Which of the following best exemplifies an evocative genotype-environment correlation?

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Psych Final 1xx3 Quiz Part1

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Which of the following best exemplifies an evocative genotype-environment correlation?

Which statement is NOT an assumption of the lifespan perspective? Select one: a. Development is shaped by historical context. b. Development focuses on gains not losses. c.
Development can take multiple directions. d. Understanding development requires multiple disciplines.

c. Development can take multiple directions.

In the Friedrich and Stein study on the influence of television on aggression, the type of television show watched (aggressive, prosocial, or neutral) represented the ____ variable in the experiment. Select one: a. independent b. confounding c. extraneous d. dependent

Dr. Hu is interested in children's affective responses to studying science. She spends many hours sitting quietly and observing in elementary school classrooms during science instruction, and makes careful notes on all she observes. While observing, Dr. Hu is careful not to interact with the children or to interfere with their behavior in any way. This form of data collection is known as Select one: a. naturalistic observation. b.
structured observation. c. case study analysis. d. self-report investigation.

a. naturalistic observation.

Vue is a developmental psychologist who is concerned with helping adolescents learn to deal constructively with divorce. Her work focuses primarily on which goal of developmental psychology? Select one: a. Description b. Optimization c.
Explanation d. Prediction

Random assignment helps ensure Select one: a. age effects. b. differences exist between treatment groups prior to the treatment. c. cohort effects. d. similarity of treatment groups prior to the treatment.

d. similarity of treatment groups prior to the treatment.

In a sequential design, time of measurement is confounded with cohort effects.

In an experimental research design, the variable that is manipulated by the experimenter is called the independent variable.

Maturation refers to the gains that occur across the lifespan as the result of experiences.

For her senior project, Shantae wants to study children's moral reasoning. During the fall semester, she interviews 20 individuals in each of the following grades: first, fourth, seventh, tenth, and college sophomores. She asks each participant to solve a practical moral dilemma. What sort of research design is Shantae using? Select one: a. Sequential b. Cross-sectional c.
Longitudinal d. Experimental

The fact that development often involves continuities speaks to the fact that over time, human development tends to Select one: a. occur in gradual, rather than abrupt, fashion. b. is largely impacted by our genetic heritage. c. take place to the greatest degree in childhood. d. occur in an abrupt, rather than a gradual, fashion.

a. occur in gradual, rather than abrupt, fashion.

In a structured observation, a researcher creates a special condition designed to elicit some behavior of interest.

What point was Urie Bronfenbrenner attempting to make when he said that developmental psychology had become, "the science of the strange behavior of children in strange situations with strange adults"? Select one: a. Modern developmental psychology is too focused on laboratory research. b.
Modern developmental psychology pays too much attention to exceptional children and not enough to normal children. c. Modern developmental psychology is too worried about the impact of early childhood abuse by parents. d. Modern developmental psychology conducts far too few experiments.

a. Modern developmental psychology is too focused on laboratory research.

Maturation is to learning as Select one: a. knowing is to doing. b. the environment is to heredity. c. practice is to instinct. d.
genes are to social experience.

d. genes are to social experience.

Dr. Rambo wants to determine whether there are sex differences in reactions to televised violence. He asks male and female participants to watch a 15-minute video clip of a violent program and then complete a rating scale. Rambo's research project is best classified as a(n) Select one: a. true experiment. b. naturalist observation. c. quasi-experiment. d.

Which best exemplifies the concept of neuroplasticity? Select one: a. The production of large amounts of testosterone during puberty b. The ability to use your arm to draw after the arm was severely broken c. The development of thicker heart muscles in old age after undertaking an aerobic exercise class d. The formation of new brain cell connections as the result of reading a book

d. The formation of new brain cell connections as the result of reading a book

The fact that sex differences in aggression are greatest in patrilineal cultures suggests that Select one: a. primitive societies were likely less aggressive than modern societies. b. genes for aggression most likely come from fathers. c. boys are naturally more aggressive than girls. d. cultural standards play a significant role in determining aggression.

d. cultural standards play a significant role in determining aggression.

Living near a noisy airport can interfere with a child's learning how to read. This is an example of the effects of Select one: a. socioeconomic environment. b. physical environment. c.
gene-environment interaction. d. maturation.

In order to study the effects of television on children's behavior, Dr. Squarepants synthesizes the results from 150 studies looking at the influence of cartoons on children's moral development. Given this description, Dr. Squarepants appears to be using the _____ research technique. Select one: a. structured observation b. meta-analysis c.
sequential design d. naturalistic observation

The question of how biological and environmental forces impact development is referred to as the _____ issue. Select one: a. continuity-discontinuity b. passive-active c. proximal-distal d. nature-nurture

The genetic blueprint children receive makes it likely that they will walk and utter their first words at about 1 year of age.

