Which of the following statements is true about cultures with high communitarianism

For the first 16 questions you are asked to rate yourself on a 5-point scale between two extreme statements. If you agree with the extreme statement, choose 1 or 5; if you are leaning in one direction, choose the 2 or the 4; if you are evenly split between the two extremes, choose 3.
For the remaining brief-answer questions simply follow directions.

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* 3. Uncertainty Avoidance (Hofstede):
Do you feel a strong need to have every part of your life organized and planned, or do you feel more at home in free-wheeling, spontaneous, even chaotic situations? Are you comfortable with disorder and surprises, or do you insist on meticulous organization and hate accidents? Rate yourself on a 1-5 scale.

5 - I have the next several years of my life meticulously planned. My daily schedule runs with the regularity of a Swiss train. My home is logically organized and every object is in its proper location. I keep record of every single expenditure I make, no matter how small (when I give $1 to a bum in the street I make sure to deduct it from my taxes). My underwear is organized in alphabetical order. Life has basic rules of discipline that civilized people must adhere to.

4 - Preference for a very high degree of organization and planning.

3 - Evenly split between the two extremes.

2 - Feel at home in loose, spontaneous, free-wheeling situations.

1 - I never waste time trying to plan my days, my life, my vacations or even what I am going to wear. So what if I have a blue and a brown sock on right now, who really cares? I accept luck and chance and I always try to live life in the moment and enjoy every bit of it. People who plan too much always end up disappointed. I never worry about the future. My life has worked out great this way, though I can't remember exactly where I live.

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* 5. Time Orientation (Edward Hall):
Is your conception of time "monochronic" (M-time), in which time is perceived as linear and it is best to do just one thing at a time, or is your conception of time more "polychronic" (P_time), in which time is perceived naturalistically and people are comfortable doing several things at the same time, and in which people and human relationships are more important than clocks and schedules?

5 - When I am at work I try to make every single minute count. Effective time-management and precise, disciplined scheduling are the hallmarks of the superior executive. I detest colleagues who are habitually late to meetings and late with projects. Lateness is a mark of immaturity. Clocks, calendars and schedules are basic and essential tools for adults.

4 - Prefer tight schedules and no tolerance for lateness.

3 - Evenly split / Can't decide

2 - Prefer open schedules and accept that some lateness is just part of my business.

1 - I don't plan anything. I just show up. When I'm at work I always try to do the most sensible and important thing until its done, but often I am interrupted and have to answer urgent requests. It is important to be able to deal with disruptions and delays without getting upset. It is also good manners to show other people that they are more important than your schedule. If an old friend shows up unexpectedly and that ruins my schedule, so be it, I'm not going to offend an old friend because of some silly meeting. People who are addicted to clocks and schedules are unhealthy. I am sorry that I am one year late answering this question, I thought we were still in 2010.

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* 7. Neutral vs. Emotional (Trompenaars):
How do you feel about displaying emotion or anger while at work?

5 - I never display emotion or anger at work. Even Japanese industrial robots accuse me of being un-emotional. Occasionally, if I'm feeling ecstatic, I may permit myself a tiny little smile, like the Mona Lisa (la Gioconde), but only for a few micro-seconds. People who shout and cry at work are just acting like babies. Emotion can be absolutely fatal at work and can destroy years of work in an instant.

4 - Emotion is inappropriate at work.

3 - Evenly split / Can't decide

2 - Some emotional display at work is normal.

1 - I only get angry when I deal with idiots. Unfortunately, that's about 50 times a day! I do get angry when necessary with subordinates, colleagues, customers, or even strangers. Sometimes in life the only way to get people to understand that you're serious is to raise your voice and pound the table. How are you going to deal with Mediterranean people if you get shocked every time somebody gets angry or laughs at a joke? Come on, that's just human behavior! Damn it, this question is really starting to piss me off!

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* 8. Achievement vs Ascription (Trompenaars):
What do you think is the most appropriate way of understanding professional and financial success - purely a matter of individual effort, or largely a matter of inherited social privileges and luck? Rate yourself on a 1-5 scale.

5 - Success is purely a matter of desire, effort and discipline. There is no such thing as bad luck. Anybody can rise to unexpected levels of success if they simply believe in themselves and devote themselves unceasingly to work, work, work.

