Which of the following is the principle behind the balanced and restorative justice model?

  1. Which of the following is one of the needs which provide the basic rationale for any criminal justice intervention of any group of agencies or organizations that refer to itself as a “justice” organization? (Page 470)

      a. The need to sanction those who commit crime
      b. The need to promote secure communities and enhance public safety
      c. The need to rehabilitate offenders
      d. All of the Above
      e. None of the Above
  2. One attempt to being rationality to the erratic decision making in the juvenile court and affirm the importance of the sanctioning function is through the application of the _______ Philosophy. (Page 471)

      a. Anti-Erratic Decision Making
      b. Just Deserts
      c. Justified Justice
      d. Rehabilitative
      e. None of the Above
  3. ___________ reforms in the Juvenile Justice System provided punishment as a new priority and hence moved away from the rehabilitative goal. (Page 471)

      a. Punitive
      b. Retributive
      c. Just Deserts
      d. Rehabilitative
      e. None of the Above
  4. As currently practiced, Juvenile Court punishment tends to “label the ______ not the ______ as evil” and often isolates offenders without providing a way for them to regain their self-respect. (Page 472)

      a. Person, Deed
      b. Individual, Action
      c. Offender, Offense
      d. Man, Woman
      e. Ruler, Ruled
  5. From a sanctioning perspective, treatment interventions fail to fulfill which of the following societal needs? (Page 473)

      a. Denounce crime
      b. Reaffirm Community Values
      c. Confront the Offender
      d. Provide Consequences
      e. All of the Above
  6. A generally accepted principle of today is that the problem of ________ cannot be simplified to the problem of the __________. (Page 474)

      a. Delinquency, Delinquent
      b. Crime, Criminal
      c. Offenders, Offense
      d. Poverty, Homeless
      e. None of the Above
  7. Which of the following is not one of the client/customers identified by the Balanced Approach? (Page 477)

      a. Victims
      b. Community
      c. Youth
      d. Offenders
      e. None of the Above
  8. ___________ offers a coherent alternative to the increasingly retributive focus of the juvenile court sanctioning process and also moves beyond the limits of individual treatment. (Page 478)

      a. Restorative Justice
      b. Retributive Justice
      c. The Balanced Approach Mission
      d. Sanctioning
      e. None of the Above
  9. ___________ is based on the assumption that none of the essential functions of the justice system can be effectively accomplished without the joint involvement of victims, offenders, and the community. (Page 480)

      a. Restorative Justice
      b. Retributive Justice
      c. The Balanced Approach Mission
      d. Sanctioning
      e. None of the Above
  10. ___________ is best controlled when members of the community are the primary controllers through active participation in shaming offenders through concerted participation in integrating the offender back into the community. (Page 482)

      a. Delinquency
      b. Violence
      c. Crime
      d. All of the Above
      e. None of the Above
  11. The __________ model gives priority to punishment through incarceration as the primary means of sanctioning offenders for violations against the state. (Page 482)

      a. Restorative
      b. Retributive
      c. Balanced Approach
      d. Sanction
      e. None of the Above
  12. In the ____________, the traditional individual treatment agenda is replaced by a broader emphasis on the goal of competency development. (Page 485)

      a. Restorative
      b. Retributive
      c. Balanced Approach
      d. Sanction
      e. None of the Above
  13. Protecting the community in a _____________ justice system has both an internal focus on strengthening controls in individual offenders and an external community focus. (Page 488)

      a. Restorative
      b. Retributive
      c. Balanced Approach
      d. Balanced and Restorative
      e. None of the Above
  14. In order to prevent recidivism whole the offender is on community supervision should begin with a strategic focus on ___________? (Page 490)

      a. Free Time
      b. Education
      c. Delinquency
      d. Employment
      e. None of the Above
  15. __________ reform often fails to consider the fit between new programs and practices on the basis of reform. (Page 491)

      a. Restorative
      b. Retributive
      c. Balanced Approach
      d. Balanced and Restorative
      e. Programmatic
  16. The complexity of __________ justice requires that reform efforts be carefully planned and deliberate and include input from staff as well as other stakeholders in the system and the community. (Page 494)

      a. Restorative
      b. Retributive
      c. Juvenile
      d. Criminal
      e. None of the Above
  17. Which of the following is not one of the guidelines which will improve the implementation of a balanced and restorative justice model? (Page 495)

      a. Pick Institutional targets and community projects with the potential for wider expansion and ongoing operation
      b. Develop an internal steering community to set goals and monitor progress
      c. Engage juvenile justice staff and decision makers in values clarification, consensus building, assessment, and goal definition
      d. Focus on projects that mix youths and adults
      e. Start Big to allow for better management of reform efforts.
  18. Which of the following steps are suggested in sustaining reform and using the mission as a guide to piloting a reform model? (Page 497)

      a. Develop a plan for and begin the reallocation of existing resources and acquisition of new resources
      b. Identify training and technical assistance needs for each task
      c. Establish action steps based on the assessment of the current policy
      d. All of the Above
      e. None of the Above
  19. In order to successfully implement a new model, it is believed that one must begin by using the mission _______ on a daily basis. (Page497)

      a. Actively
      b. Passively
      c. Sparingly
      d. Cautiously
      e. None of the Above
  20. Which of the following is not one of the states which were funded by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention in a national action research project to implement the balanced and restorative justice model?

      a. Pennsylvania
      b. New Jersey
      c. Texas
      d. Minnesota
      e. Florida

What is the balanced and restorative justice model?

The Balanced and Restorative Justice (BARJ) Model outlines an alternative philosophy, restorative justice, and a new mission, "the balanced approach," which requires juvenile justice professionals to devote attention to: Enabling offenders to make amends to their victims and community. Increasing offender competencies.

Which of the following is an objective of the balanced and restorative justice model quizlet?

Which of the following is an objective of the balanced and restorative justice model? Decision-making alternatives to formal court or other adversarial processes should be provided.

What is the main purpose of restoration restorative justice?

Restoration -- repairing the harm and rebuilding relationships in the community -- is the primary goal of restorative juvenile justice. Results are measured by how much repair was done rather than by how much punishment was inflicted. Crime control cannot be achieved without active involvement of the community.

What is are a core value of the restorative justice model?

The three core elements of restorative justice are the interconnected concepts of Encounter, Repair, and Transform. Each element is discrete and essential. Together they represent a journey toward wellbeing and wholeness that victims, offenders, and community members can experience.