Manuel hoped to graduate from college by age 22 but finds himself enrolling for the first time at age 52. The anxiety Manuel feels because of this situation may be best explained by the concept of Select one: a. plasticity. b. historical change. c. a social clock. d.
biological maturation.

In which type of study are the effects of age and the effects of time of measurement confounded with one another? Select one: a. Sequential b. Correlational c. Longitudinal d.

Which statement best characterizes individuals in the "emerging adulthood" period of development? Select one: a. Young people who are neither adolescents nor adults b.
Old people who are adults but not elderly c. Young people who are adolescents but not adults d. Old people who are neither adults nor elderly

a. Young people who are neither adolescents nor adults

John Tatum Select one: a. won three gold medals at the 2009 National Senior Games. b.
generated the first comprehensive theory of lifespan development. c. was the first black soldier to serve in an all-white unit in World War II. d. was the first African-American psychologist.

a. won three gold medals at the 2009 National Senior Games.

After Mr. Flay has finished filling out a survey that he thought was on cooking skills, he is told that the actual purpose of the survey was to assess his intelligence. This best represents the concept of Select one: a. confidentiality. b. protection from harm. c. informed consent. d. debriefing.

Lisa thinks that age 22 is the perfect time to get married because all of her friends plan to marry at this age. This is an example of an age norm.

_____ aging involves the deterioration of an organism that eventually results in death. Select one: a. Behavioral b. Psychosocial c. Cognitive d. Biological

Development of the idea of adolescence occurred as Select one: a. more industrialization and an educated labor force required laws that restricted child labor and made schooling compulsory. b.
the westward expansion of the United States created a need for a young, strong, healthy workforce. c. recognition of the risks associated with early childbearing led to increases in the age at which females could be married. d. the criminal justice system recognized that teenagers, while different from children, did not possess the reasoning capabilities of adults.

a. more industrialization and an educated labor force required laws that restricted child labor and made schooling compulsory.

Tom finds a correlation of +.81 between number of years in school and salary of first job. This would mean that Select one: a. the more education one has, the lower his or her starting salary is likely to be. b. the more education one has, the higher his or her starting salary is likely to be. c.
education determines whether or not someone will get a job after graduation. d. increases in education cause employers to offer higher salaries.

b. the more education one has, the higher his or her starting salary is likely to be.

While considering a new study, Creed is concerned that the stimulus he is using might frighten the infants he is testing. This indicates that Creed is focusing on Select one: a. meta-analysis. b. a sequential design. c. research ethics. d. a correlational design.

A psychologist measures the IQs of 20 students who ingested a "smart pill" and 20 students who ingested a "sugar pill" in order to determine if the pill had an effect on intelligence. To ensure peak performance, she tests all of the students on Wednesdays. In this experiment, the independent variable is the Select one: a. IQ score. b. pill type. c.
sex of the researcher. d. day of the week.

Aging is most accurately defined as involving _____ in the maturing organism. Select one: a. only negative changes b. both negative and positive changes c.
only positive changes d. neither positive nor negative changes

b. both negative and positive changes

Measuring different age groups of subjects repeatedly at different periods in time is called a ______ design. Select one: a. cross-cultural b. sequential c.
cross-sectional d. longitudinal

The term age grade refers to a Select one: a. universally defined age group, with universal roles, privileges, and responsibilities. b. group of children assigned at a specific age to a specific grade in school. c. socially defined age group, with culture-specific assigned roles, privileges, and responsibilities. d.
group of individuals who are all the same mental age.

c. socially defined age group, with culture-specific assigned roles, privileges, and responsibilities.

Based on an observation at a local fast-food restaurant, Dr. Colby predicts that more people will buy a hamburger if it is covered with cheese. This prediction is most accurately thought of as a Select one: a. fact. b. correlation. c. theory. d. hypothesis.

Which of the following represents a maturational process? Select one: a. Learning to tie your shoes b. Changing one's violent ways as the result of spending time in prison c. Being taught how to pay attention d. The development of pubic hair during puberty

d. The development of pubic hair during puberty

Hermes is currently in the "emerging adulthood" stage of development. As such, he would most likely Select one: a. feel adultlike in all ways. b. be focused on others rather than himself. c. believe in a life of limitless possibilities. d. be leading a very stable life.

c. believe in a life of limitless possibilities.

