Which physiological changes are expected during the first trimester of pregnancy quizlet?

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Which physiological changes are expected during the first trimester of pregnancy quizlet?

Clinical Reasoning Cases in Nursing

7th EditionJulie S Snyder, Mariann M Harding

2,512 solutions

Which physiological changes are expected during the first trimester of pregnancy quizlet?

Pharmacology and the Nursing Process

7th EditionJulie S Snyder, Linda Lilley, Shelly Collins

388 solutions

Which physiological changes are expected during the first trimester of pregnancy quizlet?

Health: The Basics

11th EditionRebecca J. Donatelle

249 solutions

Which physiological changes are expected during the first trimester of pregnancy quizlet?

Integrated Electronic Health Records

4th EditionAmy Ensign, M Beth Shanholtzer

485 solutions

< first day of last menstraul cycle - 3 months, then + 7 days and 1 year (adjusting to year)

* in cm from symphysis pubis to top of uterine fundus (between 18-30 weeks) approximates the gestational age, plus or minus 2 gestational weeks

GRAVIDITY -- number of pregnancies
-- nulligravida; client who has never been pregnant
-- primigravida; client in there first pregnancy
-- multigravida; client who had 2 or more pregnancies

PARITY; number of pregnancies which fetus reach 20 weeks of pregnancy, not number of fetus. not affected whether fetus is born stillborn or alive
% nullipara; no pregnancy beyond stage of viability
% primipara; completed 1 pregnancy to stage of viability
% multipara; completed 2 or more pregnancies to the stage of viability

VIABILITY; point in time when infant has capacity to survive outside the uterus. theres no specific weeks of gestation; however infants born between 22-25 weeks are considered on the threshold of viability

G= gravidity
T= term births (38 weeks or more)
P= preterm birth (from viability up to 37 weeks)
A= abortions/miscarriages (prior to viability
L= living children

Recommended textbook solutions

Which physiological changes are expected during the first trimester of pregnancy quizlet?

The Human Body in Health and Disease

7th EditionGary A. Thibodeau, Kevin T. Patton

1,505 solutions

Which physiological changes are expected during the first trimester of pregnancy quizlet?

Pharmacology and the Nursing Process

7th EditionJulie S Snyder, Linda Lilley, Shelly Collins

388 solutions

Which physiological changes are expected during the first trimester of pregnancy quizlet?

Clinical Reasoning Cases in Nursing

7th EditionJulie S Snyder, Mariann M Harding

2,512 solutions

Which physiological changes are expected during the first trimester of pregnancy quizlet?

Medical Assisting: Administrative and Clinical Procedures

7th EditionKathryn A Booth, Leesa Whicker, Terri D Wyman

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Recommended textbook solutions

Which physiological changes are expected during the first trimester of pregnancy quizlet?

Pharmacology and the Nursing Process

7th EditionJulie S Snyder, Linda Lilley, Shelly Collins

388 solutions

Which physiological changes are expected during the first trimester of pregnancy quizlet?

Gordis Epidemiology

6th EditionDavid D Celentano, Moyses Szklo

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Which physiological changes are expected during the first trimester of pregnancy quizlet?

Medical Terminology: Learning Through Practice

1st EditionPaula Manuel Bostwick

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Which physiological changes are expected during the first trimester of pregnancy quizlet?

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20th EditionClem Thompson, R T Floyd

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Which physiological changes are expected during the first trimester of pregnancy?

First trimester Most of this weight is in the placenta (which feeds your baby), your breasts, your uterus and extra blood. Your heartbeat and breathing rate are faster. Your breasts become tender, larger and heavier. Your growing uterus puts pressure on your bladder, so you feel like you need to urinate a lot.

Which of the following are expected physiologic changes during pregnancy?

Some of the changes in maternal physiology during pregnancy include, for example, increased maternal fat and total body water, decreased plasma protein concentrations, especially albumin, increased maternal blood volume, cardiac output, and blood flow to the kidneys and uteroplacental unit, and decreased blood pressure ...

What are some common physiological changes that occur during pregnancy quizlet?

Uterus increases in size & changes shape & position. Ovulation & menses cease during pregnancy. Changes in Cardiovascular System in a Pregnant woman: Cardiac output & blood volume increase 45 to 50% @ term to meet the greater metabolic needs.