Which of the following metaphors would your authors consider “ transformative?

Question 2. Question : Which of the following is NOT an essential feature of Wilmot and Hocker’s definition of interpersonal conflict?

A) an expressed struggle

B) independence

C) incompatible goals

D) scarce resources

E) interference

Points Received:

2 of 2


Question 3. Question: Terry and Pat have been in a committed romantic relationship for the last five years. Both an increased intensity and frequency of conflict have characterized their relationship. Recently both of them have become less invested in the relationship and have sought out others to fulfill some of their needs for affection, inclusion, and control. Basically, they don’t rely on each other for much and have come to expect less and less from each other. Terry and Pat’s choices reflect which of the five features that contribute to destructive conflict.

A) Escalatory spirals

B) Avoidance patterns

C) Retaliation

D) Inflexibility and rigidity

E) A competitive system of domination and submission

Points Received:

2 of 2


Question 4.Question : Suki and Laura are best friends. Laura feels betrayed because Suki is so caught up in her new relationship with her boyfriend that she doesn’t appear to have time for Laura. In this instance, the conflict is fueled by:

A) interdependence.

B) perceived incompatible goals.

C) low self-esteem.

D) avoidance of the issues.

E) perceived scarce resources

Points Received:

2 of 2


Question 5. Question : A spiral that moves only in one direction – upward and onward – is an example of a(n) ______________ spiral.

A) devitalized

B) regressive

C) progressive

D) escalatory

E) aggressive

Points Received:

2 of 2


Question 6. Question : Which of the following is a potential benefit of conflict for interpersonal relationships?

A) Partners increase understanding of each other.

B) One partner can prove how right s/he is.

C) You never need to look at another person's point of view.

D) The relationship can end and you can be free to pursue other goals.

E) Participants can figure out why the other is wrong.

Points Received:

2 of 2


Question 7. Question : According to your text, __________ criticize more than __________.

A) adults/children

B) men/women

C) women/men

D) students/teachers

E) friends/romantic partners

Points Received:

2 of 2


Question 8. Question : Wilmot and Hocker discuss several benefits of improving your conflict management skills. Which of the following is one of those benefits?

A) You can learn to always get what you want.

B) You will finally learn how to avoid all conflicts.

C) People around you will benefit from your improved skills.

D) You can improve your relationships.

E) C and D

Points Received:

2 of 2


Question 9. Question : Most expressed struggles are activated by:

A) internal stress.

B) ambivalence

C) conflicting internal dialogues

D) a triggering event.

E) apathy

Points Received:

2 of 2


Question 10. Question : Adam was taking a public speaking class and was angry with his instructor. All of his friends were getting good grades except him, and they all told him that he made the best presentations. The instructor's evaluations of his presentations all stated that they were amusing, but were also provided an inadequate explanation of the topic. Adam asked his instructor why all his friends (all his friends in the class happen to be females) were getting good grades and he was not. Adam thought he was learning to be a better speaker and that the instructor was biased towards the females, being one herself. However, Adam did not realize that there were other males in the class getting good grades. This conflict escalated because of:

A) incompatible goals.

B) scarce resources.

C) the perception of interference.

D) the expressed struggle.

E) none of the above

Points Received:

0 of 2


Quiz 2

Question 1. Question : Which of the following statements BEST describe an aggressive family?

Snide comments are an acceptable form of communication.

If someone has a concern, don’t respond to it.

Strong feelings are seen as normal and are allowed.

Have an audience present when you engage someone.

Deal with people directly.

Question 2. Question : Which of the following statements is NOT a commonly-held negative view of conflict?

harmony is normal and conflict is abnormal

disagreements are the same thing as conflicts

if someone is rigid in conflicts they may have too little power

conflict should never be escalated

a good conflict is a nice conflict

0 of 2


Question 3. Question : The following statement by Justin about a conflict with his sister Shannon is an example of which of the conflict metaphors below? “The next time she says something about my lifestyle I’m likely to blow longer and louder than a Mt. St. Helen’s eruption.”

conflict is a trial

conflict is an act of nature

conflict is a balancing act

conflict is warlike and violent

conflict is like a dance

Question 4. Question : Which of the communication cultures below is generally characterized by norms that favor competition, low or non-expressiveness, and communication used for concrete purposes?

feminine communication culture

Asian communication culture

masculine communication culture

Native American culture

both a and c


Question 5. Question : Which of the following terms reflect the two fundamental aspects of conflict regarding conflict as communication behaviors and perceptions of those behaviors?

social learning theory

the Lens Model of conflict

attribution theory

collectivist theory

transformative theory

2 of 2


Question 6. Question : Since gender studies have found that women tend to compromise more than men in conflict situations, the book suggests that women try to utilize which communication behavior most often?




even more compromise

a wide range of communication behaviors

Points Received: 2 of 2


Question 7. Question : According to Wilmot and Hocker, which type of family is characterized by walking away from conflicts, never raising your voices, not telling anyone if there is a struggle, and keeping strong feelings to yourself?

collaborative family

permissive family

aggressive family

avoidant family

passive family

Question 8. Question : Which of the following metaphors would your authors consider “transformative?”

Conflict is a balancing act

Conflict is a trial

Conflict is war

Conflict is a dance

Conflict is a struggle

Question 9. Question : Which of the following is generally true about research regarding gender differences in conflict?

Adolescent girls tend to be more aggressive than adolescent boys.

Men and women generally handle conflict in similar ways.

Women tend to take more control of conversations than men to lead it in the direction they want.

Women are more likely to avoid a conflict than men.

Men tend to engage in the “listening” role more than women.

Question 10. Question : Which of the following negotiation strategies does not apply to Cheap Statue (Application 8.2 – page 247)?

Which of the following is generally true about research regarding gender differences in conflict quizlet?

Which of the following is generally true about research regarding gender differences in conflict? Women are more likely to avoid a conflict than men.

What is the primary metaphor Wilmot uses to describe a relationship?

Metaphors provide a lens for viewing relationships, In his writings, communication scholar William (Bill) Wilmot frequently uses a dance metaphor to capture the dynamics of relational communi- cation.

Which of the following are considered to be the drivers of disputes quizlet?

Once a person becomes truly skilled at managing conflict, he or she will not have to deal with it—conflict is avoidable. The two primary drivers of most disputes are identity and relational issues.

Which emotion was considered the moral emotion in ancient societies?

The oldest of the old academy moral emotions is sympathy, which was said to be the foundation of morality by Adam Smith (1759/1956), David Hume (1739/1969), and even Jean Piaget (1932/1965).