Who is using a cross-sectional research design? Select one: a. Fred, who is assessing study habits in fifth graders in three different countries b. Barney, who is assessing the study habits in a group of fifth graders and who will follow and assess this same group when they get to eighth and then eleventh grade c. Betty, who is assessing the study habits of fifth graders in the year 2003, and plans to assess eighth-graders' study habits in 2004 and eleventh graders' habits in 2005 c

d. Wilma, who is simultaneously testing the study habits of fifth, eighth, and eleventh graders

Smoking cigarettes and having lung cancer are highly correlated events, and people often logically conclude that smoking must cause the cancer. It is hypothetically possible, however, that having lung cancer causes one to crave nicotine and thus it leads to smoking. This example illustrates the issue of Select one: a. a reversed cause-effect relationship. b. the third variable. c. plasticity. d. time of measurement effects.

a. a reversed cause-effect relationship.

Cohort effects concern the impact of being born in one particular historical context rather than another.

As a strong believer in learning theory, Bea would be most likely to describe parents as _____ of their children. Select one: a. partners b. genetic-precursors c. trainers d.

Because Rooney has a strong belief in a sociocultural view of cognitive development, he would be most likely to say, "_____." Select one: a. It's all about the genes b. Development clearly follows a specific set of stages c. Unconscious motives underlie most decisions d. You have to consider the important impact of historical context on development

d. You have to consider the important impact of historical context on development

Freud believed that human infants were born with Select one: a. only an id. b. an id, ego, and superego. c. an id and an ego. d. an ego and a superego.

Lindsey argues that she is not responsible for any of her bad behavior as she is driven by biological and environmental factors over which she has no control. This belief best exemplifies the _____ position on development. Select one: a. passivity b.
continuity c. activity d. discontinuity

To control anxiety, the ego is most likely to Select one: a. turn over control to the superego. b. adopt defense mechanisms. c.
progress through different psychosexual stages. d. fulfill all of the id's desires.

b. adopt defense mechanisms.

A list of the most influential systems theorists would include the name Select one: a. Freud. b. Skinner. c. Bronfenbrenner. d. Bandura.

Cindy watches her big sister, Marsha, get ready for a big date by applying a lot of eye makeup. Cindy decides that the eye makeup would look good on her but decides to wait a while to get ready. When Marsha and Cindy come downstairs, their mother Carol screams at Marsha and tells her to go back upstairs and remove the eye makeup. Later, when Cindy is getting ready to go out, she looks at the makeup on her dresser and decides against putting it on. What concept best explains Cindy's decision? Select one: a. Defense mechanisms b. Classical conditioning c. Vicarious reinforcement d.

c. Vicarious reinforcement

Five-year-old Theodore is currently internalizing the moral standards of his father Ward and mother June. According to a psychoanalytic theorist, Theodore appears to be developing his Select one: a. id. b. ego. c. libido. d. superego.

Freudians believe that when experiencing an Oedipus complex, a boy will fear that his father will retaliate by _____ him. Select one: a. abandoning b. killing c. beating d. castrating

In Watson and Raynor's study with Little Albert, a white rat served as a conditioned response.

Which defense mechanism involves removing unacceptable thoughts from consciousness? Select one: a. Projection b. Reaction formation c. Regression d. Repression

Hank is upset with his son for keeping his room so messy. His neighbor, Boomhauer, suggests that Hank give his son a dollar for cleaning his room on Saturday mornings, because he believes that doing so will increase the probability of his son cleaning his room in the future. Hank's approach is most similar to research conducted by which of the following theorists? Select one: a. Piaget b. Erikson c. Bronfenbrenner d. Skinner

John Locke believed that human nature was Select one: a. determined by a person's experiences. b. inherently selfish and aggressive. c. innately good. d. determined equally by both genetic and environmental factors.

a. determined by a person's experiences.

Seven-year-old Jasper devotes his energy to play and schoolwork. According to Freud, Jasper is in which stage? Select one: a. genital b. latency c. anal d. oral

What is a common criticism of learning approaches to human development? Select one: a. Failing to describe any types of consequences that influence development b. Placing too much emphasis on unconscious factors c. Failing to account for the fact that experiences appear to affect behavior d. Placing too little emphasis on genetic factors

d. Placing too little emphasis on genetic factors

Which of the following is a key criticism of Erikson's theory of personality development? Select one: a. His theory focuses too strongly on formal operations in thinking. b. His theory is rather vague and difficult to test. c.
He portrays adulthood as a period of little growth and change. d. He is pessimistic regarding one's ability to overcome problems that have their roots in early childhood experiences.

b. His theory is rather vague and difficult to test.

