Why does a layer 3 device perform the anding process on a destination IP address and subnet mask


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Why does a Layer 3 device perform the ANDing process on a destination IP address and subnet mask?

  • to identify the broadcast address of the destination network

  • to identify the host address of the destination host

  • to identify faulty frames

  • to identify the network address of the destination network

Why does a Layer 3 device perform the ANDing process on a destination IP address and subnet mask?

March 6, 2021 by Mnc Certified

Correct Answer for the Question – Why does a Layer 3 device perform the ANDing process on a destination IP address and subnet mask? is given below Why does a Layer 3 device perform the ANDing process on a destination IP address and subnet mask? to identify the broadcast address of the destination network to identify … Read more

  • School ITT Tech
  • Course Title NETWORKING IT321
  • Type

    Test Prep

  • Pages 6
  • Ratings 100% (1) 1 out of 1 people found this document helpful

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12.Why does a Layer 3 device perform the ANDing process on adestination IP address and subnet mask?oto identify the broadcast address of the destination networkoto identify the host address of the destination hostoto identify faulty framesoto identify the network address of the destination network

13.What addresses are mapped by ARP?

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14.What are two services provided by the OSI network layer?(Choose two.)

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15.What source IP address does a router use by default whenthe traceroute command is issued?

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16.What is the TCP mechanism used in congestion avoidance?

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IP address, Transmission Control Protocol, MAC address, Internet Protocol Suite

Why does Layer 3 device perform the ANDing process on a destination IP address and subnet mask?

Why does a Layer 3 device perform the ANDing process on a destination IP address and subnet mask? Explanation: ANDing allows us to identify the network address from the IP address and the network mask.

What is the purpose of ANDing?

Binary ANDing is the process of performing multiplication to two binary numbers. In the decimal numbering system, ANDing is addition: 2 and 3 equals 5. In decimal, there are an infinite number of answers when ANDing two numbers together.

What is the purpose of the subnet mask in conjunction with an IP address?

A subnet mask is used to divide an IP address into two parts. One part identifies the host (computer), the other part identifies the network to which it belongs.

How many usable host addresses are available on an IPv4 subnet that is configured with a 28 mask?

Explanation: A /28 mask is the same as 255.255. 255.240. This leaves 4 host bits. With 4 host bits, 16 IP addresses are possible, but one address represents the subnet number and one address represents the broadcast address.