Which of the following would allow you to plug your laptop into an external monitor such as a projector?

This topic describes how to select the monitor where VideoPsalm outputs its presentation.

Which of the following would allow you to plug your laptop into an external monitor such as a projector?

There are 3 steps:
1. Setup Windows to recognize your monitors.
2. Setup VideoPsalm to output to the proper monitor.
3. Additional settings.

Step 1 - Setup Windows to recognize your monitors

By default, Windows is configured to display your desktop on all the monitors that are plugged to the PC.
This mode is called “Duplicate the desktop to the other monitors”.
However, the recommended mode for VideoPsalm is “Extend the desktop to the other monitors”, so that you can control VideoPsalm on the first monitor, while the presentation is displayed on the second monitor (or any other monitor you may have).
To switch to “Extend” mode, use the built-in Windows feature that enables you to extend your desktop to the video-projector.

One easy way to achieve this is to press the “Windows” + “P” keys...

Which of the following would allow you to plug your laptop into an external monitor such as a projector?

... and choose "Extend the desktop to the second screen" option:

Which of the following would allow you to plug your laptop into an external monitor such as a projector?

Alternate method:

  • Press the "Win+I" keayboard shortcut.
  • Open System -> Display.
  • Select "Extend these displays" in the "Multiple Displays" drop-down:

Which of the following would allow you to plug your laptop into an external monitor such as a projector?

This second method brings additional options to you, mainly:

  • Set the resolution of each monitor, in particular the resolution of the presentation screen.
    If necessary, you can improve the rendering speed of your presentation by reducing its resolution.
  • Drag and drop a monitor to the right or the left, to rearrange them.

Step 2 - Set VideoPsalm to output to the proper monitor

This is available starting with version 1.27.
1. Open the VideoPsalm options and select the “Presentation screen” settings:

Which of the following would allow you to plug your laptop into an external monitor such as a projector?

2. Select the checkbox for the screen that is your presentation screen.
3. Select the monitor in the drop-down.

VideoPsalm will instantly switch to the new presentation screen.
Confirm with the “OK” or “Apply” buttons.

Step 3 - Additional settings

Disable the taskbar on the second monitor/video-projector

On Windows 8 or later, you will want to disable the taskbar on the presentation screen:

  • Right-click on an empty spot on the taskbar. 
  • Select "Properties". 
  • Deselect the box next to "Show taskbar on all screens":

Which of the following would allow you to plug your laptop into an external monitor such as a projector?

Note  These options only appear when you have more than one monitor plugged into your PC.

Alternate method to move the VideoPsalm presentation to another screen

By default, VideoPsalm shows its control window on the main monitor and displays the presentation on the second monitor.
If ever you want to display the presentation on the first monitor, simply drag the VideoPsalm control window, with the mouse, to the second monitor: VideoPsalm will then “chase” or “push” the presentation to the first (or next) monitor. This works identically in a configuration with three or more monitors.

To start the VideoPsalm presentation

To start the presentation with the first agenda item, press the “F5” key:

Which of the following would allow you to plug your laptop into an external monitor such as a projector?

This will have following effects:
1. If the presentation screen is not opened, it will display it.
You can display the presentation screen by pressing the “Present” button, located to the right of the control screen:

Which of the following would allow you to plug your laptop into an external monitor such as a projector?

2. VideoPsalm will select the first agenda item, ready to advance to the first slide.

To advance the presentation

To advance the presentation, press the "Down" key. The "Right" key works too, as well as the "Page Down" key:

Which of the following would allow you to plug your laptop into an external monitor such as a projector?

Which of the following would allow you to plug your laptop into an external monitor such as a projector?

Alternatively, you can use any standard PowerPoint clicker:

Which of the following would allow you to plug your laptop into an external monitor such as a projector?

Please use the contact form if you have any question.


1/8/2015 05:42:04 am

Can I use videopsalm with only 1 monitor and the projector?

Hi Sharon,
Yes, sure: one monitor + a projector is even the standard setup!
Actually, for the PC, a projector plays the role of a second monitor.


1/8/2015 09:26:25 am

Thank you. Is there a special way to set up. I'm basically non-techie.

A PC considers a video-projector to be technically very similar to a monitor.
This means that you need to connect it to the PC via a video cable, like you would with a monitor, and it will simply work 99% of the cases.

To be sure that the PC recognizes the monitor, power the video-projector first (before the PC), although this won't matter most of the time.

A technical point to consider: The distance between the PC and the video-projector.
Depending on the size and configuration of the room, the video-projector can be located quite far away from the PC.
There are two cable types between a PC and a monitor: VGA and HDMI.
VGA cables can go up to 100 meters (300 feets), and HDMI up to 10 meters (30 feets, much less than a VGA cable), sometimes up to 20 meters (60 feets), but with possible loss of signals.

In cases where the cable needs to be longer, there are solutions to this also.

This is a non-exhaustive list of configurations that can be used with VideoPsalm:
- Laptop + video-projector
- Laptop (with its own screen, this is what I personally use with the kids at Sunday school)
- Laptop + monitor
- Laptop + TV
- PC and its monitor + video-projector
- PC and its monitor + a second monitor or TV
- etc.

Is it possible to use VP with 2 monitor or TV + PC ?
That way, I may have the presentation on 2 TV for the public during concert.


3/3/2015 11:43:42 pm

Hello thankyou for amazing software!

My question is - is there an option where chords can be shown on the one monitor (with everything else) for musicians, and on the projector no chords can be seen but everything else can be seen?

Thankyou for any help

Hello Andy,

Thank you for your suggestion!

The "stage view with or without chords" feature is not available at the moment, but is in the todo list.
It will alas not make it into version 1.15, which is in preparation.

Feel free to contact me in the future, I will be glad to help you.
Link to the contact form:

So, the presentation mode with words and chords, as is displayed on your website as the center slide is not available??? Perhaps you should remove this from your main graphic. I just found this out after spending much time importing and tweaking songs, etc., for a practice tonight, and, now, I can't project this to the team. Sad face...

Hi Mike,

When displaying lyrics that contain chords, you can choose to display the chords or not.
To display chords, press the “Chord” button in the ribbon, in the “Text” tab -> “Font” group -> “#b” icon.
Does this work for you?

