Which one of the following most accurately describes the general concept of temperament

Understanding the different traits of temperament can help you understand and support your child.


Temperament refers to personality traits that determine how someone reacts to the world. Are they quiet or rambunctious? Easygoing or apprehensive? The traits of temperament are mostly innate traits that we are born with, although they can be influenced by an individual’s family, culture or their experiences. A person’s temperament style plays a role in how they behave and interact with other people and within their world. There are nine different traits of temperament:

  1. Activity level
  2. Biological rhythms
  3. Sensitivity
  4. Intensity of reaction
  5. Adaptability
  6. Approach/withdrawal
  7. Persistence
  8. Distractibility
  9. Mood

Each person has their own unique combination of personality or temperament traits, so you may be similar to another person or your child on one trait and different on another. These traits are part of someone’s personality and one of the ways that makes each of us unique. There is no right or wrong temperament—every person has their own unique style of thinking, acting and interacting with the world.

Parenting and understanding temperament

Temperament can describe or bring context to your child’s behavior. For instance, if your child is a picky eater, that may be very frustrating. However, if you understand your child is very sensitive to texture and touch, that may help explain their behavior, which can change how you feel about it and how you react to it.

Understanding your child’s temperament will also help you have appropriate expectations for them. Just like it’s not fair to expect a toddler to wait patiently, it’s not fair to expect a child who is “slow to warm up” or tends to withdrawal to jump into a new play group or play with other children on the playground right away.

Sometimes your temperament is very similar to your child’s, and sometimes or in some specific ways it can be very different. When styles are similar, it might be very easy to parent your child, but when they are different or in the specific ways or situations when they are different, it can be very challenging. Taking the time to understand your child’s temperament and the ways it is similar or different than your own can help you adapt your parenting to build on your child’s strengths and meet their specific needs.

When you don’t understand your child’s behavior or you’re struggling with a routine like bedtime, diapering or grocery shopping, take a minute to think about whether that struggle is related to your child’s temperament. If it is, you may be able to make small adjustments to your expectations, routines or methods that can make things easier for you and your child.

Through this article series, we will explore all nine traits of temperament and how they can affect child behavior, and talk about ways you can support your child by understanding their temperament.

For more articles on child development, academic success, parenting and life skill development, please visit the Michigan State University Extension website.

To learn about the positive impact children and families are experience due to MSU Extension programs, read our 2016 Impact Report. Additional impact reports, highlighting even more ways Michigan 4-H and MSU Extension positively impacted individuals and communities in 2015, can be downloaded from theMichigan 4-H website.

  • The nine traits of temperament: Activity level
  • The nine traits of temperament: Biological rhythms
  • The nine traits of temperament: Sensitivity
  • The nine traits of temperament: Intensity of reaction
  • The nine traits of temperament: Adaptability
  • The nine traits of temperament: Approach/withdrawal
  • The nine traits of temperament: Persistence
  • The nine traits of temperament: Distractibility
  • The nine traits of temperament: Mood

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Which one of the following best illustrates self-efficacyrather than self-concept or self-esteem?

Anne is pretty sure she can win a spot on the school's dance squad if she practices her routine every day until the tryouts.

Which one of the following should you definitely do if you suspect that one of your students is the victim of abuse or neglect at home?

Immediately report your suspicions to a school administrator or social services.

Away from the watchful eye of playground supervisors, 10-year-old Sam often makes fun of Vernon, a small, friendless 9-year-old who cannot easily defend himself. Sometimes Sam physically attacks Vernon, knocking him to the ground, taking his glasses, rubbing his face in the dirt, and so on. Sam's bullying behavior must, of course, be actively discouraged. Three of the following strategies are reasonable courses of action to take with Vernon. Which strategy is least likely to help Vernon?

Keep Vernon away from Sam, but in other respects let him develop his own methods for handling bullies.

Which one of the following pairs of children best illustrates a difference in temperament?

Carol is very sociable and outgoing; Chris is more quiet and reserved around peers.

According to Erik Erikson, students' ability to trust those around them initially stems from:

experiences with adults during infancy.

Three of the following teachers are socializing their students in the way that schools typically do. Which teacher is not socializing students in a typical fashion?0/1 pts

Ms. Dobson suggests that Sean bang his fist against the wall a few times whenever he gets frustrated

Which one of the following statements is most accurate about the effects of peer groups and peer pressure?0/1 pts

Peer groups may encourage either desirable qualities (e.g., honesty) or undesirable qualities (e.g., violence).

