Which of the following measures the operating cash flow a project produces minus?

A liquidity ratio that measures a company's ability to pay off its current liabilities with its cash flow

What is the Operating Cash Flow Ratio?

The Operating Cash Flow Ratio, a liquidity ratio, is a measure of how well a company can pay off its current liabilities with the cash flow generated from its core business operations. This financial metric shows how much a company earns from its operating activities, per dollar of current liabilities. Since earnings involve accruals and can be manipulated by management, the operating cash flow ratio is considered a very helpful gauge of a company’s short-term liquidity.


The formula for calculating the operating cash flow ratio is as follows:


  • Cash flow from operations can be found on a company’s statement of cash flows. Alternatively, the formula for cash flow from operations is equal to net income + non-cash expenses + changes in working capital.
  • Current liabilities are obligations due within one year. Examples include short-term debt, accounts payable, and accrued liabilities.

What is Cash Flow From Operations?

It is important to understand cash flow from operations (also called operating cash flow) – the numerator of the operating cash flow ratio.

Operating cash flow (OCF) is one of the most important numbers in a company’s accounts. It reflects the amount of cash that a business produces solely from its core business operations. Operating cash flow is intensely scrutinized by investors, as it provides vital information about the health and value of a company. If a company fails to achieve a positive OCF, the company cannot remain solvent in the long term. A negative OCF indicates that a company is not generating sufficient revenues from its core business operations, and therefore needs to generate additional positive cash flow from either financing or investment activities.

Example of the Operating Cash Flow Ratio

The following information was taken out of Company A’s Q2 financial statements:

To calculate the ratio at the end of the second quarter:

Therefore, the company earns $1.25 from operating activities, per dollar of current liabilities. Alternatively, it can be viewed as, “Company A can cover its current liabilities 1.25x over.”

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Interpretation of Operating Cash Flow Ratio

If the ratio is less than 1, the company generated less cash from operations than is needed to pay off its short-term liabilities. This signals short-term problems and a need for more capital. A higher ratio  – greater than 1.0 – is preferred by investors, creditors, and analysts, as it means a company can cover its current short-term liabilities and still have earnings left over. Companies with a high or uptrending operating cash flow are generally considered to be in good financial health.

Key Takeaways

  • The operating cash flow ratio is a liquidity ratio that measures how well a company can pay off its current liabilities with cash generated from its core business operations.
  • This liquidity ratio is considered an accurate measure of short-term liquidity, as it only uses cash generated from core business operations rather than from all income sources.
  • A ratio less than 1 indicates short-term cash flow problems; a ratio greater than 1 indicates good financial health, as it indicates cash flow more than sufficient to meet short-term financial obligations.

Learn More

We hope you have enjoyed reading CFI’s guide to the operating cash flow ratio. To learn more about cash flow and financial analysis, we suggest the following CFI resources:

  • The Ultimate Cash Flow Guide (EBITDA, CF, FCF, FCFF)
  • Analysis of Financial Statements
  • Comparable Company Analysis
  • Financial Analysis Ratios Glossary

How is operating cashflow measured?

How to calculate the operating cash flow formula.
Operating cash flow = total cash received for sales - cash paid for operating expenses..
OCF = (revenue - operating expenses) + depreciation - income taxes - change in working capital..
OCF = net income + depreciation - change in working capital..

Which of these is used as a measure of the total amount of available cash flow from a project?

Answer and Explanation: Free cash flow refers to the available cash flow from a project as deduct other non operating expenses such as an required additional working capital.

What is cash flow in operations management?

Cash flow management is tracking how much money comes in and out of a business. It's the process of monitoring, analyzing, and optimizing the net amount of cash receipts—minus the expenses. It's all about managing your business finances responsibly, so there's enough cash to grow.

Which of these is used as a measure of the total amount of available cash flow from a project quizlet?

substitutionary effects. Concerning incremental project cash flow, this is a cost one would never count as an expense of the project. This is used as a measure of the total amount of available cash flow from a project.


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