Axel bertram (✝82): er gab der ddr-mark ein gesicht


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Ost-Rente 3,9% rauf! SEITE 2 Fotos: Volkmar Otto, Getty PostvertriebsstückA11916/Entgelt bezahlt Donnerstag, 21. März2019 •Berlin/Brandenburg1,10 ¤•D/Auswärts 1,20 ¤ •NR. 78/2019 –A11916 ZEITUNG FÜR BERLIN-BRANDENBURG Klinik machte diese <strong>Berliner</strong> fassungslos Nur 1:1 im Test gegen Serbien Jogi sucht nochdie Zukunft ... ... und Sonntag ist EM-Quali in Holland Wehe, dustirbstam Wochenende Reinhard Weise und sein Nichte Jasmin trauern um ihreMutter und Oma. Abschied nehmen durften sie nicht.Warum: SEITEN 22–23 SEITEN 6–7

  • Seite 2 und 3: * POLITIK MEINE MEINUNG Von Rasmus
  • Seite 4 und 5: * HINTERGRUND DasProblem mit den El
  • Seite 6 und 7: BERLIN Mord auf der Straße Spazier
  • Seite 8 und 9: 8 BERLIN BERLINER KURIER, Donnersta
  • Seite 10 und 11: 10 BERLIN BERLINER KURIER, Donnerst
  • Seite 12 und 13: 12 BERLIN BERLINER KURIER, Donnerst
  • Seite 14 und 15: 14 BERLIN BERLINER KURIER, Donnerst
  • Seite 16 und 17: 16 BERLIN BERLINER KURIER, Donnerst
  • Seite 18 und 19: Leser- MEINUNG Die Leser-Seite in I
  • Seite 20 und 21: REPORT Fotos: Markus Wächter Media
  • Seite 22 und 23: * SPORT Neuanfang bei Jogi - nun ab
  • Seite 24 und 25: 24 SPORT BERLINER KURIER, Donnersta
  • Seite 26 und 27: 26 SPORT BERLINER KURIER, Donnersta
  • Seite 28 und 29: 28 KINO HEUTE BERLINER KURIER, Donn
  • Seite 30 und 31: 30 FERNSEHEN BERLINER KURIER, Donne
  • Seite 32 und 33: 32 WETTER/HOROSKOP Ihre Sterne vonA
  • Seite 34 und 35: 34 PANORAMA BERLINER KURIER, Donner
  • Seite 36: „Katze“ gesteht Donnerstag, 21.

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Axel Bertram

BornDiedAlma materOccupationPolitical partySpouse(s)Children

The 20 Pfennig coin which replaced the widely despised "Alu-Chip" in 1969, was surely Axel Bertram's most widely circulated design, with an estimated 50 million minted.[1]

26 March 1936

Dresden, Saxony, Germany

16 March 2019 (aged 82)

Berlin, Germany

Academy for Fine and Applied Arts
Commercial artist
Type designer
Magazine (and book and newspaper) designer
1. Dorothea Melis (born Dorothea Voigt)
2. Ruth
Matthias Bertram

Axel Bertram (26 March 1936 - 16 March 2019) was a German commercial artist, type designer, illustrator, magazine designer and medalist. During his later decades he became, in addition, a knowledgeable and dedicated expert on calligraphy. Confident in his judgements, he also contributed articles to newspapers and magazines, though this was motivated more by a personal drive to share his enthusiasm for his ideas on design than because he aspired to any sort of career as a journalist or commentator.[1]

To paraphrase several of the tributes paid to his memory after he died (which seem to have originated with a press release issued by the Leipzig publishing business, Lehmstedt Verlag), only the specialists knew his name, but virtually every East German citizen was familiar with Bertram's work and, after the East German coinage redesign that started in 1969, carried examples of it in a purse or a pocket when leaving home.[2][3][4][5][6]


Axel Bertram was born on Dresden and grew up in Freital, a small industrial town a short distance to the south of the city. His father was a graphic artist and businessman.[2][7] After successfully completing his schooling he undertook a one year apprenticeship in technical drawing during 1954/55.[8] That was followed by a move to the capital and a five year study period at the Academy for Fine and Applied Arts (as it was known at that time) in Berlin-Weißensee.[9] Here his principal tutors were the poster artist Klaus Wittkugel and the graphic artist Werner Klemke. He was also taught by Arno Mohr and Ernst Vogenauer.[10] He received his degree in Graphic Arts in 1960, and for the next twelve years worked in Berlin as a freelancer.[2] He also teamed up with three fellow students to form the "Ateliergemeinschaft Gruppe 4", of which he was always by far the best known member. The co-operatively structured graphic design workshop quickly rose to fame - or in the eyes of certain artistic conservatives notoriety - with projects such as the "graphic redesign" for Berlin's Metropol Threatre. He remained with the "Ateliergemeinschaft2 till 1972.[11]