Three of the following statements accurately describe the diversity we are likely to see in students' social skills and peer relationships. Which statement is notaccurate?

Some cultures promote an "every man for himself" attitude and never teach the importance of working effectively with others.

Three of the following are accurate statements about the shortcomings of Kohlberg's theory of moral reasoning. Which one is inaccurate?0/1 pts

Children often show conventional thinking for several years and then revert back to preconventional thinking when they reach adolescence.

If we extend research findings regarding effective parenting styles to the classroom, teachers would be well advised to:0/1 pts

establish fair rules and high expectations, and provide loving support.

Three of the following suggestions are apt to be helpful when teachers work with students and their parents. With the textbook's discussion of parenting styles in mind, choose the strategy that is apt to becounterproductive.

Point out that parents who use authoritarian methods may be causing some of their children's behavior problems.

Children's self-concepts become increasingly stable, and therefore increasingly more difficult to change, as they grow older. Using what you have learned about the development of students' sense of self, choose the most likely explanation for the increasing stability of the self-concept over time:

children will behave in ways consistent with their self-concepts, thereby reaffirming their views of themselves.

Sixteen-year-old Reynelda has known since she was 4 years old that she will become a teacher. Her grandmother was a teacher, and her mother and two aunts are teachers. She's never really even thought about any other occupation. Reynelda can best be described as showing:

Students who exhibit effortful control:

are able to inhibit impulses so that they can think and act in a more suitable and productive manner.

Jules is discovering that by being able to write all his letters, he is winning the approval of his teacher. Without knowing anything else about Jules, the best guess is that he is in Erikson's stage of:0/1 pts

industry versus inferiority.

Other things being equal, which student is most likely to have come from a home in which his or her parents exhibit an authoritative parenting style?

Frank is well-behaved and self-confident.

Which one of the following individuals is in Kohlberg'slaw and order stage of moral reasoning?

Don obeys the teacher because school rules say he must obey her, and it is his duty to obey school rules.

Three of the following strategies should foster the development of students' social skills. Which strategy, although possibly beneficial in other ways, will notfoster more appropriate social skills?

During an important district-wide achievement test, Ms. Chambers reminds her students to keep their eyes on their own papers.

Which one of the following statements is most accurate concerning research findings about technology and peer relationships?

Although it can occasionally cause significant psychological harm, appropriate use can enhance students' social connectedness and general sense of well-being.

Students in a psychology study are shown faces that display a range of emotions. The students participating in the study are able to describe which emotion "goes" with which face to a large extent. When students perform this task it is likely that:

their mirror neurons are active.

Which one of the following examples illustrates how the imaginary audience can be a factor in the adolescent's developing self-concept?

Bernita feels as if everyone must be looking at her when she walks down the hall with her friends.

Which one of the following best illustrates a hostile attributional bias?

When Isaac accidentally brushes by Janine in the hall, Janine assumes that Isaac is intentionally trying to hurt her.

A large social group in which the members show strong loyalty to each other, have strict rules, and often have some sort of initiation rites is known as:

We can most effectively enhance students' self-concepts and self-esteem when we:

hold high yet achievable expectations for their performance.

Given what we know about the development of sense of self, three of the following are likely scenarios. Which scenario is not likely to occur?

Mike vacillates between thinking of himself as being very smart and as being extremely stupid.

Given what we know about the development of sense of self, three of the following are likely scenarios. Which scenario is not likely to occur?

Mike vacillates between thinking of himself as being very smart and as being extremely stupid.

Three of the following factors appear to influence the parenting styles that parents use in bringing up their children. Which one has not been shown to be influential?

The disciplinary styles of children's teachers

Mr. King runs a tight ship in his middle school math classes. At the beginning of each class, he gives a 10-minute explanation of a new concept or procedure, and then he hands out worksheets that students complete independently at their desks. Which one of the following students has a temperament that is probably the best match with Mr. King's classroom?

Jayson is quiet and diligent.

One of the most important stages in a child's early years is Erikson's stage of initiative versus guilt, in which children learn to:

plan and carry out some of their own activities

When we see signs that a student feels ashamed or guilty about something that he or she has done, we can reasonably conclude that the student:

has developed a sense of right and wrong.