Molly has just entered the stage of formal operational thought. Something she can do now that she could not do before is to Select one: a. engage in trial-and-error problem-solving. b. think symbolically. c. deal effectively with purely hypothetical situations. d.
mentally classify objects in her head.

c. deal effectively with purely hypothetical situations.

Physical punishment tends to be most effective when it is Select one: a. not accompanied by verbal explanations. b. not combined with other efforts to reinforce behavior. c. very harsh. d. administered immediately after the offensive act.

d. administered immediately after the offensive act.

Tiffany really likes jewelry. Her parents want Tiffany to stop talking on the phone every night after school. In order to accomplish this task, they take away Tiffany's new watch and tell her that she will lose more jewelry if she does not decrease her phone use. In this situation, Tiffany's parents are attempting to use _____ to alter Tiffany's behavior. Select one: a. positive reinforcement b. negative punishment c.
negative reinforcement d. positive punishment

Paris is a 16-year-old who is having difficulty accepting her newfound sexuality. Given this description, Freud would argue that Paris is in the _____ stage of development. Select one: a. latency b. genital c.
phallic d. oral

In operant conditioning terms, a positive consequence is to a negative consequence as Select one: a. good is to bad. b. operant is to classical. c. reinforcement is to punishment. d. adding is to removing.

d. adding is to removing.

What best describes the problem-solving approach of the concrete operational thinker? Select one: a. One-step analysis b. Scientific c. Trial and error d. Systematic

Olga goes along with her brother Joe to his gymnastics class and watches closely while he works on the balance beam. One day, Olga's Mom finds her out in the back yard, with a board spread across two big boxes, doing some of the same maneuvers that she has seen Joe do in class. This is an example of Select one: a. formal operations. b. passivity. c. observational learning. d. operant conditioning.

c. observational learning.

According to Piaget, children construct their own understanding of the world based on their experiences.

Erikson used the phrase "_____" to characterize the key element of adolescence. Select one: a. sexual exploration b. reciprocal determinism c. guilt heaped upon guilt d. identity crisis

Erikson suggested that humans develop over a series of psychosexual stages.

Because Dr. Smith falls on the "nurture" side of the nature-nurture controversy, she is most likely to believe that Select one: a. a mother's care can greatly impact the development of a child. b. while a child's experiences in school will have an impact on his or her intellectual development, what the child is "born with" matters more. c. if infants are given normal opportunities to move about, their motor skills will naturally unfold in a universal sequence. d. teachers' expectations for their students' success will have little effect on how they actually achieve.

a. a mother's care can greatly impact the development of a child.

Rachel is 15 years old. She spends countless hours alone and in conversation with her peers trying to figure out what it is she wants to do with her life. Rachel is in which of the following of Erikson's psychosocial stages? Select one: a. Identity versus role confusion b.
Intimacy versus isolation c. Industry versus inferiority d. Initiative versus guilt

a. Identity versus role confusion

In operant conditioning terms, _____ occurs when something unpleasant is removed and the result is an increased response rate. Select one: a. positive punishment b. positive reinforcement c. negative reinforcement d. negative punishment

c. negative reinforcement

A reasonable criticism of Freudian psychoanalytic theory is that it puts too little emphasis on the Select one: a. effects of early life experiences on development. b. emotional side of development. c. biological instincts or urges that underlie behavior. d. collection of hard data to support his findings.

d. collection of hard data to support his findings.

Which question provides the best example of the concept of generativity versus stagnation? Select one: a. Should I get married? b. Will my choice of college major lead to a career in which I will make a lot of money? c. Do I know who I am? d. Will my work benefit the next generation?

d. Will my work benefit the next generation?

Watson believed that Select one: a. elements of the unconscious mind are responsible for moral thought. b. most children progress through a predictable series of stages that are programmed by biological maturation. c. children have many inborn tendencies. d. how a person turns out depends entirely on the environment in which he or she grows up

d. how a person turns out depends entirely on the environment in which he or she grows up

If effective, negative reinforcement leads to an increase in the frequency of a behavior.

Polly is attending her first birthday party, where she sees her first balloon. While playing with the balloon, she accidentally pops it with a pin. When the balloon pops, she screams, drops her drink, and starts to cry when she sees it stain the carpet. In this situation, the noise produced by the popping balloon would represent a(n) Select one: a. conditioned stimulus. b. unconditioned stimulus. c. conditioned response. d. unconditioned response.

b. unconditioned stimulus.

