Which of the following statements about squatter settlements in latin america is false?

According to your text’s authors, globalization is the most fundamental reorganization of our planet’s social and economic structures since which of the following events?

Industrial Revolution

Most of the current and future world population growth is occurring in which part of the world?

developing countries of Africa, Asia, and South America

In which stage of the Demographic Transition are birthrate and death rate both high?

stage 1

Which of the following measurements of human population is very similar to the average number of children per family?

total fertility rate

What is colonialism?

the formal establishment of rule over a foreign population

What is a universalizing religion?

a religion that attempts to appeal to all peoples regardless of location or culture

Which measure represents the international definition of poverty?

percentage of the population living on less than $2 per day

According to the core-periphery model, which of the following countries is part of the core?


The most rainy places on earth are found in _____________.

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equatorial areas

What is the major cause of widespread cutting of tropical rainforests?

the recent globalization of commerce in international wood products

What world region is experiencing the highest rate of tropical deforestation?

Southeast Asia

Which of the following statements about plate tectonics is true?

It explains the distribution of volcanoes on earth.

As a general rule, the atmosphere cools by 3.5°F for every 1,000 feet gained in elevation. This is called

the adiabatic lapse rate.

Which of the following statements about the landforms of western US is true?

It contains mostly mountains and plateaus

Today, most immigrants to the United States come from which two world regions?

Asia and Latin America

Settlement landscapes of North American cities are characterized by ________, in which metropolitan areas sprawl in all directions and suburbs take on many of the characteristics of traditional downtowns.

urban decentralization

Which of the following is one of the patterns of North American population movements?

the trend westward, the movement of blacks out of the South, the growth of the Sunbelt, rural-to-urban migration

What waterway opened up the Great Lakes to improved global trade connections?

St. Lawrence River

Less than 3% of the people in the US live in poverty.


Which Latin American country is most closely associated with deforestation?


What is dependency theory?

The idea that the expansion of European capitalism created Latin America’s underdevelopment.

What phenomenon causes altitudinal zonation?

Environmental Lapse Rate

By what name do we know the Mexican assembly plants that line the border between Mexico and the United States?


Where are the people of Latin America concentrated?

In cities and on the coast

Which statement about Latin America’s population is true?

The population growth rate has started to slow down.

What makes the Amazon River distinctive?

Largest river by volume

What are the major political trends in Latin America today?

Democratically elected governments; open markets; and broader public participation in the political process.

Urban primacy occurs when ________.

A country has a city three to four times larger than any other city in the country.

What is grassification?

The conversion of tropical forest into pasture.

How has the existence of the Great Escarpment, which runs from southwestern Angola and ends in northeastern South Africa, affected coastal settlement in the region?

It was an impediment to settlement.

According to the demographic transition theory, Canada’s population growth should remain ____?

then the population growth rate of Canada should remain low

What is true about culture?

culture is learned

What is cultural nationalism?

the process of protecting the primacy of a certain culture from another culture

What is a relatively homogeneous cultural group called?


What is an example of a “nation-state” at present time?


What are measurements of the level of development?

per capita income, % of labor force employed in agriculture, infant mortality

What are variable of HDI?

life expectancy at birth, income, educational attainment

What applies to the more developed regions?

they have a large and economically strong middle-class

What are the world’s more developed regions?

North America, Central Asia, and China

What is true about the climate of Latin America?

it has virtually every climate found on earth

What factors contribute to the climate pattern in Latin America?

latitude, ocean currents, global pattern of air pressure systems

What demographic transition stage is Latin America in?

stage 2

Most rural immigrants moving to the cities in Latin America ended living in _____.

shantytowns at the periphery of the city

What are examples of urban primacy?

Buenos Aires, Mexico City, Lima

“Latifundia” refers to ______.

large land holdings in Latin America

What goal did the Treaty of Tordesillas accomplish?

it divided South America between Spain and Portugal

The top destinations outside of Latin America for migrants from Latin America are:

North America, Europe, and Japan

What is urban primacy?

a condition in which a country contains a city that is three to four times larger than any other city in the country

In the Latin American city model, what land use is located along the “spine”?

superior services, roads, and transportation

Which of the following is NOT found in the Latin American city model?

zone of workers’ housing

When the countries of Latin America regained their independence, who were the leaders?