When asking students to wrestle with a moral dilemma, three of the following strategies might be effective in promoting students' moral development. Which one probably will not promote their moral development?

Eventually telling students how morally advanced people would respond to the dilemma

Lamont worries that he has unintentionally hurt a classmate's feelings. From this information alone, we can reasonably conclude that Lamont:

has developed a theory of mind.

The textbook suggests that the effects of peer pressure have been overrated. Three of the following are factors that ameliorate, or "soften," the potential effects of peer pressure. Which statement is notnecessarily accurate?

Most adolescents have developed abstract moral principles that guide their daily decision making.

The parents of students in your fourth-grade class want you to include moral issues in your classroom curriculum. A few parents who have read about Kohlberg's theory of moral development want you to help the students progress to postconventional moral reasoning. You should reply by pointing out that:

postconventional reasoning is probably an unrealistic goal for fourth graders.

Fourteen-year-old Wayne has a history of aggressive behavior toward other students, and so his classmates have naturally kept their distance from him over the years. But Wayne has worked extensively with the school counselor in recent months, and his interpersonal behavior has improved quite a bit. Wayne's teachers must remember, however, that:

other students will continue to reject Wayne unless they can be convinced that he has changed.

On average, students who attend schools for gifted children have a lower academic self-concept than students of equal intelligence who attend regular schools with students of widely varying abilities. If we consider research about factors affecting students' self-concepts and self-esteem, we can explain this finding in the following way:

children form their self-concepts in part by comparing their own performance to the performance of those around them.

Which one of the following variables is essential for the development of sense of self, social skills, and moral reasoning (i.e., for all three)?

At which of Erikson's stages do children realize that they can obtain the recognition of teachers and parents by producing things?0/1 pts

Industry versus inferiority

Three of the following statements describe typical behaviors of children who are predisposed to aggressive behavior. Which one is not a typical description?

Kari throws her pencil at Jack because she thinks he is laughing at her but then is immediately sorry and tells him so.

Authoritative parents can best be characterized as having which type of relationship with their children?

High expectations, loving support, and shared decision making

Three of the following statements are accurate about how motivation and moral behavior may be interrelated. Which statement is not accurate?

Children become less generous with age, apparently because they gain greater appreciation for the value of money.

Which one of the following is the best example ofrelational aggression?

Judy and Martha stop speaking to their friend Claudia when she starts dating a boy they don't like.

Which one of the following is most typical of the moral development of high school students?

Empathy for the victims of a widespread famine or epidemic

The four teachers below are hoping to improve their students' sense of self. Which one will probably beleast effective in doing so?

Ms. Berry tells her students how wonderful they are.

Which one of these examples best reflects the role that students' sense of self typically plays in their achievement and school behavior?0/1 pts

Linda knows she is a good reader, so she takes an advanced literature class as an elective.

Sharon is a student who does not believe that she can be academically successful. Considering the textbook's discussion of factors that promote positive self-perceptions, you should:

put her in situations in which she will experience academic success.

Children's personalities are to some extent the result of the cultures in which they've been raised. Which one of the following children is behaving in a way that is inconsistent with the typical expectations of his or her culture?

Lian, who is Chinese, is independent and outgoing.

Which one of the following is most likely to be true for students who have a strong ethnic identity?

On average, they tend to be academically and socially successful.

With the textbook's discussion of sense of self and negative feedback in mind, choose the statement that most accurately reflects the appropriate use of negative feedback in a school setting.0/1 pts

Negative feedback should be given within the context of a warm, respectful relationship.

If we want to promote perspective taking in our students, probably the best strategy is to:

engage them in discussions in which they express diverse points of view.

Luanne's parents are in the process of getting a divorce. She is so distracted and upset by the situation that she sometimes has trouble paying attention in class, and her performance on assignments and quizzes has slipped a bit. She worries that her teachers might think she simply doesn't care about her schoolwork, when nothing could be further from the truth. Luanne is showing:

Of the following four alternatives, the formation of children's self-concepts is most strongly influenced by:

how other people treat them

An authoritarian parenting style is seen in which one of the following examples involving junior high school students?

Molly's parents are very strict, letting her know their high expectations and imposing strong penalties for failing or breaking their rules.

Most days Jenny keeps to herself at school, and her classmates don't even seem to be aware that she is nearby. Jenny can best be described as:

Friendships are especially important in social development because children and adolescents:

are deeply committed to those relationships and will develop the skills needed to maintain them.