In Watson and Raynor's study on Little Albert, a white rat served as the Select one: a. neutral response. b. unconditioned response. c. unconditioned stimulus. d. neutral stimulus.

With regard to the nature-nurture debate, a strong believer in nature would suggest that Select one: a. teaching and enrichment of the environment are often more influential than genetics in determining human behavior. b. environmental influences are more important than genetic makeup in determining human behavior. c. humans are basically good. d. maturation forces are more influential than environmental experiences in determining human behavior.

d. maturation forces are more influential than environmental experiences in determining human behavior.

Who would be most likely to believe that the horrible-sounding music his band is playing actually sounds good, just because he wants the band to sound good? Select one: a. Paul, a concrete operational thinker b. Ringo, a postformal operations thinker c. John, a preoperational thinker d.
George, a formal operations thinker

c. John, a preoperational thinker

Reciprocal determinism refers to a continuous back and forth interaction between Select one: a. a want and a desire. b. a person, his or her behavior, and the environment. c.
a reinforcement and a consequence. d. genes and environmental experience.

b. a person, his or her behavior, and the environment.

The key "cognitive" aspect of social cognitive theory involving deliberate exercise of control over both one's environment and one's life is called Select one: a. extinction. b. human agency. c.
concrete operations. d. instrumental conditioning.

Morgan, who just started kindergarten, is refusing to go to school and clings to his mother every morning. What would Freud suggest? Select one: a. Prescribe medication for Morgan because he is too young for psychoanalysis. b. Examine Morgan's relationship with his father and the resolution of his Elektra complex. c. Punish Morgan harshly for his refusal to attend school. d. Examine Morgan's relationship with his mother and the resolution of his Oedipus complex.

d. Examine Morgan's relationship with his mother and the resolution of his Oedipus complex.

Genotype is most accurately described as Select one: a. your inherited genes. b. a visual representation of chromosomes. c. the manner in which genes are expressed. d. incomplete dominance.

What was the main point made by Reiss et al., (2000) in the text The Relationship Code? Select one: a. Genes influence family environment and adolescent adjustment. b. Genes explain virtually all of what we are. c. Genes have no impact on complex human behavior like relationships. d. Genes affect relationships in females but not in males.

a. Genes influence family environment and adolescent adjustment.

If green eyes are dominant and designated as "G" and gray eyes are recessive and designated as "g," probability would predict that if a couple each with a "Gg" eye color genotype had four children, _____ would have gray eyes. Select one: a. one b. four c. two d. none

Which statement best describes the genetic influence on depression? Select one: a. Some genes protect a person from depression and others predispose a person to depression. b. Some genes predispose a person to depression but no genes protect from depression. c. No genes protect a person from depression and no genes predispose a person to depression. d. Some genes protect a person from depression but no genes predispose a person to depression

a. Some genes protect a person from depression and others predispose a person to depression.

Trisomy 21 is another name for a common form of Select one: a. Tay-Sachs disease. b. Duchenne's muscular dystrophy. c. Down syndrome. d. hemophilia.

During an amniocentesis, a catheter is inserted into the mother's vagina and cervix.

Jeff's mother died from Huntington's disease and he inherited the Huntington's gene. What is the likelihood he will also develop symptoms of Huntington's disease? Select one: a. Jeff's odds of developing Huntington's are 1 in 4. b. Jeff will almost certainly develop Huntington's. c. Jeff's odds of developing Huntington's depends on the gene he inherited from his father. d. Jeff's odds of developing Huntington's are 1 in 2.

b. Jeff will almost certainly develop Huntington's.

The fact that parents provide their children with both their genes and an environment that is impacted by their own genetic make-up defines the gene-environment correlation of Select one: a. negative genotype-environment. b. passive genotype-environment. c. active genotype-environment. d. evocative genotype-environment.

b. passive genotype-environment.

Gene expression is affected by Select one: a. neither genetic nor environmental factors. b. both genetic and environmental factors. c. only genetic factors. d. only environmental factors.

b. both genetic and environmental factors.

Tongue-curling is a(n) _____ trait. Select one: a. dominant b. polygenetic c. incomplete dominance d. recessive

If you are told that you are about to see a karyotype, you should expect to look at a Select one: a. phenotype. b. set of identical twins. c. full-term fetus. d. photograph of a complete set of chromosomes

d. photograph of a complete set of chromosomes

When looking at Fluffy the cat's family tree, Kitka notices that over several generations, owners have deliberately cultivated the characteristic of extremely black fur. This appears to have been accomplished by careful mating combinations in a process called Select one: a. mutation. b. gene therapy. c. selective breeding. d.
chorionic villus biopsy.

