Which of the following ensures that data received was sent by the specified sender?


Tom St Denis, Simon Johnson, in Cryptography for Developers, 2007


Nonrepudiation is the property of agreeing to adhere to an obligation. More specifically, it is the inability to refute responsibility. For example, if you take a pen and sign a (legal) contract your signature is a nonrepudiation device. You cannot later disagree to the terms of the contract or refute ever taking party to the agreement.

Nonrepudiation is much like the property of authentication in that their implementations often share much of the same primitives. For example, a public key signature can be a nonrepudiation device if only one specific party has the ability to produce signatures. For this reason, other MAC algorithms such as CMAC and HMAC cannot be nonrepudiation devices.

Nonrepudiation is a very important property of billing and accounting that is more often than not improperly addressed. For example, pen signatures on credit card receipts are rarely verified, and even when the clerk glances at the back of the card, he is probably not a handwriting expert and could not tell a trivial forgery from the real thing. Cell phones also typically use MAC algorithms as resource usage authenticators, and therefore do not have nonrepudiation qualities.

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Security Controls and Services

Evan Wheeler, in Security Risk Management, 2011


Nonrepudiation provides an assurance that the sender of data is provided with proof of delivery and the recipient is provided with proof of the sender's identity, so neither can later deny having processed the data. Further, this concept can apply to any activity, not just the sending and receiving of data; in a more general sense, it is a mechanism to prove that an activity was performed and by whom. Nonrepudiation is typically comprised of authentication, auditing/logging, and cryptography services. A common application of this service would be digital signing of e-mail messages to prove that the message received was actually sent by the purported sender.

Since access control and nonrepudiation share so many common components, they are frequently implemented together in controls or else closely interrelated. For example, once an access control function has been performed, it may provide sufficient data to facilitate nonrepudiation or at least partial nonrepudiation data.

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Domain 1: Security and Risk Management (e.g., Security, Risk, Compliance, Law, Regulations, Business Continuity)

Eric Conrad, ... Joshua Feldman, in CISSP Study Guide (Third Edition), 2016


Non-repudiation means a user cannot deny (repudiate) having performed a transaction. It combines authentication and integrity: non-repudiation authenticates the identity of a user who performs a transaction, and ensures the integrity of that transaction. You must have both authentication and integrity to have non-repudiation: proving you signed a contract to buy a car (authenticating your identity as the purchaser) is not useful if the car dealer can change the price from $20,000 to $40,000 (violate the integrity of the contract).

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URL: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780128024379000023

Looking Ahead: Cisco Wireless Security

Eric Knipp, ... Edgar DanielyanTechnical Editor, in Managing Cisco Network Security (Second Edition), 2002

Ensuring Non-Repudiation

Repudiation is defined by West’s Encyclopedia of American Law as “the rejection or refusal of a duty, relation, right or privilege.” A repudiation of a transaction or contract means that one of the parties refuses to honor their obligation to the other as specified by the contract. Non-repudiation could then be defined as the ability to deny, with irrefutable evidence, a false rejection or refusal of an obligation.

In their paper “Non-Repudiation in the Digital Environment,” Adrian McCullagh and William Caelli put forth an excellent review of the traditional model of non-repudiation and the current trends for crypto-technical non-repudiation. The paper was published online by First Monday—you can find it at www.firstmonday.dk/issues/issue5_8/mccullagh/index.html.

The basis for a repudiation of a traditional contract is sometimes associated with the belief that the signature binding a contract is a forgery, or that the signature is not a forgery but was obtained via unconscionable conduct by a party to the transaction, by fraud instigated by a third party, or undue influence exerted by a third party. In typical cases of fraud or repudiated contracts, the general rule of evidence is that if a person denies a particular signature, the burden of proving that the signature is valid falls upon the receiving party.

Common law trust mechanisms establish that in order to overcome false claims of non-repudiation, a trusted third party needs to act as a witness to the signature being affixed. Having a witness to the signature of a document, who is independent of the transactions taking place, reduces the likelihood that a signor is able to successfully allege that the signature is a forgery. However, there is always the possibility that the signatory will be able to deny the signature on the basis of the situations listed in the preceding paragraph.