It is also possible to adjust the capo to transpose chords automatically, in the miscellaneous song lyrics tab. This will be improved with a transposition function in the next version (1.15), due anytime.

I use the chord display feature almost every day with the family, very useful while playing the guitar, and with the kids at Sunday school, it is really cool!

What is not available at the moment is displaying a stage view, which is a specific view for the musicians and the choir. I believe that this is what triggered our miss-communication.

Let me know if you could get what you were expecting, your feedback is greatly appreciated and very useful.

Feel free to use the site's contact form, where we can exchange emails securely and post images more easily than here in this forum.



3/8/2015 12:04:50 am

Thanks for the reply! I love videopsalm and it helps us a lot in our church (they were using powerpoint before).

I might run a second laptop just for the chords (our musicians really need the chords), maybe I can use one hand on the mouse for one laptop and use the arrow key for a simultaneous change on the other laptop. (running videopsalm on 2 laptops)

I will do my best and look forward to any update! Praise God for this software and the anointing on your life!


3/5/2015 11:33:49 pm

VideoPsalm does not display videos when you play them. The video shows that it is playing but shows a black screen. How do i fix this?

Hello Wisani,

Thank you for your feedback.

At the moment, VideoPsalm can play wmv videos on most PCs.
Other video formats may or may not work.
This may be related to a missing codec pack, or a missing Windows component, maybe the DirectX version or Microsoft C++ redistributable is missing on your PC.

The K-Lite codec pack can be downloaded here and enables to play most video formats, notably MP4, via the VideoPsalm media player:

VideoPsalm has a 30 seconds sample wmv video in its gallery, that displays horses running on a beach.
On your PC, do you get the video to play and do you hear the sound of it?

Make sure that video preview button is pressed. The video will always play on the big screen, independently from the video preview button state.

Please let me know if the K-Lite codec pack solved the video display on your PC.

The following article explains how to make best use of the VideoPsalm media player:

In French

In English


Excellent. Have just been installing/trying out VP and wondered why mp4's weren't loading. Thought I had Klite on the laptop already. Nope! Installed it and it all worked. Great product - Thanks!!!


9/19/2019 05:00:37 am

Hola. Tengo window 10 y un proyector Epson power lite s12+, no es inhalambrico. Instale el programa pero cuando quiero ampliar la ventana para proyectar no me lo permite. se proyecta todo como se ve en la computadora en vez de la ventana q solo debe verse, pueden ayudarme? gracias

Hi Sandra,

To display the presentation screen, proceed as follows:
1. Press "Windows" + "P" keys.
2. In the blue popup that opens from the right, select "Extend".

Does this solve the problem?


3/8/2015 07:42:23 pm

I'm trying to think of a work-around to show the chords for the musicians from the same laptop but separate to Videopsalm..

For example having Videopsalm running and extended to one screen while a Chord jpeg (in Windows picture viewer) is extending to another screen. Is this possible do you think? Can other programs run and be extended to other screens at the same time that Videopsalm is being extended to the first screen?? Or is this impossible?

Please help ^^

Hi Andy,

It will possibly work, depending on what video connectors your laptop has.

Many laptops nowadays have two video connectors/outputs, like:
- A HDMI output + a (mini) display port
- A VGA output + a HDMI output
- any other combinations of VGA, HDMI, display port.

Most of the time, both outputs can be simultaneously connected to a monitor or video-projector, thus enabling you to have one screen dedicated to the audience, and the other screen dedicated to the musicians / choir.

If your laptop has such two video outputs, then you could control VideoPsalm from its own screen, displaying to the audience via one video output, and displaying the chords to the musicians with another application (the Windows picture viewer for example) through the second video output.

Hopefully there will soon be support for a second screen directly from within VideoPsalm.

In the meantime, another option is to use a video splitter (this is a hardware part) and dispatch the VideoPsalm live output to the audience on one screen, and to the musicians on a second screen, through the video splitter, both screens displaying identical information with the music chords.


3/8/2015 11:06:22 pm

Thanks again for the fast reply!

At the moment from my laptop I have Videopsalm via VGA cable running into a projector (for the audience) and then via another VGA cable from the projector output and into a large monitor at the back (for the singers to see the words) - obviously this transmits an identical image cause its basically piggybacking.

I learned that if I use a USB video out adaptor that I can go from the laptop into another monitor. This seems great but I dont know how to get the picture viewer to display on that last monitor while Videopsalm is running. Wont the last monitor just copy whats extended on the projector etc? How do I actually make only picture viewer go onto that final monitor? Is it a drag across thing? Im a bit confused sorry XD


12/25/2015 03:49:42 pm

Bonjour, des nouvelles sur la fonctionnalité d'une 3e sortie pour afficher les accords pour les musiciens?
Merci pour le boulot déjà fait.

Yes, it is a drag across thing.

After plugging the USB video out adapter, you will want to "Extend" your desktop (not duplicate it). You can configure this in the Windows control panel -> Display -> Screen resolution, or use the "Windows"+P keyboard shortcut.

Once your screens are configured, simply drag any application window (in your case a picture viewer) onto the screen of choice with your mouse.


3/10/2015 02:02:57 pm

Thank you so much. I'm currently trying to repair an old pc and will run 2 versions of Videopsalm on separate pc's. One will show chords and the other will not. I'll just use 2 mice :) I decided to do this way because using picture viewer with a jpeg of all chords is too small, it's better for musician if it's verse by verse.

Once again thank you so much for your amazing and hard work!


4/10/2015 08:46:53 pm

I am trying to use video psalm with air parrot 2 and Chromecast to avoid running writes. I can drag the main app to either window but the live screen does not show at all. Any suggestions? Thanks


4/10/2015 09:46:06 pm

Avoid running wires

Hi Hayes,
To show VideoPsalm's live screen, press the “Present” button located to the right in the main window.
Does it work for you?

Ben Frawley

7/3/2020 04:28:55 pm

Yes using Chromecast would be a GREAT way t0 connect from your computer to your display without needing HDMI cables.
I have put in a request for this feature to be implemented. We need this also.

Hi Ben,

Thank you for your question.
There is nothing specific to VideoPsalm to cast a presentation to a big screen via a Chromecast.

The difficulty is to make Windows know that there is an additional screen available, namely the Chromecast screen, and be able to extend your desktop to it.