In an active gene-environment interaction, children's genetically based traits provoke a certain kind of reaction from their environment.

When studying heritability in humans, an ethical behavior geneticist would be LEAST likely to Select one: a. conduct a selective breeding experiment. b. study identical twins reared apart. c. investigate the relationship between behaviors of unrelated siblings (step family members). d. compare the behavior of adopted children to their biological parents.

a. conduct a selective breeding experiment.

Jack desperately wants to have a son. He and his wife already have three children, all girls. Jack divorces his wife and remarries. He expects that his new wife will be more successful in providing him with a son. Which of the following is true? Select one: a. Jack's chances of having a son are worse with his new wife. b. Jack will be unable to have a son no matter how many children he fathers. c. Jack's chances of having a son are not changed by a change in wife. d. Jack's chances of having a son are better with his new wife.

Concordance rates show the likelihood that if one member of a pair has a particular trait, the other member of the pair also has it.

Concordance rates show the likelihood that if one member of a pair has a particular trait, the other member of the pair also has it.

While Click and Clack are brothers and look somewhat alike, they have only about 50 percent of their genes in common. This would mean that Click and Clack are most likely Select one: a. identical twins. b. conjoined twins. c. adopted. d. fraternal twins.

Fraga and colleagues (2005) study on aging and RNA in identical twins found that the pattern of genetic expression Select one: a. differed in very young twins but was nearly identical in older twins. b. was quite different in both very young and older twins. c. was nearly identical in very young twins but differed in older twins. d.
was nearly identical in both very young and older twins.

a. differed in very young twins but was nearly identical in older twins.

Which statement concerning schizophrenia is FALSE? Select one: a. It has a concordance rate of about 98 percent for identical twins. b. It involves disturbed thinking and emotional expression. c. It typically emerges in late adolescence or early adulthood. d. It has not shown to be caused by cold and inconsistent parenting.

a. It has a concordance rate of about 98 percent for identical twins.

An individual with Turner's syndrome has one X chromosome and no Y chromosome.

Kettlewell's research on the color of moths and their geographic location demonstrates the principle of Select one: a. social learning theory. b. concordance. c. cultural evolution. d. natural selection.

When describing a recent medical procedure, Katrina says, "The worst part was the thought of that needle being stuck through my abdomen." Given this description, Katrina appears to have undergone a(n) Select one: a. maternal blood sampling. b. amniocentesis. c. preimplantation genetic diagnosis. d. chorionic villus sampling.

According to data generated by the Human Genome Project, all humans share about _____ out of 1,000 DNA bases. Select one: a. 999 b. 6 c. 99 d.

A limitation of adoption studies is that they Select one: a. tend to take a long time to complete. b. need to recognize that adoptive homes tend to provide below-average environmental experiences. c. may underestimate the full range of environments experienced by a child. d. tend to be based on selective breeding research.

c. may underestimate the full range of environments experienced by a child.

Mitosis is to meiosis as Select one: a. sex cell is to normal cell. b. doubling is to halving. c. chromosomes are to genes. d. egg is to sperm.

b. doubling is to halving.

If one or both biological parents have schizophrenia, we can conclude that their child will Select one: a. have a greater than average risk of developing the disorder in response to an environmental trigger. b. not develop the disorder as long as he or she is raised in a separate environment. c. definitely develop the disorder regardless of the environment. d. develop the disorder at a much younger age than another child who develops the disorder but has no family history of schizophrenia.

a. have a greater than average risk of developing the disorder in response to an environmental trigger.

Which procedure involves the assessment of cells that have passed through the placenta? Select one: a. Amniocentesis b. Preimplantation genetic diagnosis c. Maternal blood sampling d. Chorionic villus sampling

c. Maternal blood sampling

It is estimated that about _____ percent of the human genome consists of what are traditionally defined as genes. Select one: a. 3 b.
63 c. 93 d. 33

Maria gives birth to a child with trisomy 21. Which of the following is true? Select one: a. The child received an extra 21st chromosome from either her mother or her father. b. The child's father must have given the child an extra 21st chromosome. c. Maria must have given her child an extra 21st chromosome. d. Both parents contributed an extra 21st chromosome.

a. The child received an extra 21st chromosome from either her mother or her father.

Which statement is true regarding the effects of genes and environment on temperament and personality? Select one: a. The shared environment of the home does not appear to make siblings more similar in temperament or personality. b. Nonshared environmental influences contribute nothing to individual differences in temperament. c. Genes contribute little to no individual differences in temperament. d. Genes account for nearly all of the individual differences in temperament.

a. The shared environment of the home does not appear to make siblings more similar in temperament or personality.