In 1972 he returned to the Weißensee Academy for Fine and Applied Arts as a "chief assistant" and in 1973 accepted a position as a lecturer.[2][12] He became a party member in 1977. That same year he was promoted to a full professorship in fonts and graphic design at the Academy, also serving, between 1977 and 1982, as Head of Department in Commercial Art.[2] 1977 was also the year in which Bertram was awarded the Art Prize of the German Democratic Republic. He now emerged rapidly as a leading member of the East German cultural establishment, and while he was never a committed proseletyser for "Soviet imperial socialism", commentators (including his own son) believe that Bertram and his professional colleagues dared to dream that the obvious "ailments" of socialism as it operated in East Germany might yet prove "curable".[1] During and after the changes that led in 1990 to German reunification, Bertram returned to his salaried work at the Weißensee Academy, between 1989 and 1992 again serving as Ordinary (i.e. full) Professor in fonts and graphic design.[2]

Between 1961 and 1990 Bertram was, like all successful freelance workers in the sector, a member of the Berlin-based VBK (East German Visual Artists' Association). He was an active participant in the running of the organisation, joining the VBK National Executive in 1970, and serving as vice-president of it during 1988/89.[9] In addition he served, between 1982 and 1990 as head of the Artistic Advisory Board at the East German State Bank (Central Bank of the GDR).[3]


Bertram designed numerous books, newspapers and magazines. One of the better remembered examples was "Sibylle*, East Germany's widely circulated magazine for "fashion and the arts", which Bertram tended to reference in interviews, possibly because the exercise was effectively a long-running joint project with the magazine's fashion editor, Dorothea Melis, to whom he was married between 1957 and 1962.[13] Other magazines he designed or redesigned included the mass-circulation weekly news magazine, "Neue Berliner Illustrierte", the relatively short-lived news magazine "Profil" and "Wochenpost", the country's most successful and, many believe, most influential weekly publication.[14] It was for "Wochenpost" that his radical (famously "computer aided") redesign incorporated, as early as 1970, a layout featuring a small margin column down on side of pages displaying articles.[9][15]

In 1969 East German citizens found a new design for the 20 Pfennig coin in their change, designed by Bertram to replace the widely disparaged 20 Pfennig light-weight "Alu-Chip" (coin).[5][16][17][a] Minted only in very small quantities, and issued at around the same time, was the "general circulation 5 Mark" coin designed by Bertram.[18] He also teamed up with the pioneering industrial designer Rudi Högner to redesign the East German 1 Mark and 2 Mark coins which were issued respectively in 1973 and 1974, and both remained in circulation till 1990.[16] He also designed numerous commemorative medallions for the government during this period, celebrating anniversaries in respect of historical celebrities including Johannes Gutenberg (1968), Johannes Kepler (1971), Johannes Brahms (1972) and, much later, the polymath-architect Karl Friedrich Schinkel (2006).[9]

Bertram's "Videtur" font, launched in 1986, was designed for use on television screens.

According to at least one source, there was no field of design that exercised a greater fascination for Axel Bertram than typeface design.[1][19] Prompted in part by the very restricted range of typefaces commonly applied by publishing houses in East Germany, he designed bespoke typefaces for "Sibylle* and "Neue Berliner Illustrierte", and also designed typefaces for typewriter machines.[12] During the 1980s he designed "Videtur", a font specially designed for television screens.[20] He also designed the "Rabenau" font. A number of sources pay tribute to Bertram's habit of worrying away at improving his designs: "Rabenau" represented the culmination of approximately thirty years spent intermittently working away at perfecting his typeface designs.[21] The appearance of mainstream desktop publishing during the 1990s afforded opportunities for further elaboration and enhancement.[22]

Between 1979 and 1982 Bertram designed thirty stamps for Deutsche Post of the GDR the post office of the German Democratic Republic depicting poultry, dolls and, both historic and mechanical toys.[23]

Alongside his artistic work, Bertram wrote various essays and articles on the history and theory of commercial art. Other topics on which he wrote included the role of design in daily life. There were also numerous biographical summaries concerning individual designers.[9] In 2004, reflecting his decades-long preoccupation with the history of writing, he published a more substantial work under a title that consciously celebrates Bach "Das wohltemperierte Alphabet" ("The Well-Tempered Alphabet"),[24] a cultural history of printing and typefaces during the Gutenberg era.[9]

With his wide-ranging commercial artistry and his articulate advocacy of good day-to-day design solutions, Axel Bertram was among the most influential designers of the post-war period.[16] Much of his personal and professional legacy is preserved in Leipzig at the "Deutsches Buch- und Schriftmuseum" (".... Museum of Books and Writing").