European elites born in the Americas

With respect to the success of maquiladoras, which of the following is NOT one of Mexico’s competitive advantages?

abundant raw materials

Which of the following is NOT one of the innovations that Curitiba, Brazil, has implemented in order to plan its growth in a more environmentally friendly fashion?

exportation of 25% of its population to surrounding rural areas

Which of the following statements about squatter settlements in Latin America is NOT true?

They provide adequate housing.

Which of the following environmental problems is associated with Mexico City and Santiago?

air pollution

Which of the following was NOT a major reason for the rural-to-urban migration in Latin America?

equal rights for women

Which of the following was NOT an element of the effort to open the Brazilian Amazon for settlement?

quick distribution of land titles to small farmers

What language is the second-most common in Latin America?


What trade block is the most important one in Latin America?


What Latin American country is the world leader in coffee production?


What is the name of the mountain chain that extends the length of South America’s west coast?


Historically, these places have been underused as areas of settlement in Latin America, especially compared to settlement patterns in other regions.

along major rivers

Throughout most of the 20th century, Latin America experienced ________ population growth rates.


Why did Japanese people migrate to Latin America?

to work in the coffee and sugar plantations and mines

What is dependency theory?

the idea that the expansion of European capitalism created Latin America’s underdevelopmentf

What is import substitution?

a policy that encourages domestic industry by imposing high tariffs on all imports

What is El Niño?

a distinctive weather pattern

What are the boundaries of Latin America?

The Rio Grande in the north to Tierra del Fuego in the south

Neoliberal economic development calls for all of the following EXCEPT

increased social spending for the poor.

By what name do we know the Mexican assembly plants that line the border between Mexico and the United States?


A system wherein peasants farm small plots of land for their own subsistence is referred to as


Four countries in Latin America have more than 75 percent of the region’s population. Which of the following is NOT one of the four?



increasing interconnectedness of people and places
-economic activities
-political activities
-cultural activities

true or false
water consumption is high in N. A.


what main aquifer is being depleted

Ogalla Aquifer

“Megalopolis” includes:

Washington DC
New York City

The most persistent migration trend in N. A.

Westward Movement

Growth of the Sunbelt South

the Carolinas to Texas have experienced considerable growth in 21st cent.

Nonmetropolitan Growth:

when people move from cities to smaller more rural towns

Urban decentralization


Many acid rain producers are industries and power producers in the Midwest and Ontario regions of North America, yet damage from acid rain occurs as far east as the northeastern United States and eastern Canada. What conclusion can we draw from this pattern?

Regions that do not benefit from the economic activities that produce acid rain suffer the consequences nonetheless.

Some of the most toxic environments in the United States are found in the petroleum-rich Texas and Louisiana Gulf Coasts, and in industrial centers of the Northeast and Midwest. What does this tell us?

Economic activities that produce the wealth of North America can cause dangerous pollution.

Sustainable agriculture is growing in popularity in North America. Based on your textbook’s description of sustainable agriculture, is the current method of commercial wheat farming in the Great Plains sustainable?

No, primarily because of the depletion of the Ogallala Aquifer for irrigation of wheat fields.

What was the primary reason that the Native American populations in North America declined by 90 percent after 1500 CE?

Native Americans succumbed to European diseases and disruption.

Which of the following choices best describes migration that led to the growth of the Sun Belt South?

Seeking a job and a better climate, a family migrates from Chicago to Dallas in 1980.

Today, an immigrant to the United States would be most likely to fit which of the following descriptions?

a doctor from Mumbai, India

A French Canadian from Quebec City would have most in common, culturally speaking, with which of the following individuals?

a Cajun from New Orleans, Louisiana

The creation of the Nunavut Territory in 1999 grew out of an initiative by which group to achieve self-governance?


Of the following natural resources, which one does the United States import in the greatest quantities?


Which environmental issue is most commonly associated with Latin America?


Which of the following global trends is most responsible for grassification in Latin America?

growing preference around the world for meat

Which pattern of migration plays the greatest role in creating and maintaining primate cities in Latin America?

rural-to-urban migration

What event precipitated the demographic collapse in Latin America?

the arrival of European colonists in the region

Which agricultural products in Latin America originated in Asia and Africa?

sugarcane and coffee

Which of the following scenarios is an example of a syncretic religious practice?

