Which phrase by Burleigh best addresses the motives of the largest number of immigrants coming to the US during the years from 1816 to 1848?

  • School Central Texas College
  • Course Title ENGLISH 10
  • Pages 2

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1. Which phrase by Burleigh best addresses the motives of the largestnumber of immigrants coming to the United States during the years from1816 to 1848?(A) "a good climate"(B) "good pay for labor"(C) "kind neighbors"(D) "a hearty welcome"

2. In the two decades following Burleigh's comments, the portions of theUnited States most affected by immigration were the

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3. Which of the following reinforced the message that Burleigh was sendingto people who wanted to move to America?

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4. Who of the following provided the strongest influence on PresidentMonroe in the writing of the Monroe Doctrine?

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5. Monroe counted on which of the following European nations to be an

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Justus8591 Justus8591

  • 2022-01-31T15:20:46.000Z

  • High School
  • History


Which phrase by Burleigh best addresses the motives of the largest number of immigrants coming to the United States during the years from 1816 to 1848

Answer :

Which phrase by Burleigh best addresses the motives of the largest number of immigrants coming to the US during the years from 1816 to 1848?

rosemaryamaike95 rosemaryamaike95


"a good pay for labor"


Hope i helped. You're welcome :)

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6. Which phrase by Burleigh finest addresses the motives of the biggest variety of immigrants coming to the US in the course of the years from 1816-1848

I am not 100% positive i say 7 is your solutions

the han enormously expands the chinese language empire. the han dynasty retains the centralized paperwork and unified political system of the qin however adopts and grafts upon this the confucian view that authorities must be run by educated, moral males. clarification:

b.unemployment reached practically 25 p.c.

he resisted soviet oppression by soviet

6. Which phrase by Burleigh best addresses the motives of the largest number of immigrants coming to the United States during the years from 1816-1848

I’m not 100 percent sure i say 7 is your answers

the han greatly expands the chinese empire. the han dynasty retains the centralized bureaucracy and unified political system of the qin but adopts and grafts upon this the confucian view that government should be run by educated, ethical men. explanation:

b.unemployment reached nearly 25 percent.

he resisted soviet oppression by soviet

In the US, support for the War of 1812 was the strongest from

A) frontier settlers who wanted land and protection from American Indians

Who of the following would be most likely to agree with German's position on the war?

D) merchants from New England

Which of the following is the best support for German's claim that the US has "abundant cause for war"?

A) the impressment of US sailors

Which of the following describes a policy of Jeffersons that reflects that attitude toward federalists expressed in this speech?

C) he attempted to gain the trust of federalists by continuing the national bank

Jeffersons statement "that the minority possess their equal rights, which equal law must protect" was supported by his actions with regard to

B) the Alien and Sedition Acts

Jeffersons call to avoid entangling alliances is similar to advice found in

D) Washington's farewell address

Tecumseh believed that which of the following would be the best way for American Indians to respond to the desire of white settlers for land?

D) forming a confederacy among all American Indians

Based on this excerpt, which of the following would Tecumseh most likely have objected to?

D) the Louisiana Purchase

Which phrase by Burleigh best addresses the motives of the largest number of immigrants coming to the United States during the years from 1816 to 1848?

In the 1830s and 1840s, the section of the US most affected by immigration was the

C) states west of the Allegheny Mountains

Which of the following reinforced the message that Burleigh was sending to people who wanted to move to America?

Who of the following provided the strongest influence on President Monroe in the writing of the Monroe Doctrine?

Monroe counted on which of the following European nations to be an ally is any nation challenged the Monroe Doctrine?

A) Britain, because it opposed the strengthening of its European rivals

Which best explains why the American people were so supportive of the Monroe Doctrine?

Based on the voting patterns shown in the chart, support for he federal funding for internal improvements was strongest in

B) underdeveloped regions

Support for the bill would have been consistent with support for which of the following

One of the primary reasons to form a union during this period was to

A) improve working conditions

Workers in the 1820s faced difficulty because of problems with

Urban workers such as the Philadelphia Mechanics Union of Trade Associations beloved they could improve their conditions through labor unions and

Which of the following caused the movement described in the excerpt?

The opposition to foreigners is most similar to the view that many had toward which of the following in America at this time?

A) free African Americans

The development of which of the following best demonstrates the growing power of the nativist movement in the mid 19th century?

The crop that best fits Downing's description as one of "the great staples" in mid 19th century America was

The development of commercial farming in old northwest by the time this excerpt in written gave support to

B) population growth in eastern cities

Which of the following was the immediate cause of the publication of the statement in this excerpt?

D) an increase in the tariff passed by congress

While Calhoun and many other southerners disagreed with president Jacksons opposition to nullification, they agreed with him to

C) his opposition to the antislavery movement

Which of the following is or are most similar to be statement in the excerpt?

A) Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions

President Jackson's guiding principle to check "the injustices of government" was

Which of the following groups provided the greatest support for the jackson's veto of the Bank?

President Jackson's veto of the Bank bill would contribute most significantly to

Van Buren believed that the strength of the American economy was based on

Which of the following individuals woi do be most critical of Van Buren's economic policy as presented in this excerpt?

The first free public education system in the US began in which of the coloring colonies?

Which of these groups would most strongly agree with Stevens on his view of education?

Stevens disagrees with those who oppose free public education because

B) it will result in increased taxes

Thoreau challenged government because

B) he opposed war in all cases

Thoreau believed that a just man should be prepared to do which of the following?

D) go to jail for his beliefs

Which of the following groups held views most similar to the ideas expressed in this excerpt?

Sojourner Truth strongly rejects criticisms of women that are based on which of the following?

C) the teachings of religion

Sojourner Truth saw connection between the women's rights movement and

B) the antislavery movement

Who of the following provided the strongest influence on Monroe in the writing of the Monroe Doctrine?

John Quincy Adams played a crucial role in formulating the Monroe Doctrine when he was Monroe's Secretary of State.

Which of the following groups provided the greatest support for the Jackson's veto of the bank?

Which of the following groups provided the greatest support for Jackson's veto of the Bank? democratic government.

Which of the following describes a policy of Jeffersons that reflects the attitude toward federalists expressed in this speech?

Which of the following describes a policy of Jefferson's that reflects the attitude toward Federalists expressed in this speech? He attempted to gain the trust of Federalists by continuing the national bank.