Who is LEAST likely to have a chromosomal abnormality? Select one: a. Dick, who has a total of 23 pairs of chromosomes b. Sally, who has a total of 25 pairs of chromosomes c. Harry, who has a total of 24 pairs of chromosomes d. Tom, who has a total of 22 pairs of chromosomes

a. Dick, who has a total of 23 pairs of chromosomes

An individual who is a carrier of a trait has Select one: a. two dominant genes, both calling for the presence of the trait. b. one dominant gene calling for the absence of the trait and one recessive gene calling for the presence of the trait. c. one dominant gene calling for the presence of the trait and one recessive gene calling for the absence of the trait. d. two recessive genes, both calling for the presence of the trait.

b. one dominant gene calling for the absence of the trait and one recessive gene calling for the presence of the trait.

The gene responsible for sickle-cell disease is thought to have arisen from a mutation that protected against Select one: a. Chagas disease b. multiple myeloma c. leukemia d. malaria

Baby Gerber smiles and coos so often and is so delightful that his parents feel compelled to smile and chatter right back at him. Which sort of genetic environmental does this best illustrate? Select one: a. Evocative genotype-environment b. Passive genotype-environment c. Negative genotype-environment d. Active genotype-environment

a. Evocative genotype-environment

Sickle-cell disease likely arose as a mutation that was passed along because it protected individuals from Select one: a. malaria. b. diabetes. c. hemophilia. d. influenza.

Children who have one dark-skinned parent and one light-skinned parent can have a skin tone that is somewhere between their mother's skin color and their father's skin color. This is an example of Select one: a. polygenic inheritance. b. codominance. c. incomplete dominance. d. mutation.

Despite the fact that it is the result of recessive genes, some carriers of sickle-cell disease possess both normal and sickle-shaped blood cells. This phenomenon is best explained by Select one: a. meiosis. b. concordance rate. c. polygenetic effects. d. incomplete dominance.

A typical child with Down syndrome will have cells with 47 chromosomes.

In addition to the sex chromosomes, a typical human being has _____ pairs of autosomal chromosomes. Select one: a. 46 b. 23 c. 22 d. 44

Which statement concerning Huntington's is true? Select one: a. It typically strikes in adolescence. b. It is a sex-linked trait. c. It is best classified as a chromosome abnormality. d. It disrupts the nervous system.

d. It disrupts the nervous system.

What appears to be the optimal range of maternal age for childbearing (i.e., the "safest" time to bear a child)? Select one: a. 19 or younger b. 35 to 44 c. 20 to 34 d. 45 to 54

Because of its superior nutritional value, bottle feeding tends to be recommended more often by physicians than breast feeding.

What is the most important factor in determining what crosses the "placental barrier"? Select one: a. The size of a molecule b. The duration of the pregnancy c. The age of the mother d. The age of the fetus

a. The size of a molecule

The three periods of prenatal development are (from earliest to latest) Select one: a. germinal, embryo, fetus. b. latency, germinal, embryo. c. fetus, latency, germinal. d. embryo, germinal, fetus.

a. germinal, embryo, fetus.

Sunny is a 20-week-old fetus. Sol is a 32-week-old fetus. If they were both normally developing fetuses, one would expect that Sol would _____ than Sunny. Select one: a. have a significantly less surfactant b. spend less time in distinct states of activity c. have significantly less myelin d. spend significantly more time in the distinct state of being awake

d. spend significantly more time in the distinct state of being awake

Concerning pregnancy and new parenthood for fathers, Select one: a. the one aspect of behavior that appears unaffected by fatherhood is their sex life. b. most fathers report feeling confident and well prepared during the mother's labor period. c. as many new fathers experience symptoms of depression as do mothers. d. stress levels tend to be low during pregnancy and then increase significantly after birth.

c. as many new fathers experience symptoms of depression as do mothers

Since China instituted its "one-child policy," Select one: a. its population has dramatically increased. b. the ratio of male to female births has tipped dramatically in favor of males. c. the incidence of maternal depression has increased significantly. d. more midwives have gotten involved in birthing.

b. the ratio of male to female births has tipped dramatically in favor of males.

One critical factor in determining whether a mother's alcohol consumption will have a negative impact on her fetus concerns the mother's Select one: a. rate of metabolizing alcohol. b. previous exposure to syphilis. c. placenta size. d. surfactant levels.

a. rate of metabolizing alcohol.

