Which of the following is one factor that led to the signing of the magna carta?

Middle Ages

Magna Carta
by Unknown

History >> Middle Ages for Kids

In 1215, King John of England was forced to sign the Magna Carta stating that the king was not above the law of the land and protecting the rights of the people. Today, the Magna Carta is considered one of the most important documents in the history of democracy.


John became king in 1199 when his brother, Richard the Lionheart, died without any children. John had a bad temper and could be very cruel. He was not liked by the English Barons.

John also had to deal with a lot of issues while he was king. He was constantly at war with France. To fight this war he placed heavy taxes on the Barons of England. He also angered the Pope and was excommunicated from the church.

The Barons Rebel

By 1215, the barons of northern England had had enough of John's high taxes. They decided to rebel. Led by Baron Robert Fitzwalter, they marched on London calling themselves the "army of God". After taking London, John agreed to negotiate with them.

Signing the Magna Carta

King John met the barons on June 15, 1215 at Runnymede, a neutral site just west of London. Here the barons demanded that King John sign a document called the Magna Carta guaranteeing them certain rights. By signing the document, King John agreed to do his duty as King of England, upholding the law and running a fair government. In return, the barons agreed to stand down and surrender London.

Civil War

It turns out that neither side had any intention of following the agreement. Not long after signing, King John attempted to nullify the agreement. He even had the Pope declare the document "illegal and unjust". At the same time, the barons didn't surrender London.

Soon the country of England was facing civil war. The barons, led by Robert Fitzwalter, were supported by French troops. For a year the barons fought King John in what is called the First Barons' War. However, King John died in 1216, putting a quick end to the war.

Details of the Magna Carta

The Magna Carta was not a short document. There were actually 63 clauses in the document outlining various laws that the barons wanted the King to enforce. Some of the rights these clauses promised included:

  • Protection of church rights
  • Access to swift justice
  • No new taxes without the Barons' agreement
  • Limitations on feudal payments
  • Protection from illegal imprisonment
  • A council of 25 Barons who would insure that King John followed the laws

Although King John did not follow the agreement, the ideas put forth in the Magna Carta became lasting principles of liberty to the English. Three of the clauses are still in force as English law including the freedom of the English Church, the "ancient liberties" of the City of London, and the right to due process.

The ideas of the Magna Carta also influenced the constitutions and development of other countries. The American colonists used the rights guaranteed in the document as a reason to rebel and form their own country. Many of these rights are written into the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

Interesting Facts about the Magna Carta

  • Magna Carta is Latin for Great Charter. The document itself was originally written in Latin.
  • King John is often portrayed as the villain in the story of Robin Hood.
  • The council of 25 barons that the Magna Carta formed to watch over the king eventually became the Parliament of England.
  • Archbishop Stephen Langton helped to negotiate the agreement between the two sides. He is also credited with dividing the Bible up into the modern system of chapters used today.
  • The Magna Carta was influenced by the Charter of Liberties signed by King Henry I in 1100.
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History >> Middle Ages for Kids

Magna CartaReproduced by permission of the British Library Board

The Magna Carta is a basic document that states liberties guaranteed to the English people. It proclaims rights that have become a part of English law and are now the foundation of the constitution of every English-speaking country.

The Magna Carta, which means “great charter” in Latin, was drawn up by English barons (nobles) and church leaders to limit the king’s power. In 1215 they forced the tyrannical King John to agree to the charter.

The Magna Carta stated that the king must follow the law and could not simply rule as he wished. It was one of the first documents to state that citizens had such rights. Today many people consider Magna Carta to be the first written constitution in Europe.

King John’s cruelty and greed united the powerful feudal nobles, the church leaders, and the people against him. He demanded too much money in taxes. While the king was waging a disastrous war in France, the leading barons of England met secretly and swore to compel him to respect the rights of his subjects. When John returned, they presented him with a series of demands.

Magna Carta: signing

Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.

John tried to gather support in order to avoid giving in to the demands, but almost all his followers deserted him. Too weak to resist the barons and bishops, at last he met with them along the south bank of the Thames River, in a meadow called Runnymede. King John affixed his seal to the Magna Carta on June 15, 1215.

The document then underwent further modifications, with the final version agreed to on June 19.

The document had 63 sections. Although much of it deals with feudal rights and duties, it also includes provisions that protect the rights of the church, merchants, and townspeople.

The Magna Carta also guaranteed the rights of women and children who inherited property, and it stated that people could not be punished for crimes unless they were lawfully convicted.

Finally, the Magna Carta gave barons the right to declare war on the king if he did not follow the charter’s provisions.

English rulers often tried to ignore the Magna Carta. However, it was the beginning of significant limitations on the English monarchs’ power.

As the monarch lost power, the nobles and, later, Parliament gained it.

Magna Carta memorialWyrdLight.com

In later centuries leaders and ordinary people cited the Magna Carta as a guarantee of basic human rights. The document has become a symbol and a battle cry against oppression, with each generation reading into it a protection of its own threatened liberties.

Today, England is part of the United Kingdom, a constitutional monarchy. That means the monarch shares power with a government that is organized according to a constitution.

The Magna Carta influenced not only English law but laws in many other countries, which later used the principles of the Magna Carta in their constitutions.

What are the 3 main points of the Magna Carta?

Magna Carta, which means 'The Great Charter', is one of the most important documents in history as it established the principle that everyone is subject to the law, even the king, and guarantees the rights of individuals, the right to justice and the right to a fair trial. When was it signed?

What is the signing of the Magna Carta?

Magna Carta was issued in June 1215 and was the first document to put into writing the principle that the king and his government was not above the law. It sought to prevent the king from exploiting his power, and placed limits of royal authority by establishing law as a power in itself.

Why did King John signed the Magna Carta?

Signing the Magna Carta Here the barons demanded that King John sign a document called the Magna Carta guaranteeing them certain rights. By signing the document, King John agreed to do his duty as King of England, upholding the law and running a fair government.

When and where was the Magna Carta signed?

On June 15, 1215, John met the barons at Runnymede on the Thames and set his seal to the Articles of the Barons, which after minor revision was formally issued as Magna Carta.


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