If we consider Erikson's theory of personal development, which one of the following issues would we expect secondary students to be most concerned about?

Trying to decide who they really are and the role they will play in adult society

As a 17-year-old high school senior, Julian has no sense of direction. Over the past year he has dabbled in auto mechanics, photography, and Buddhism, but nothing has held his interest for more than a month or so. Julian can best be described as showing:

Anita's idea of how to interact with her classmates is to tease or insult them. Not surprisingly, she has few friends. Her teacher can best help her by:

explicitly teaching her more effective ways to interact with her peers.

Three of the following strategies should encourage positive interactions among students with diverse backgrounds or needs. Which strategy is unlikely to do so?

Letting students choose their own seats in the classroom.

Carol Gilligan's theory of moral development differs from Lawrence Kohlberg's theory in that it:

Focuses more on the development of caring and compassion.

Which one of the following teacher behaviors illustrates an important factor in the social and/or moral development of children?

Mr. Tutwiler describes the prosocial behaviors he expects of his students and gives concrete examples of such behaviors.

Danny is a quiet 11-year-old who usually keeps to himself. Some of the other boys in class like to tease him when the teacher isn't looking because they know they can provoke him to fight, and then Danny will get in trouble. The type of aggression Danny exhibits is called:

Kevin tells himself, "Even though Grandpa just died, I mustn't cry at school today, or the other kids will laugh at me." This situation illustrates:

Which one of the following illustrates developmental theorists' notion of the personal fable?

William feels he is invincible, immortal, and immune to the problems others face.

When asked which students they would most like to do things with, most middle school students choose classmates who:

are cooperate and sensitive.

Three of the following tend to be fairly stable personality traits that children have to varying degrees. Which one would psychologists notcharacterize as a relatively stable personality trait?

How quickly children solve math problems

Which one of the following individuals is in Kohlberg'ssocial contract stage of moral reasoning?

Barbara obeys the teacher because she understands that the only way schools can run smoothly is if students behave appropriately.

Which one of the following best describes socializationas developmental psychologists use the term?

Molding children's behavior to enable effective functioning within their culture.

Many of the students at Buchanan Junior High know that John and Sara have been "going out" for the past two months. Given what we know about students' early dating habits, it is most likely that John and Sara:

find each other attractive but don't know each other very well.

Which one of the following best illustrates Erikson's stage of identify versus role confusion?

Craig is trying to decide what career he wants to pursue.

Matteo would love to play as soon as he gets home from school each day but he has developed a plan that requires him to do his homework before allowing himself some fun time outdoors. Matteo seems to have mastered

Which one of the following statements reflects Kohlberg's preconventional moral reasoning?

"It's okay to cheat on this exam because the teacher isn't watching me."

Which one of the following most accurately describes the general concept of temperament?

An inherited predisposition to interact with one's environment in certain ways

Given what we know about changes in children's and adolescents' self-esteem over the years, which teachers should be especially careful to help students feel good about themselves and their abilities to succeed?

Junior high school teachers

Which one of the following behaviors is a kindergartner most likely to say is (morally) "bad" or "wrong"?

Pushing someone off the top of a slide

If we consider Kohlberg's theory of moral development, we could best characterize children's moral development as a process of:

progressing through a series of stages from self-centeredness to increasing concern about the needs and rights of others.

As a teacher, you are likely to be concerned about your students' self-concepts and self-esteem. Probably the best state of affairs for students' long-term development is that they:

have reasonably accurate beliefs about their strengths and weaknesses, perhaps with a touch of optimism about what they can accomplish.

Which one of the following is the best example ofsocial cognition?

Luke tries to anticipate how Sheila might respond if he backs out of the science project the two of them have agreed to do together.

Three of the following are accurate statements about cultural diversity in moral reasoning and behavior. Which statement is false?0/1 pts

In some cultures, compassion for other people's suffering is virtually unheard of.

Which type of aggression is best described as a behavior that is intended to produce mental anguish or reduce self-esteem in another individual?

Three of the following strategies are consistent with the textbook's discussion of bullying. Which one is notconsistent?

Ignore minor incidents of bullying if the victims are emotionally immature and need some "toughening up."