Please let me know if the following article describes this task well:

The mentioned article has user comments at the bottom.
The following comment may interest you:

I was looking for a solution to extend my Windows 10 desktop and cast the second screen to my Chromecast connected to my TV. I was able to do so after playing with it for a while. If you press Windows+P, you can choose to extend your desktop. Then a second monitor will display under Display settings. When you use Chromecast and cast your desktop it will ask you which screen to cast ,screen 1 or 2. If you choose screen 2, your normal desktop is displayed on your computer and whatever you put on the extended screen will show on your TV.

In VideoPsalm 1.27, the presentation screen icon in the taskbar is hidden by default.
You may want to show it.
You can set this in the VideoPsalm options:
Open the VideoPsalm options -> "Presentation screen" tab -> "Display the presentation screen icon in the taskbar".

Should you have further feedback, please let me know, preferably by email, this will help others.

To avoid any problem (latency, drops, loss of quality, etc.), it is recommended to use a wired connection between your PC and the big screen.
A VGA cable can extend to up to 50 meters or more.
An HDMI cable can extend to up to 10 to 20 meters.
To prolongate an HDMI further than 20 meters, use an amplifier or a solution like the one proposed here (maybe read the comments for further advice):

Hi Ben,

If you want to use a Chromecast with an earlier Windows version (8.1, 7, Vista, XP), try the following:
1. Connect an external monitor to your PC or laptop.
2. Chromecast the content of this external/second monitor.

This solution will aslo work with Windows 10 if you have difficulties to let it understand that there is an additional monitor.


4/14/2015 02:48:01 pm

Thanks for this great software! I have a setup similar to Hayes, my projector is wireless and I am able to connect easily but, for some reason, this projector will not 'extend': basically I'm stuck in duplicate display mode. I might end up running HDMI over cat5/6 wire in order to project correctly but I'd really rather not unless I absolutely have to.
Anyway I've figured a way around this temporarily by going into present mode on my laptop then using the freeze button on the projectors remote, which allows me to flip back and forth through slides and the editor without looking totally unprofessional, but i fear this will not allow me to use motion backgrounds and it is a bit of a juggle when the service and/or songs are moving kinda fast, any suggestions on this?
Also I notice that I can use the number keys and the enter button while presenting a song to switch easily between my numbered verses, but there isn't a way for me to to switch easily back to the chorus, bridge, etc.

Hi Jon,

Thank you for your feedback.

The duplicate display mode is a constraint for sure.
The PC needs to know that there is another screen.
How many screens does the PC show in the display properties? One only?
Usually, the PC detects that there is a second screen when one connects physically a plug in the video output.
However, in your configuration, there is no plug.
You are certainly not the only one trying to figure this out.
Alas, I can't help you much here, but if you find a solution, please share your experience here.

Concerning the verse, chorus, bridge shortcuts, your are right. The bug is corrected in the coming 1.15 version.


6/27/2015 11:45:24 pm

Is there a way for me to freeze the tv monitor and then do everything I have to do without people knowing on my labtop

Hi Katelyn,

To freeze the monitor, press the "Snow flake" button located to the right of the screen.
While the "snow flake" is red, the monitor will not reflect what is displayed in the preview panel.
Does it work for you?

You can also use the contact form, from where we can exchange emails securely:

Sharon Eisenbarth

9/20/2015 07:32:27 am

I used to use extend and could see the videopsalm display fine on my PC while the presentation played. After playing a movie on CD my computer it no longer works in extended mode where the presentation is on the screen and videopsalm on my laptop. The only option which works is duplicate. When I go to extended view I can see the presentation on the screen but only my pc background on my laptop. Not sure what is happening.

Hi Sharon,

It seems that playing the DVD produced some changes in the PC screen properties.
One possibility is that the secondary screen became the primary screen.

To correct the problem in VideoPsalm, try the following:

1. Press the "Windows+P" keyboard keys, and select "Extend".

2. Set the VideoPsalm window to the normal state (not maximized and not minimized).

3. Press the VideoPsalm "Present" button (this button is located to the right of the window)

4. With the mouse, move the VideoPsalm window to the other screen.

5. Move the VideoPsalm window back to the first screen.

Does this solve the problem?

David Guice

10/17/2015 08:06:47 pm

Just a feature request. I would love to have stage display capability. Preferably with the ability to have the cords displayed for the band.



Hi David,
Thank you for requesting the stage View.
Hopefully this feature will be included into the next version.


10/27/2015 02:09:30 am

please can I use video converter on videopsalm

I have a three monitor setup and currently video psalm outputs to the 2nd monitor, how can I change that to the 3rd monitor instead?

Hi Darren,

To push the VideoPsalm output to the third monitor, grab the VideoPsalm control window with the mouse and move it over the second monitor.
This will push/chase the output to the next monitor (the third one).
Then grab the VideoPsalm control window back to its original place.

The next time that you open VideoPsalm, it will remember the monitor where to output to.


4/6/2016 08:45:43 am


We have a 2 monitors setup via thin clients to be able to connect a laptop to both of them. We want to project to both screens at the same time ("mirror"). We tried "extending" laptop's display to monitors 2 and 3 but did not work. Then, we tried "duplicating" to both screens and got the presentation on both of them. However, it did not run well on the 3rd monitor. It's delayed and doesn't show all the information. Any thoughts? Thanks!

Hi Lourdes,

Could the problem arise from a difference in the screen resolution between monitor 2 and 3?

Out of curiosity, what software do you use to connect the laptop to the monitors via thin clients?


4/11/2016 07:01:50 am

Hi, thanks for your response. I don't think it has to do with monitors' resolution because they are the same and we set them identically. However, I'll double check once back to church. On the other hand, we use Network USB Setting Utility to connect to the thin clients via a dedicated Ethernet cable that comes from a NetGear router. Both monitors, through their respective thin client, are also connected to that router.

Lily Rivas

6/24/2016 10:58:09 pm

Hola, yo conecto mi laptop a la pantalla lcd y puedo ver todo lo que hay en mi laptop pero como puedo hacerle para que se vea solo la proyeccion de los cantos y yo pueda seguir trabajando en la laptop sin que aparesca en mi pantalla ... te agradeceria mucho me ayudes

Hello Lily,

To achieve what you want:

1. Press the "Windows + P" keyboard keys.

2. In the popup window, select "Extend".

The first image on top of this article describes this more into details.