4 - With effort anyone can rise in the world.

3 - Evenly split / Can't decide.

2 - The constraints of socio-economic status, inherited capital and biology are very strong, and the influence of luck or fate is often the key factor in a person or a company's success.

1 - Success is largely a matter of fate, environment, inherited genetic talents, and fortune. Those people who claim success is due to desire and discipline don't understand how fortunate they were to be born with desire and discipline -- and they usually underestimate the benefits they inherited from their parents, too. Most successful people are just lucky bastards! Of course, they want to claim it is because they worked so hard, the big liars!

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* 14. Cultural Evolution (Universalism v Particularism / Uncertainty Avoidance):
To what extent do you agree with the following statement: " Although all cultures must be respected, it is nonetheless true that some cultures are more highly evolved than others. In advanced cultures, people tend to be honest, industrious, disciplined, organized, tolerant, law-abiding. In less-advanced cultures, people are less rigorous, more superstitious, more intolerant, less disciplined and less respectful of the law. The less-evolved cultures should imitate the advanced cultures, even if this means abandoning some of their old traditions. There is clearly some validity in the concept of 'cultural superiority'."

5 -- Strongly agree - the statement is obviously true, though some people may feel forced to disagree because it hurts their national pride, or because they feel sorry for some of the less advanced cultures.

4 - Some countries are more evolved in some ways.

2 - You cannot compare, all are equal.

1 - Strongly disagree - anyone who agrees with such a statement is probably deep down somewhat racist or bigoted. All cultures are equally valid and all must be equally respected.

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* 17. Cultural Gaffes
In an international or intercultural situation, have you ever observed a memorable cultural gaffe (mistake) that you can share with us? Don't share if it will get you arrested! Or, pretend that this is something that you"witnessed" or "heard about", not something that happened to you. Try to be brief and we can expand on the details in class

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* 18. Corporate/organizational culture
Have you ever observed a corporate or organizational culture that you found extremely unhealthy or unproductive? What was the main problem? Do you have any suggestions for dealing with such cultures?

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* 19. Have you ever worked with or observed a corporate or organizational culture that you found to be extremely impressive, effective or enjoyable? What was the key to their success?

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* 20. Are there any cultural groups (nationality, religion, gender, age, profession) that you have more difficulty working with?

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* 21. Cultural perceptions/stereotypes:
What are the first 3 to 5 words (especially adjectives) that come to mind when you think of the U.S.A.?

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* 22. Cultural perceptions/stereotypes:
What are the first 3 to 5 words (especially adjectives) that come to mind when you think of the France?

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* 23. Cultural perceptions/stereotypes:
What are the first 3 to 5 words (especially adjectives) that come to mind when you think of China?

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* 24. Cultural perceptions/stereotypes:
What are the first 3 to 5 words (especially adjectives) that come to mind when you think of Germany?

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* 25. Cultural perceptions/stereotypes:
What are the first 3 to 5 words (especially adjectives) that come to mind when you think of Arabic-speaking countries?

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* 26. Cultural perceptions/stereotypes:
What are the first 3 to 5 words (especially adjectives) that come to mind when you think of Mexico?

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* 27. Cultural perceptions/stereotypes:
What are the first 3 to 5 words (especially adjectives) that come to mind when you think of Nigeria?

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* 28. Cultural perceptions/stereotypes
If you had to live in a foreign country in which you have never lived, what would be your top two choices (place them in order).

First choice

Second choice

Which of the following statements is true of cultures with high uncertainty avoidance?

Answer and Explanation: The correct answer is a) They prefer predictable rules and regulations to ambiguity and risk. A culture that supports high uncertainty avoidance has people inclined to rules and regulations more in order to reduce ambiguity and risk from their decisions.

Which of the following statements best describes culture?

2. Which of the following statements best defines culture? Culture is a particular way of life of a group of people.

Which of the following is true about a country with high level of masculinity according to Hofstede's scale?

In the context of Hofstede's original four dimensions, cultures with a high masculinity index tend to favor earnings, advancement, and challenge.

Which of the following is a characteristic of culture?

Culture has five basic characteristics: It is learned, shared, based on symbols, integrated, and dynamic.