Julie, a sixth grader, nearly always eats lunch with the same five or six girls. The girls usually spread out at their table so that no one else can join them. Sometimes they even plan together what they will wear to school the next day. Julie's group is an example of:

Which one of the following best describes Erik Erikson's theory of psychosocial development?

A series of stages, each of which has a unique developmental task to be addressed

Three of the following are signs that a student is possibly the victim of child maltreatment at home. Which one is least likely to be a sign of maltreatment?

A tendency to be exceptionally outgoing

Which one of the following statements illustratesinduction as a strategy for promoting moral development?0/1 pts

"You destroyed Martha's paper, and now she has to stay late to finish rewriting it."

With regard to developmental trends in romantic relationships, which one of the following scenarios would be most typical?

Sonia, a seventh grader, has a crush on her science teacher and giggles with her friends whenever he walks by.

Three of the following teachers are using strategies that should promote their students' sense of self. Which one probably will not?

Ms. Barnes hopes to motivate her students to succeed by having them participate in various academic competitions.

Which one of the following best illustrates a sense ofidentity?

Carlos sees himself as a caring individual who is truly concerned about other people's lives and needs.

Three of the following strategies should promote students' moral development. Which one might be beneficial in other ways but would not necessarily promote students' moral development?

Describing how good boys and girls should behave

Three of the following would be considered moral transgressions. Which one is an example of aconventional transgression?

Forgetting to say "Thank you" when receiving a gift

Students at Kohlberg's preconventional level of moral reasoning are likely to define "right" behavior in terms of:

what they can get away with.

Three of the following strategies are likely to promote moral development. Which one, although possibly appropriate in certain situations, is not likely to promote students' moral development?

Making sure that students know who is "boss" in the classroom

A mirror neuron is most likely to fire:

when an individual performs an action or watches another individual perform an action.

After a tragic drag race that kills several students, a high school faculty wants to take action to reduce risk-taking behaviors among its student body. If the faculty considers recent research on risk taking in adolescence, its best course of action would be to:

identify and sponsor opportunities for reasonable, supervised risk taking.

Which one of the following fifth graders most clearly shows signs of healthy attachment to one or more parents or other primary caregivers?

Jeffrey is self-confident and often likes to work independently.

Peer relationships, like parent-child relationships, are essential to a child's development. Which one of the following is not one of the ways that peer relationships influence the developing child?

Peers are the first individuals to whom a child becomes truly attached.

Joan's father has told her several times that she is a terrible student and will "never amount to anything." He dismisses any improvements in her grades as a "fluke" and has told her that she will be lucky to graduate from high school and had better be prepared for a job that does not require a college degree. Her father's comments cause Joan a great deal of anxiety and she has begun to believe that she will never be able to obtain her academic goals. Joan's father is demonstrating a form of aggression towards Joan. What kind of aggression is he demonstrating?0/1 pts

Dallas and his friends think that Billy is "grouchy" simply because Billy never says anything to them. They don't consider other possible reasons why Billy isn't more outgoing. If we take developmental trends in perspective taking into account, we would suspect that Dallas and his friends are at what grade level?

In the early elementary grades

Three of the following are examples of prosocial behavior. Which one is not?

Dustin asks Maureen for help on his homework.

At a Parent Teacher Association (PTA) meeting at your school, several parents complain about the moral decline of today's youth and argue that the school should be giving regular lectures about the importance of honesty, loyalty, generosity, and so on. If the teachers and school administrators are up to date on research regarding moral development, they should respond by saying that such lectures:

would do little if anything to promote moral behavior.

Which teacher is doing the most to foster the overall personal and social development of his students?

Mr. Poller conveys the message that he likes his students and wants them to succeed in the classroom.

Which one of the following most accurately describes a general concept of temperament?

Which one of the following most accurately describes the general concept of temperament? An inherited predisposition to interact with one's environment in certain ways.

Which one of the following pairs of children best illustrates a difference in temperament?

Which one of the following pairs of children best illustrates a difference in temperament? Carol is very sociable and outgoing; Chris is more quiet and reserved around peers.

Which one of the following is the most accurate statement about group differences among students?

Which one of the following is the most accurate statement about group differences among students? The average for two groups may be different, but variability within each group keeps us from predicting individual performance.

Which one of the following best describes socialization as developmental psychologists use the term?

Which one of the following best describes socialization as developmental theorists typically use the term? Culture has a pervasive influence on child development.