6/25/2016 07:31:33 am

hi, i connect my pc to my tv and if you send the signal, but how I can do to not see what I 'm doing on my PC and see only the projection of the songs ?

Hello Lily,

To achieve what you want:

1. Press the "Windows + P" keyboard keys.

2. In the popup window, select "Extend".

The first image on top of this article describes this more into details.


7/3/2016 06:55:46 pm

Hi. There is any way to put some margins to the screen??

Hi Joan,

VideoPsalm uses the concept of cascading style attributes, enabling you to define the style (margins, font, colors, animations, etc.) at any level : song verse, song, songbook, all songbooks, base.

Please let me know if the following articles explain well enough how to make best use of cascading styles:

How to adjust slide text margins

How to change the background of a song or a whole songbook - Cascading styles part one

How to assign a background to a song verse or to the whole song - Cascading styles part two

How to remove an image assigned to a song verse

Juan Munoz

7/28/2016 02:14:54 pm

Hi the video plays but no sound what is the problem

The preferred video format for VideoPsalm is WMV.

VideoPsalm can display WMV videos on most PCs, notably on Windows 10 PCs.
Other formats (MP4, AVI, etc.) may or may not work, or may even bring VideoPsalm to break.

Use one of the following solutions:

1. Enable the display of other video formats (MP4, AVI, etc.), by installing additional components, called "Codecs", like the ones found here:

Be careful when installing additional codecs, as some codec packs found on the internet may try to install additional software that you don't really need, and are sometimes hard to get rid of.
Note that even with installed codecs, it is not guarantied that VideoPsalm will play other video formats.

2. Convert your videos to WMV, for example with the FreeMake Video Converter application:

iJn Studio

8/28/2016 01:35:45 am

Is there a way to use VideoPsalm as a alpha channel?

Hi iJn,

I am not sure if it is possible to use VideoPsalm as alpha channel.
Could you please describe more in details what you need?

If you prefer, please use the VideoPsalm contact form to safely exchange emails:

Good afternoon,

We have a Tricaster in which we record and broadcast events. We are looking at options to display lyrics during the worship service. I know that we can feed video through VideoPsalm and then display. However, I would like to be able to use VideoPsalm at lyrics element to feed into the Tricaster which would require VideoPsalm having the ability to send out as an alpha channel.


Thanks for the great software! We have 3 displays all working as expected in extended mode. How do we get Videopsalm to display on 2 and 3 simultaneously without hardware or software mirroring solution for display 2 &3? Does the software support this?

I notice it has been a while since the Stage View question came up and I think it is the answer to the above question. The last I noticed is that it would not be included in 1.15 and I think current is 1.16. Any idea which release it will be included?

Hi Tim,

At the moment, it is required to use hardware to display the VideoPsalm output on more than one monitor.

The next VideoPsalm (1.17) will be able to control more file formats, mainly:
PDF, Word, LibreOffice Write and Calc, Excel, html, live web sites (an internet connection is required), YouTube video (an internet connection is required), as well as standalone audio files with backgrounds.
It will be possible to associate such files to songs, and display them instead of the song lyrics, while being able to search for songs by their lyrics.
It won't be necessary to install a PDF reader, or Word nor Excel to display such content.
Hopefully it will have a "Stage view" feature too.
There is no planed release date though, hopefully before end of 2016.

Marcos Iván

10/4/2016 04:39:54 am

This is not fully true...

There are an option in display settings, since Windows 10, if your graphics card have three outputs, for example: VGA, DVI and HDMI, you can clone one of the screens to another.

For example, select the second screen, and there are an option called Multiple displays, then select duplicate desktop on 2 and 3. If you are working with a laptop maybe you have limited graphics card to only 2 outputs (Internal screen an one of the outputs simultaneously).


11/19/2016 10:04:07 pm

I have the 1.16 version of VideoPsalm and when i try to display it through media projection i'm not able to still do work on my screen because it duplicates my screen no matter what setting i put it on extend or second-screen only. I need your help ASAP!!

Hi Fred,

By default, Windows is configured to display your desktop on all the monitors that are plugged to the PC.
This mode is called “Duplicate the desktop to the other monitors”, which is what you experiment.

To switch your PC to “Extend the desktop to the other monitors”, use the built-in Windows keyboard shortcut key “Windows” + “P” and choose "Extend the desktop to the second screen" option.

Does it work for you?


11/26/2016 07:42:03 am

I am using windows 10. The extended option is not working. I select extended option an the projector views a duplicate version. Is there something wrong with settings

Hi Flor,

Windows 10 has more options than previous Windows versions, notably it is now possible to specify individually if an external monitor or video-projector extends the desktop.

Please let me know if the following article helped you to solve your problem:

It could also be that the laptop that you are using has a video board that cannot extend the desktop. This is unlikely though. What is the exact name and specification of your laptop?


3/15/2017 07:23:34 pm

Hi guys!

Just seeing if VideoPsalm is adding any new features at all in 2017??
Appreciate the hard effort from the team there. Big Thank you from our little visual team at church!!

Hi leah,

Thank you for asking!
A lot has been added to VideoPsalm since 1.16 has come out, alas the work is not finished yet.
Your VideoPsalm will inform you of the availability of the new release when it is ready, with a little "toast" at the bottom right of your screen.

Charles Doucet

4/24/2017 05:16:05 pm

I want to use video psalm to show the presentation on a smart TV without wires (wifi). Can you recommend a way to do this?

Hi Charles,

Windows 10 has a menu to detects wifi or Bluetooth devices around it, and send the screen content to it.
However, this setup is not optimal, because the TV will mirror your PC screen. Thus, the people will see on the TV what you do on your on your PC.

Johan FC

7/28/2017 06:19:35 am

Buenos días desde Colombia, cuando proyecto los versículos me aparecen dos versiones en la pantalla. Como hago para que solo aparezca una sola versión del texto seleccionado?

Muchas gracias por su pronta respuesta.

Hello Johan,

To display several Bible versions of the same verse, use the "bilingual" feature:

However, I am not sure that I properly understood your question.
Feel free to tell me more about your use case.

Johan FC

7/28/2017 06:53:26 am

Muchas gracias por su pronta respuesta, con lo respondido puedo dar solución al inconveniente, debo desactivar esta opción donde usted me dijo. Otra inquietud, como hago para ajustar el tamaño de la pantalla de proyección porque es mas reducida.

