Which of the following contributes to a functional intestinal obstruction? quizlet

Resection of the lesion to relieve obstruction

Unresectable disease/ poor functional status- diverting proximal colostomy/ ileostomy

diverting transverse loop colostomy in Left sided colonic obstruction

Loop sigmoid colonoscopy in those with rectal tumours unsuitable for resection

Caecostomy may also be employed

These are palliative procedures

In those younger fitter patients with resectable tumours, surgeons may consider primary anastomosis in the righ colon rather than ileopstomy in the absence of intra-operative complications

If resection and proximal colostomy or ileosto5my are performed a mucous fistula is generally extracted from the distal end unless the obstruction in rectosigmoid whereby the distal end is oversewn or stapled.

subtotal colectomy and segmental colectomy are equally as safe where there is a choice in the procedure.

Metastatic liver disease is not a contra-indication to resection and primary anastomosis.

Endoscopic stenting is another alternative

Observations - ?dehydrated ?shocked ?infection or peritonitis

Abdominal exam - signs of bowel obstruction (Abdominal distension, Abdominal tenderness, Central resonance to percussion, Tinkling bowel sounds, Dehydration).

Also scars ?adhesional bowel obstruction

Hernia - Examine groin. If a strangulated hernia is present may have overlying red and tender skin. More likely to cause SBO.

PR - obstructing mass / faecal impaction

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Could be due to adhesions from previous surgeries (adhesions are the #1 cause), volvulus (twisting of the bowel), intussusception (telescoping of the bowel into itself), stenosis, strictures, abscesses (pus filled pockets), tumors, gall stones, hernias, fecal impaction, diverticulitis, or foreign bodies.

- Assess bowel sounds, NPO, NG tube to decompress (rest the bowel), IV fluids, electrolyte repletion, I&Os, TPN (until bowel is functioning), central line, antibiotics, pain meds (once dx identified), encourage ambulation, place in semi-fowler's position.
- Monitor for S & S of sepsis, perforation, ischemia, necrosis, and gangrene.
- Encourage to follow high fiber diet when obstruction is relieved.

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Which of the following are common causes of intestinal obstruction?

Causes of intestinal obstruction may include fibrous bands of tissue (adhesions) in the abdomen that form after surgery; hernias; colon cancer; certain medications; or strictures from an inflamed intestine caused by certain conditions, such as Crohn's disease or diverticulitis.

What is a type of intestinal obstruction also called functional blockage?

Bowel obstruction, also known as intestinal obstruction, is a mechanical or functional obstruction of the intestines which prevents the normal movement of the products of digestion. Either the small bowel or large bowel may be affected. Signs and symptoms include abdominal pain, vomiting, bloating and not passing gas.

Which condition would be considered a cause of mechanical intestinal obstruction?

Mechanical causes of intestinal obstruction may include: Adhesions or scar tissue that forms after surgery. Foreign bodies (objects that are swallowed and block the intestines) Gallstones (rare)

Which is the cause of Nonmechanical intestinal obstruction EAQ?

Nonmechanical delays in transit or obstructions can occur when the muscles or nerves within either the small or large intestine function poorly. This is process is called paralytic ileus if it's an acute or self-limiting condition. It's known as intestinal pseudo-obstruction if it becomes chronic.