A Mexican family brings apples to a cave where they have placed a statue of Saint Francis of Assisi.

Which of the following practices of the Spanish and Portuguese colonizers in Latin America is most consistent with dependency theory?

Spain’s forbidding manufacturing in its colonies in Latin America

Which of the following economic activities is an example of a maquiladora?

an automobile assembly plant worker in Tijuana, Mexico, across the border from San Diego, California

true or false
The Treaty of Tordesillas divided South America between Spain and Portugal.


What caused the severe depletion of biological resources in the Caribbean?

colonization and global trade


economic and political strategies by which powerful states indirectly extended their influence over weaker states.

what % of the Brazilian Amazon has been deforested in the last 4 years



conversion of tropical forest into pasture/cattle ranching

Urban Areas in L. A. are troubled by what?

air pollution, inadequate supplies of (fresh) water,
garbage removal, illegal housing (squatter) settlements

Amazon Basin

world’s largest river system by volume and area

Urban primacy

A city whose population is at least twice as large as that of the next largest city in a country

Squatter Settlements

Residential developments characterized by extreme poverty that usually exist on land just outside of cities that is neither owned nor rented by its occupants.

How do the authors of your text define globalization?

The increasing interconnectedness of people and places through converging economic, political, and cultural activities

What do most scholars agree is the most significant component of globalization?

Economic reorganization of the world

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of our increasingly globalized world?

Local folk cultures

What do the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the World Trade Organization (WTO) do?

They make possible the flow of goods and capital across international boundaries

What is the middle position on globalization, according to your text’s author?

Globalization is probably avoidable, but it can be managed

At the most basic level, geography can be broken into two complementary pursuits. These are:

Physical and human geography

This is the study of how places interact with one another

areal integration

What is the current population of Earth?

More than 7 billion

Most of the current and future world population growth is occurring in which part of the world?

Developing countries of Africa, Asia, and South America

In which of the following cases will the total fertility rate (TFR) be highest?

When women marry early and have many children over a long span of years.

In which world region is life expectancy about the same today as it was in 1975?

Sub-Saharan Africa

In which stage of the Demographic Transition are birthrates and death rate both high?

Stage 1: Pre-Modern
Death/birth rates fairly similar
Total pop. stays constant

What stage of the Demographic Transition produces a rapid rise in the rate of natural increase?

Stage 2: Urbanizing/Industrializing (1700-1875)
Death rate drops, birth rates stay constant

Which of the following is NOT shown in a population pyramid?

Birth and death rates

Which of the following is an example of a material dimension of culture?


Which of the following focuses on the interaction between power, territory, and space at different scales?


What is colonialism?

The formal establishment of rule over a foreign pop.

What does MDC stand for?

More Developed Country

Which measure represents the international definition of poverty?

Percentage of the pop. living on less than $2 a day

Map projections are techniques used by cartographers to limit distortions in the process of mapping the globe onto a piece of paper.


A map scale is the mathematical ratio between the map and the surface area being mapped.


GIS stands for Geologic Information Satellites


A pop. pyramid with a wide base and a narrow peak is characteristic of a slow growth rate.


Stage 2 of the Demographic Transition produces a rapid decrease in the rate of natural increase.


Kurds are an example of a nation-state.


Where would you most likely find a squatter settlement in a typical Latin American city?

The zone of peripheral squatter settlements is located on the edge of Latin American cities and it is where the poorest people in the cities live. These areas have virtually no infrastructure and many homes are built by their residents using whatever materials they can find.

What is the major reason for the preference for urban life in Latin America quizlet?

What is the major reason for the preference for urban life in Latin America? Under the colonial rule of Spain and Portugal, people living in cities had higher social status and greater economic opportunity.

What country of Latin America has the region's largest population?

Brazil has the largest population with 170 million inhabitants (35 % of the total).

What is the name of the mountain chain that extends the length of South America's west coast?

Mountains & Highlands South America's primary mountain system, the Andes, is also the world's longest. The range covers about 8,850 kilometers (5,500 miles). Situated on the far western edge of the continent, the Andes stretch from the southern tip to the northernmost coast of South America.