Johan FC

8/8/2017 07:30:11 pm

Cordial saludo, ya se puede ajustar el tamaño de la pantalla de proyección de forma personalizada?

Hi Johan,

Yes. Go in the Options -> "Presentation screen" tab -> Deselect "Automatically detect the presentation screen resolution" and adjust the margins to your liking.

This is useful when presenting to some digital TV that may cut off borders.

Out of curiosity, what makes you requesting this?

Have you seen this article about how to configure text margins:


9/1/2017 09:54:07 pm

Good day with the Lord! We only have one monitor to use, what can we do?

Hi Melissa,

What is the exact configuration that you have?

If I understand properly, you have a PC with a single monitor.

It is similar to having a notebook without additional monitor.

This setup can be adequate for small groups, for example Sunday school or home groups.

This is how you can do it:

1. Prepare your agenda before the meeting.

2. At the meeting start, press F5 to start the presentation.
This puts the presentation over the whole screen, over the VideoPsalm main dialog and displays the first slide (or a black screen before the first slide).

3. Press "Down" to advance to the next slide.

For other scenarios (more than 15 people or so), it is recommended to use a video-projector or bigger screens.

Does this answer your question?


10/6/2017 09:05:42 am

When the laptop is connected to the projector, the background does not appear fully even though it has filled the whole screen. How do I make backgrounds appear completely on the screen without being partially cut?

Hi Ruri, in the VideoPsalm options, in the presentation screen tab, deselect the "Automatically detect the presentation screen size" and adjust the "Left", "Right", "Top" and "Bottom" settings. Does this solve the problem?
The problem is also related to VideoPsalm having difficulties somehow to detect the proper screen settings. This problem may be solved in a future VideoPsalm version.


10/26/2017 06:52:36 pm

Hi, how can I update to newer version?

Hi Aej,

To update to a newer version:

1. Navigate to the official VideoPsalm download page:

2. Click the big blue "Download" button.
This will download the VideoPsalm setup file to your computer.

3. Double-click the downloaded setup, and follow the instructions.
Newer VideoPsalm versions are compatible with previous ones (the opposite is true too).
You will find your current songbooks, Bibles and settings like before.
There is no need to uninstall before installing a newer version.

Dawn Scott

12/2/2017 07:08:06 am


We are trying to hook up a live video feed from an external video capturing device into videopsalm for playback purposes. When we click on the camera, and switch to the video capturing device, an error message reflects "the video signal is out of range." How can we rectify this issue? Thanks for any help.

Hi Dawn, is there a camera setting enabling you to lower the camera resolution or color range?


2/20/2018 11:59:50 am

Hello Videopsalm is the best Church presentation software I have got. It has gone far ahead of others you guys really tried. But it needs to work on making it do continuous looping of the messages.

Hi Daniel,

Thank you for your feature request.
It is already in the list of things to do, however I don't know when it will be implemented.

thank you for the videoPsalm software is very usefull.i am using the laptop and the TV,so i dont want what i am doing on the laptop to be seen on TV how can that be done

Hi Gofaone,

Please try the following:
1. Press the following keyboard keys: Windows + P
2. In the blue side dialog, select "Extend desktop".

Does this work for you?

Or else, please read the article on top of this page, it describes this task in details.

Ronald Lukowski

6/22/2018 06:21:21 am

Is wireless projection in the works? It's available on many devices today?

Hi Ronald,

You can actually use VideoPsalm with a wireless setup, as it is a purely hardware thing.

Melanie Victor

6/25/2018 11:09:24 am

Hi. I love this software.

I just would like to know if you can put words through VideoPsalm on a projector and LED board at tge same time?


Hi Melanie,

If I understand properly, you would like to display a scrolling message at the bottom of the screen (LED board?).
Am I correct?

Let me know if the following article describes well enough how to do that:


7/19/2018 11:01:28 pm

I just wanna ask.
In version 1.21, how can I configure the settings for the stage display?

I have 3 monitors
- 1 is my laptop's display
- 2 is my main display
- 3 is my stage/confidence monitors

So all of the 3 screens are extended displays.

Now, what I want to do is to make my 3 screens display differently from each other.

- Monitor 1 (laptop) is my VideoPsalm Controls
- Monitor 2 (main display) is the main output of VideoPsalm
- Monitor 3 will be the stage display of VideoPsalm ...

Any workaround to achieve this?

Or just make monitor 2 and 3 identicals without changing the setting of Windows 10, coz I need those 3 screens separately for another application.

Hope to get immediate answers.
Thank you.

Hi Christopher,

The "Stage view" feature is not available in VideoPslam 1.21.
It is in good place in the list of things to do, however I don't know when it will be available.

At the moment, I would recommend that you use the Windows monitor settings to mirror the presentation display to monitors 2 and 3, and control the presentation with monitor 1.

Hi, I am using 1.23 at the moment. I am not aware if this is already in the latest version but if not, l would suggest it added on the upcoming updates. Please add an option where i can choose which screen to project the main output of VP when in multiple displays. Powerpoint has this option.

Hi Tito,

Thank you for your suggestion.
This feature is in the list of things to do and will hopefully be implemented in version 1.27.


7/27/2018 12:41:18 am

May I ask how often do you release any version update for the software?
How I wish, though, if it's possible that the stage view feature will be included in the next update/version.

On another matter,
May I request, if you would permit me, to make a Bible module for this Translation -- RIPV.
It's an Ilocano Translation from the Philippines.
Here's the link:
Thank you.

Hi Christopher,

There are around 2 to 3 VideoPsalm updates per year.
The stage view is one of the most requested features and is high in the priority list for new features.

The Ilocano Bible translation that you mention is available in the VideoPsalm online Bible library. When you open the import assistant in the online Bibles, there are around 400 Bibles.
To find the one that you need, use the search field and type-in either "RIPV" or "Ilocano". Does this work for you?
If you have any problem downloading documents, please use the VideoPsalm contact form where we can safely exchange emails, or more directly send an email to our VideoPsalm gmail account.


7/27/2018 01:43:04 am

Sorry. I already downloaded it.
It worked for me...
I really do hope that stage view feature will be included in the next release, though.
Just wanna ask, if you don't mind me asking, is it possible for stage view feature to be in the next update (no intention of being demanding), maybe before 2018 ends??
In your perspective, is it possible??
Thank you.
(I really have no intention of being demanding, or whatsoever)

God bless.

