. In contrast, cultural relativism is the notion that a culture should be understood on its own terms, not using standards of another culture.

    What is a example of ethnocentrism and cultural relativism?

    What is cultural relativism? Have you ever seen or eaten food from another country, such as dried squid or fried crickets and think of it as weird and gross? This is an example of ethnocentrism! That means you use your own culture as the center and evaluate other cultures based on it.

    What is the difference between ethnocentrism and cultural relativism quizlet?

    Ethnocentrism — the tendency to assume that one's own culture and way of life represent the norm or are superior to all others. Cultural Relativism — the viewing of people's behavior from the perspective of their own culture.