A perfect example of a non-repudiation of submissions can be viewed by examining the process around sending and receiving registered mail. When you send a registered letter, you are given a receipt containing an identification number for the piece of mail sent. If the recipient claims that the mail was not sent, the receipt is proof that provides the non-repudiation of the submission. If a receipt is available with the recipient’s signature, this provides the proof for the non-repudiation of the delivery service. The postal service provides the non-repudiation of transport service by acting as a Trusted Third Party (TTP).

Non-repudiation, in technical terms, has come to mean the following:

In authentication, a service that provides proof of the integrity and origin of data both in an unforgeable relationship, which can be verified by any third party at any time; or

In authentication, an authentication that with high assurance can be asserted to be genuine, and that cannot subsequently be refuted.

The Australian Federal Government’s Electronic Commerce Expert group further adopted this technical meaning in their 1998 report to the Australian Federal Attorney General as:

Non-repudiation is a property achieved through cryptographic methods which prevents an individual or entity from denying having performed a particular action related to data (such as mechanisms for non-rejection or authority (origin); for proof of obligation, intent, or commitment; or for proof of ownership.

In the digital realm, a movement is in place to shift the responsibility of proving that a digital signature is invalid to the owner of the signature, not the receiver of the signature, as is typically used in traditional common law methods.

In only a few examples does the burden of proof fall upon the alleged signer. One such example is usually found in taxation cases where the taxpayer has made specific claims and as such is in a better position to disprove the revenue collecting body’s case. Another example would be in an instance of negligence. In a negligence action, if a plaintiff is able to prove that a defendant failed to meet their commitment, the burden of proof is in effect shifted to the defendant to establish that they have met their obligations.

The problem found in the new digital repudiation definitions that have been created is that they take into consideration only the validity of the signature itself. They do not allow for the possibility that the signor was tricked or forced into signing, or that their private key may be compromised, allowing the forgery of digital signatures.

With all the recent cases of Internet worms and viruses, it is not hard to imagine that one might be specifically built to steal private keys. A virus could be something as simple as a Visual Basic macro attached to a Word document, or an e-mail message that would search the targets hard drive looking for commonly named and located private key rings that could then be e-mailed or uploaded to some rogue location.

With this and other possible attacks to the private keys, it becomes difficult, under the common law position, for someone attempting to prove the identity of an alleged signatory. This common law position was established and founded in a paper-based environment where witnessing became the trusted mechanism utilized to prevent the non-repudiation of a signature. For a digital signature to be proven valid, however, it will need to be established through a fully trusted mechanism.

Thus, for a digitally signed contract to be trusted and not susceptible to repudiation, the entire document handling and signature process must take place within a secured and trusted computing environment. As we will see in some of the documentation to follow, the security policies and definitions created over the years have established a set of requirements necessary to create a secure and trusted computer system.

If we follow the definitions established in the Information Technology Security Evaluation Certification (ITSEC) to create a trusted computing environment of at least E3 to enforce functions and design of the signing process and thus prevent unauthorized access to the private key, the common law position for digitally signed documents can be maintained. E3 also ensures that the signing function is the only function able to be performed by the signing mechanism by having the source code evaluated to ensure that this is the only process available through the code. If these security features are implemented, it can be adequately assessed that under this mechanism the private key has not been stolen and as such that any digital signature created under this model has the trust established to ensure the TTP witness and validation of any signature created, preventing any possible repudiation from the signor.

One such example of a secure infrastructure designed and deployed to attempt to provide a digitally secure TTP are the PKI systems available for users of unsecure public networks such as the Internet. PKI consists of a secure computing system that acts as a certificate authority (CA) to issue and verify digital certificates. Digital certificates contain the public key and other identification information needed to verify the validity of the certificate. As long as the trust in the CA is maintained (and with it, the trust in the security of the private key), the digital certificates issued by the CA and the documents signed by them remain trusted. As long as the trust is ensured, then the CA acts as a TTP and provides for the non-repudiation of signatures created by entities with digital certificates issued through the CA.