Hi Christopher,

I am glad that you could download the Ilocano Bible.

It is hard to tell when the stage view feature will be available.
I also hope/wish for 2018.
At the moment, you could use a video spliter and duplicate the presentation screen on the stage view.


8/25/2018 01:40:32 pm

I have been patiently waiting for stage view as well

Hi Maurice,

Thank you for your patience.
The stage view is coming, hopefully in 2018.


9/9/2018 03:06:08 pm

Hello. I have been using VideoPsalm since 2015 and have developed a problem with one of the monitors. A cable goes from the laptop to monitor one which is connected by another cable to monitor 2. When running VideoPsalm (but not other programs), monitor one is agitated, with squiggly lines, flashing on and off, etc. But monitor 2 is fine. If I disconnect one from two so that two goes dark, monitor one is fine. Any idea what I can do to fix this?

Hi Peter,

It seems that either the video cable is too long or the PC video board signal is too weak for the distance.
Usually, an HDMI cable can bring the signal up to 10 meters (30 feets). A VGA cable can go up to 50 or 100 meters.

To solve your problem, add a video signal amplifier.
Google for "hdmi signal amplifier" or "vga signal amplifier" depending on what type you have..

Tim Bradshaw

10/24/2018 01:23:39 pm

HI. Re the length of HDMI cable. We have a desktop PC sitting on a desk that disokays through an HDMI splitter (4 way - but only 3 used), where the outputs are to 2 TVs (1x 3m away, 1x 20 m away) and a Projector (12 m away). We don't generally have any problems.
Further we have a set up where the source can be a laptop elsewhere in the room, that links to the TVs and the projector (through an HDMI switched input box - 3 way) through a cable that is also another 20 m long. So when the laptop in the second position is being used, the total distance to the projector must be 35 metres and to the furthest TV, 40 m.
This config seems to work OK from the point of view of our displays.
Its true the splitter may have an amp in it, but its an indication that you can use longer distances.

Can you show how to output in 2 projectors. I have 1 laptop with HDMI.

God bless

Hi Jose,

To output to two monitors, the easiest is to use an HDMI splitter, for example this one:

Dale Airesimal

12/22/2018 07:25:19 am

Hello... I want to know how can I use the stage view for 3 monitors (laptop, and 2 TV's) ... I don't know how... can you teach me how to?

Hi Dale,

To open the stage view:
1. Click the "Message" tab.
2. Click the "Display" button in the "Écran d'estrade" group (the label is wrong).


1/16/2019 08:43:41 pm

Minor request,
Is it possible to allow the Digital clock to display in 12 hour format instead of 24. and also be able to adjust the general size of the Analog clock, not just the minor features.

Hi Shane,

Thank you for requesting a 12 hour format.
This problem is in the list of things to do, however I don't know when it will be available.


1/29/2019 04:42:17 pm

cant seem to get anything done in the stage view, it opens but I cant add anything to it at all

Hi Joseph,

The stage view will automatically display the slide and the next slide text whenever a song is displayed live.
However you may have hit a bug.
In this case, please let me know the detailed steps to reproduce the problem or what is to be expected.

Ifetoluwanimi Adedapo

2/19/2019 04:32:33 am

Hello VideoPsalm,
Thank you for this great software.
How do we configure the monitors and chose the one the stage display shows up on?
Also it is possible to have the clocks, and chords shown on the stage display alone as well as message alerts on the stage display?
Thank you very much.

Hi Joseph,

You can move the stage view with the mouse to the adequate monitor, and maximize it.

The stage view displays the current time.
as af VideoPsalm 1.26, the stage view cannot display the chords. This feature is in the list of things to do, and will be implemented in a future version.

Ifetoluwanimi Adedapo

2/19/2019 04:33:02 am

Hello VideoPsalm,
Thank you for this great software.
How do we configure the monitors and chose the one the stage display shows up on?
Also it is possible to have the clocks, and chords shown on the stage display alone as well as message alerts on the stage display?
Thank you very much.

Hi Ifetoluwanimi,

Thank you for requesting a better stage display.
I am aware of the current stage view display limitations (as of VideoPsalm 1.23).
Hopefully the situation will improve in one of the next versions.

matthias mbithi

3/17/2019 01:19:36 am

Kindy consider including settings for monitor layout in the next update of videopsalm

Hi Matthias,

Thank you for your suggestion.
This feature is in the list of things to do, and your request adds weight to it.
However, I don't know when it will be implemented.

At the moment, to select the right presentation monitor, move the VideoPsalm control window with the mouse to the presentation monitor. This will "chase" the presentation screen to the next monitor.


4/5/2019 08:00:56 am


I would like to know if you can connect a video camera through a laptop and then use Video psalm? If so what is needed to so and is there an function on videopsalm that allows me to do so? Thank you

Hi Ruan,

Live feed
VideoPsalm will detect the video camera if the camera has the "live feed" (or "web cam") feature.
Usually, the connection is done via a USB port, or a specific HDMI-IN port.
Note that PCs and laptops usually have HDMI-OUT ports only.
However, make sure to first connect the video camera to the PC, and then only start VideoPsalm.
Does it works for you?

Additional read

Just started using VideoPsalm today, LOVE IT!!! I still have a lot to learn but I'm getting there fast.

I'm having difficulties with the verses showing extended past the edges of the monitor edges, at least one letter is cut off every row. Is there a way to adjust that?

I already figured out how to make the adjustments for the songs but cannot seem to get the Bible verses to cooperate.

Hi Dawn,

The following article describes how to adjust slide text margins:

Does this help?

Feel free to send me an agenda containing Bible verses that get cut.
This will enable me to describe step by step how to solve the problem.
My email is at gmail.


6/25/2019 08:41:02 pm

We are first time user for videopsalm and try to send live projector in our church, but it did not show anything.
We tried to use "extended windows", also it shows nothing on the projector. Please advise what to do. Thank you very much.

Hi Freddy,

To display the presentation on the second screen, press the "Present" button, located to the right of the VideoPsalm control screen.

I have now added this information to the blog article located here.

Feel free to contact me directly via an email at my gmail account, this will enable us to share rich content like images, attached files, etc, which is not possible here.