Spina bifida is best described as a defect at the _____ of the neural tube, while anencephaly is best described as a defect at the _____ of the neural tube. Select one: a. bottom; top b. inside; outside c. outside; inside d. top; bottom

A child with fetal alcohol syndrome will most likely Select one: a. have a small head, widely spaced eyes, and a flattened nose. b. be deaf. c. be born missing limbs. d. be blind.

a. have a small head, widely spaced eyes, and a flattened nose.

The lack of oxygen during birth is called Select one: a. apraxia. b. ataxia. c. atonia. d. anoxia.

Fetal alcohol syndrome symptoms include facial deformities and central nervous system damage.

Most first-time mothers experience postnatal depression.

On an average day, Jenna smokes about 24 cigarettes and has done so throughout her pregnancy. Consequently, she has put her baby at increased risk for all of the following EXCEPT Select one: a. hyperacute hearing. b. slowed growth. c. central nervous system impairment. d. susceptibility to respiratory infection.

Maria frequently used cocaine while she was pregnant. The most likely effect on her baby would be Select one: a. extreme cognitive impairments. b. blindness. c. fetal strokes. d. a hearing impairment.

Every major organ begins to take shape during the embryonic period.

Helio is currently experiencing symptoms of couvades. As such, you would expect him to complain about Select one: a. feeling very energetic. b. hair loss. c. feeling bloated. d. weight loss.

Trisha, age 25, is wondering what the best age would be for her to begin a family. If the only consideration is physical (in other words, factors such as emotional readiness are not an issue), her doctor is most likely to respond by saying, Select one: a. "Now would be a perfect time." b. "You better get working on it, because you only have a few good years left." c. "You would do well to wait until you are in your 30s." d. "It would have been best to start your family sooner."

a. "Now would be a perfect time."

Which of the following describes the impact of postpartum depression? Select one: a. Mothers with postpartum depression are less responsive to their infants. b. Even if the depression is untreated, there is little long-term impact of postpartum depression. c. The children of mothers with postpartum depression are at lower risk of depression themselves. d. The children of mothers with postpartum depression will grow up to be very sensitive and gentle.

a. Mothers with postpartum depression are less responsive to their infants.

What would be an optimal weight gain for a normal-weight woman during pregnancy? Select one: a. 25 to 35 pounds b. 35 to 45pounds c. 15 to 25 pounds d. 10 to 15 pounds

Who is at the optimal period of gestation for having an elective C-section? Select one: a. Eva, who is 39 weeks pregnant b. Teri, who is 35 weeks pregnant c. Felicity, who is 41 weeks pregnant d. Marcia, who is 37 weeks pregnant

a. Eva, who is 39 weeks pregnant

In vitro fertilization takes place in a laboratory dish.

Which statement concerning IVF is true? Select one: a. Fathers of IVF infants tend to be less attached to their children. b. Most couples who are unable to become pregnant using IVF experience major depression. c. The cost of most IVF pregnancies is comparable to that of a typical pregnancy. d. IVF results in live birth for 5% of women 43 to 44 years of age.

d. IVF results in live birth for 5% of women 43 to 44 years of age.

Which of the following is true? Select one: a. The genetic makeup of a fetus can influence the impact of a teratogen. b. The quality of a postnatal environment has little impact on the effect of a teratogen. c. The effects of a teratogen do not appear to be related to the "dose" received.

a. The genetic makeup of a fetus can influence the impact of a teratogen.

An embryo is directly nourished by root-like extensions from the Select one: a. amnion. b. zygote. c. blastula. d. chorion.

When compared to a child with fetal alcohol syndrome, a child diagnosed with alcohol-related neurodevelopmental disorder would Select one: a. be much smaller. b. show more symptoms. c. be more severely impacted. d. show less severe symptoms.

d. show less severe symptoms.

When HIV is transmitted to a baby through blood it encounters during the birth process, the transmission is best classified as Select one: a. postnatal. b. neonatal. c. prenatal. d. perinatal.

Sexual differentiation due to hormonal activity first begins during the _____ period of development. Select one: a. germinal b. fetal c. embryonic d. conception

The impact of maternal stress during pregnancy is most devastating on the fetus when the stress is Select one: a. prolonged and mild. b. brief and mild. c. prolonged and severe. d. brief and severe.

Who is most likely to give birth to low-birth-weight infants? Select one: a. Daniela, who is carrying a single fetus b. Samantha, who is carrying a set of identical twins c. Fredrica, who is carrying triplets d. Carlotta, who is carrying a set of fraternal twins

c. Fredrica, who is carrying triplets