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URL: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9781931836562500192

Auditing and Accountability

Jason Andress, in The Basics of Information Security (Second Edition), 2014


Nonrepudiation refers to a situation in which sufficient evidence exists as to prevent an individual from successfully denying that he or she has made a statement, or taken an action. In information security settings, this can be accomplished in a variety of ways. We may be able to produce proof of the activity directly from system or network logs, or recover such proof through the use of digital forensic examination of the system or devices involved. We may also be able to establish nonrepudiation through the use of encryption technologies, more specifically through the use of hash functions that can be used to digitally sign a communication or a file. We will discuss such methods at considerably greater length in Chapter 5 when we go over encryption. An example of this might be a system that digitally signs every e-mail that is sent from it, thus rendering useless any denial that might take place regarding the sending of the message in question.

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URL: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B978012800744000004X

Security Issues and Measures

Elizabeth Rhodenizer, in Encyclopedia of Information Systems, 2003

II.F Nonrepudiation

The service of nonrepudiation ensures that the communication between users cannot be denied and the technology verifies which users participated in the communication. Nonrepudiation is carried out through the services of authentication, authorization, confidentiality, and integrity when implemented with a secure time stamp. A secure time stamp is the secure application of the current date and time, which is retrieved from a trusted time source, to a resource. Nonrepudiation can be used as a proof of origin or proof of delivery and for auditing purposes. Nonrepudiation is technology's version of a notary public.

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Security Monitoring of Industrial Control Systems

Eric D. Knapp, Joel Thomas Langill, in Industrial Network Security (Second Edition), 2015


Nonrepudiation refers to the process of ensuring that a log file has not been tampered with, so that the original raw log file can be presented as evidence, without question of authenticity, within a court of law. This can be achieved in several ways, including digitally signing log files upon collection as a checksum, utilizing protected storage media, or the use of third-party FIM systems.

A digital signature is typically provided in the form of a hash algorithm that is calculated against the log file at the time of collection. The result of this calculation provides a checksum against which the files can be verified to ensure they have not been tampered with. If the file is altered in any way, the hash will calculate a different value and the log file will fail the integrity check. If the checksum matches, the log is known to be in its original form.

The use of appropriate storage facilities can ensure nonrepudiation as well. For example, by using write once read many (WORM) drives, raw log records can be accessed but not altered, as the write capability of the drive prevents additional saves. Many managed storage area network (SAN) systems also provide varying levels of authentication, encryption, and other safeguards.

A FIM may already be in use as part of the overall security monitoring infrastructure, as described in the section “Assets.” The FIM observes the log storage facility for any sign of changes or alterations, providing an added level of integrity validation.

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Data Encryption

Bhushan Kapoor, Pramod Pandya, in Computer and Information Security Handbook (Third Edition), 2013

Message Integrity Uses a Hash Function in Signing the Message

Nonrepudiation is implemented using a third party that can be trusted by parties that want to exchange messages with one another. For example, Alice creates a signature from her message and sends the message, her identity, Bob's identity, and the signature to the third party, who then verifies the message using Alice's public key that the message came from Alice. Next the third party saves a copy of the message with the sender's and the recipient's identity and the time stamp of the message.

The third party then creates another signature using its private key from the message that Alice left behind. The third party then sends the message, the new signature, and Alice's and Bob’s identity to Bob, who then uses the third party's public key to ascertain that the message came from the third party [1].

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Which of the following security requirements ensure that the received data is exactly as sent by the sender and is not modified in transit?

In the context of the information security (InfoSec) world, integrity means that when a sender sends data, the receiver must receive exactly the same data as sent by the sender. Data must not be changed in transit.

Which of the following options ensures that the message sent by the source?

Nonrepudiation provides proof of the origin, authenticity and integrity of data. It provides assurance to the sender that its message was delivered, as well as proof of the sender's identity to the recipient.

When data is received by the receiver exactly as sent?

Message_____ means that the data must arrive at the receiver exactly as sent.
none of the above
Answer» b. integrity
Message_____ means that the data must arrive at the receiver exactly ...mcqmate.com › discussion › message-means-that-the-data-must-arrive-at-th...null

Which of the following one is used to ensure that a sender must not be able to deny sending a message that he sent?

Explanation: Nonrepudiation is the assurance that someone cannot deny something. Typically, nonrepudiation refers to the ability to ensure that a party to a contract or a communication cannot deny the authenticity of their signature on a document or the sending of a message that they originated.