6/27/2019 04:02:09 pm

I did try to press the present button, but showing the full screen on my laptop instead on the projector screen...it is so weird, try that many times and only showing full screen on my laptop, not on the projector screen. Please advise. Thank you.

Hi Freddy,

The easiest way to solve your problem is to press the "Windows" + "P" keyboard shortcut, and select "Extend" in the blue dialog that pops up.

Please read the article located on the top, which describes exactly that..

Joan Fernandez

6/27/2019 04:39:46 pm

Cuando conecto el proyector por alguna razón solo presenta la primera slide de la proyección sin el video de fondo y luego no responde el programa.

Hi Joan,

At the moment (until VideoPsalm 1.24), to display a wide range of video formats (MP4, AVI, MOV, WMV, etc.), a codec pack is required.
I recommend the "basic" K-Lite codec pack, downloadable for free here:
This won't be necessary anymore with the next VideoPsalm version (1.24), due in a few weeks.

Without the codec pack, VideoPsalm may fail to display the background videos, or even freeze.

Does this work for you? Please let me know.


10/6/2019 10:46:14 am


I am a big fan, old user of Videopsalm, since 2013. I appreciate this work.
Recently I've been asked to do NDI stream during projection. Seems that you don't have this feature yet.
Is it something you're thinking of bringing in the future?

Thank you.
- R

Hi Raphael,

Thank you for requesting an NDI integration.
This feature is in the list of things to do, via "NDI File", and your request adds weight to it.
However, I don't know when it will be implemented.

Thank you for considering my request.


I also want to weigh in on this request because it would help me also. And I have another question. Are you maybe also thinking of building in a live streaming option? Many churches live stream and it would be nice if everything was in one software.

hey, is there any update on NDI? I really need it too :)

We are so appreciative of all the work you do to make this product possible! With all of the ramifications of COVID-19, we have been streaming online. We are about to step up our game and having NDI support in VideoPsalm will prevent me from having to migrate to ProPresenter or something else. :-(

Hi Raphael, Clyde, Tom and Mike,

Following articles describe how to use VideoPsalm to display song lyrics and Bible verses on streaming media (Facebook, YouTube, etc.)

- OBS Studio - VideoPsalm integration

- Lower third display

I also would like to see an addition to NDI export implemented in videopsalm. This would allow me to have the presentations put together for "in house" viewing to be added to the live stream on a separate pc such as song lyrics, Bible verses and announcement graphics. Keep up the good work!!

Hi Ken, Raphael, Clyde, Tom, Mike,

The current VideoPsalm version enables to live-stream to YouTube, Facebook, etc. using standard and free tools.
There is nothing specific to VideoPsalm that need to be setup.
The setup takes place in OBS Studio and Facebook or YouTube.

The only setup to do in VideoPsalm is maybe to enable the presentation screen window icon in the VideoPsalm options -> "Presentation screen" tab -> "Display the presentation screen icon in the taskbar".

The following article describes how to present on a PC/laptop and stream to YouTube/Facebook from another PC using the OBS Studio NDI Plugin:

The following article describes succinctly how to live stream via OBS Studio:


Please let me know how it works for you, by email preferably.

Bob Bacle

11/12/2019 09:40:39 am

I am the Senior Pastor of a church in Toronto, and I have been having an issue for a while now. The issue is with the presentation on the 2nd monitor. I am using a TV in my office as a 2nd monitor to test it each week before the worship service on Sunday morning. The problem I have been having is that when I display it on my TV in my office, the powerpoints show to the left and up a little bit with a black band on the right side of the displayed powerpoint. I have to play around with the display settings each Sunday to get it to show properly on the projector in the sanctuary because it doesn't show up right there either. My TV is the sidescreen, and the projector screen is a square screen. I had a system crash on my computer and before the crash everything was working fine with VideoPsalm, but since I have had to reinstall it, it has not been working as before. I also cannot find any settings in the program for changing the resolution so that it displays correctly. Can you help? This has become very frustrating.

Hi Pastor Bob,

If the problem appears with VideoPsalm 1.24, please revert to version 1.23.
The recommended version at the moment is 1.23:
1. Uninstall 1.24
2. Install 1.23
Your documents (songbooks, Bibles, etc.) will be left unchanged.

Let's continue the discussion via email (I sent an email to the address that you indicated).

Hi Pastor Bob,

VideoPsalm 1.26 is available since a few days, and has improved PowerPoint integration.


12/1/2019 03:54:24 am

Please, I am currently using VideoPsalm 1.23. I have been trying to display a scrolling message under the screen. The one I got didn't scroll. Please how can I get the message to be scrolling.

Hi Olaoye,

Thank you for your request.
VideoPsalm does not scroll long messages at the moment.
This feature is in the list of things to do, and will be implemented in a future version.
Thank you for your request, it adds weight to this feature.


2/29/2020 07:51:43 am


I would like to ask, if there is some possibility (button?) to enable "black screen" presentation? I mean click such button to enable black screen whenever it is needed to present "nothing".

Yes, I know, there is possibility to setup black screen by setting up it as a background in Base level. But this is not, what I mean. I would like to use background in Base level as a "welcome screen", not as a black screen. And I would like to use some additional button to show "nothing" whenever I need. And "nothing" should be shown till I click this button again. For example OpenSong has such button (black or white background) which you can click during presentation and it does such job. And I think VideoPsalm is much better than OpenSong :)

Thank you



Just click on the 'moon' icon to the right of the Slides area (below the down arrow). It will black out the screen. It might be a blue dot in the newer version.

Hi Ludek and Mike,

Yes, the "Moon" button is meant to display the "Base" background, which is normally black.

Thank you Ludek for your suggestion of having a black button.

Here are two workaround:

Workaround 1:
- Add the "Welcome" image to the VideoPsalm background gallery.
- Set the "Welcome" screen to the "Base" level.
The "Welcome" screen will be displayed automatically instead of the black screen.
- Whenever you need to hide the "Welcome" screen, select the black screen in the image gallery.

Workaround 2:
To display a Welcome screen only at specific places:
- Add it to your agenda as a slideshow image.
- To insert it multiple times between songs, drag it with "Ctrl" + Mouse Drag & Drop at the places where you need it.
- In the agenda, set the song sequence to "Continue with next item", so that the Welcome image is displayed immediately after the last song slide disapears.

Does this work for you?
Please let me know, possibly by email.
My email is available through the "email" button at the top right of the VideoPsalm control dialog.


7/26/2020 11:31:57 pm


I would like to ask, dose stage view can add a paragraph alignment for lyrics present. I want to capture lyrics from stage view to a live steaming.

Thank you
- Zachary

Hi Zachary,

Thank you for requestion paragraph alignment in the stage view.
If I understand correctly, you need to display the presentation for the live attendance, and to stream the lyrics for the YouTube/Facebook people.
Could you please contact me via email and describe your use case?
Do you use OBS Studio to live stream?

Grace Alonso

8/29/2020 04:00:09 am

Hi, my videopsalm cant start. I click on the icon but didnt display the app. Do you have any way to troubleshoot this kind of issue? I downloaded the newest version but got the same issue.

Hi Grace,

The Windows event log may tell why VideoPsalm failed to start.
The following article describes how to get the information out of the "Event log":

VideoPsalm needs to read, write and update files on the hard-drive, mainly in the public documents folder.
This folder is a place where your PC users can store files to share them between themselves.

Additionally, VideoPsalm needs to read and write to your own user folder, where it stores the songbooks, Bibles, etc.:

One possible reason why VideoPsalm fails to operate could be related to an add-in program that is running in the background of your PC, that prohibits you from using it as you want.
Such an add-in program is possibly an antivirus, like BitDefender, Norton, Avast or Karspersky, Windows Defender, etc.
Sometimes, you need to adjust your antivirus settings, to allow VideoPsalm to operate.

Another person reported what he did to solve the problem:
I was able to resolve the issue that evening, as it was the Windows Defender in Windows 10, preventing the application from running properly.
Apparently, I needed to add the folder to a list of allowed folders within the windows defender app, (similar to adding an application to the allowed list in a firewall).
The issue was most likely encountered after a recent windows update, as we had no problems the week before when using VideoPsalm.
Once the public folder containing the VideoPsalm files were added to windows defender app, the issue was no longer encountered and ran successfully.

Another person reported this other method:
I have solved the problem in this way : -

I use Windows 7 :
Click on Start button :
Type 'firewall' in search box :
In results double click 'Allow a program through Windows firewall' :
In list of programs VideoPsalm does not appear :
Click 'Change Settings' :
Click 'Allow another program' :
Select VideoPsalm in list :
Click 'OK'

VideoPsalm now works as expected.

Please let me know how you solved the problem.


10/31/2020 11:16:34 pm

Something is not working properly.
I work on it for a while and then, in a sudden it freezes up.
So I need to restart it once more.
It has happen for many Sunday in a row already.
Hope to get attention soon.
On reason of this I'll roll back to 23 version.

Hello Joaquin,
Thank you for your feedback.
Does the freeze happen on agendas containing PowerPoint documents?
Or while displaying video backgrounds?
Please let me know by dropping me an email at my gmail account.

Johanes Kris

11/28/2020 08:05:45 pm

I need that I can resize, crop, transform and set the position of my video background.

Hi Johanes,
Thank you for your suggestion.
VideoPsalm will make sure to display your video as a background and cover the whole screen surface. This may lead to automatic resize and crop, when the video ratio is different to the screen ratio. VideoPsalm will not stretch your video. Between us, when you stretch an image or a video, it looks terribly ugly and deformed. So if you want to do that, do it. There are tools to do that.

I need to use more than 2 monitors in my sessions, can I do that with the psalm?
I tried to do this but can't find this feature for multiple monitors.

Hi Carlos,
To duplicate your VideoPsalm output on 2 monitors, set this up in your Windows 10:
Around the middle of the page.
This will save you of using a video splitter (a bit of hardware that costs around 20$).


2/3/2021 03:30:19 am

Am trying to link videopsalm with my obs with the use of NDI. I need help with this please

Hi Simeon,
You will find information here:

Mary Achee

4/26/2021 12:23:06 pm

Do you have to have internet to run Video Psalms? I know it can be downloaded on another PC without internet, but I need to know if it can be run without internet connection?

Hi Mary,
VideoPsalm does not need an internet connection.


J'aimerais savoir comment affiché que 2 lignes et pas qu'une strophe entière

Bonjour Johann,
Ceci est possible avec VideoPsalm 1.27.

joseph kimaru maina

10/21/2021 12:37:47 am

is there ndi support for this software?

Larry M Bevard

12/4/2021 11:50:15 am

I ran VideoPsalm on our system at Church and NDI worked fine.


3/3/2022 06:50:08 am

Hi Larry,
How did you do it?
Could you explain to me because I am facing this problem.


10/30/2021 07:53:03 am

Why don't you imbed NDI into videopsalm?

Hi Kurrent,

What about NDI Screen capture tool from NewTek?
It is a very light app that does just that.


11/7/2021 09:35:43 am

I tried to use videopsalm for the first time but I couldn't display it on the second screen. I tried all I could but no solution

Hi Michael,

Please press Windows+P to extend your desktop to the second monitor.

Since VideoPsalm 1.27, the setting of the monitors has been visually improved. Contact me by email for a link to a 1.27 beta version.

Please note that the forum here is not monitored.
To get a timely answer, use the web site "Contact" form, or more directly write an email to videopsalm, at our gmail account.


1/7/2022 09:34:21 am

Is there an option to use three screen?
1. control
2. beamer fullscreen
3. Stream lower thirds

Hi Willem,
Yes, there is an option to use 3 screens, the third is the stage view:
Top toolbar -> "Message" tab -> "Stage view" group -> "Display" button.
To setup what information is displayed in the stage view, press the stage view "Options" button.

Since VideoPsalm 1.27, the stage view has been improved.

Please note that the forum here is not monitored.
To get a timely answer, use the web site "Contact" form, or more directly write an email to videopsalm, at our gmail account.

Xeria Santos

3/15/2022 08:38:18 pm

I just want to thank you all again for making this software free for ministries to use. Also, great archive content but it would be nice for some of this to be in a video format to upload on your YouTube channel.


4/25/2022 11:32:50 am

Komt er ook een functie net als Multi monitor als dit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sy_mwgBJ-ps

Nice Blog!
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Benny Budisatrio

10/11/2022 06:08:04 am

How to connect VideoPsalm to OBS Studio ?

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