Axel Bertram was married to the fashion writer Dorothea Melis (as she subsequently became known, following her second marriage) between approximately 1957 and 1962.[13] His second marriage, in 1963, was to the photographer identified in sources simply by her married name as Ruth Bertram. The historian Matthias Bertram was the child of his first marriage.[25]


  1. ^ "Alu-Chip" was East German slang for the light-weight coins used in East Germany (and elsewhere in central Europe) during the 1950s and 1960s, having been designed in the late 1940s, when there was still a world-wide glut of aluminium, following a collapse in demand for fighter planes. An "Alu-Chip" was not a pioneering prototype computer chip.[17]


  1. ^ a b c d Nils Kahlefendt (1 March 2013). "Kunst für den Alltag". Book review / Rezension .... Er war der wohl einflussreichste Gebrauchsgrafiker der DDR. Axel Bertram wollte nicht fürs Museum, sondern für den Alltag arbeiten. Mit dem opulenten Band „Grafisches Gestalten in fünf Jahrzehnten“ erfährt das singuläre Schaffen des heute 76-Jährigen die längst fällige Würdigung. Deutschlandfunk, Köln. Retrieved 24 November 2021.
  2. ^ a b c d e f Ingrid Kirschey-Feix. "Bertram, Axel: 26.3.1936 - 16.3.2019: Gebrauchsgrafiker, Typograf". Wer war wer in der DDR?. Ch. Links Verlag, Berlin & Bundesstiftung zur Aufarbeitung der SED-Diktatur, Berlin. Retrieved 24 November 2021.
  3. ^ a b "Der einflussreichste Gebrauchsgrafiker der DDR ist gestorben". Der in Dresden geborene Grafiker Axel Betram ist am Samstag in Berlin gestorben. Er war für das Layout der Zeitschriften "Sibylle" und der Wochenpost. Außerdem prägte er das Aussehen der DDR-Mark mit. Leipziger Volkszeitung. 17 March 2019. Retrieved 24 November 2021.
  4. ^ "In Memoriam Axel Bertram". Marc Berger i.A. Edition Schwarzdruck, Gransee. 19 March 2019. Retrieved 24 November 2021.
  5. ^ a b "Axel Bertram, ein Multitalent wie nur wenige". Er designte das 20-Pfennig-Stück der DDR .... Hinter seinem Produkt verschwinden – das war das Credo des vielseitigen DDR-Gebrauchsgrafikers Axel Bertram. Jetzt ist er gestorben. Verlag Der Tagesspiegel GmbH, Berlin. 17 March 2019. Retrieved 24 November 2021.
  6. ^ Brigitte Werneburg. "Kultivierte Randständigkeit". Ausstellung zur Zeitschrift „Sibylle“ .... In Rüsselsheim hat die Schau „Sibylle – die Fotografen“ eröffnet. Die Zeitschrift war viel mehr als eine alltags-praktische Frauenzeitschrift. taz Verlags u. Vertriebs GmbH., Berlin. Retrieved 24 November 2021.
  7. ^ "Axel Bertram (1936-2019)". Axel Bertram ist nach langer Krankheit am 16. März 2019 in Berlin gestorben. Pirckheimer-Gesellschaft E.V., Berlin. Retrieved 24 November 2021.
  8. ^ Hannah Bauhoff (interviewer) (28 October 2010). "Axel Bertram". Design in der DDR. Stiftung Industrie- und Alltagskultur, Berlin. Retrieved 24 November 2021.
  9. ^ a b c d e f René Zey. "Bertram, Axel (* 26.3.1936 Dresden, † 17.3.2019 Berlin)". Designlexikon International. Königsdorfer Medienhaus, Frechen. Retrieved 24 November 2021.
  10. ^ Roger Melis (photographer) (1997). "Axel Bertram - Nutzungsrechte". This source, published by Axel Bertram's son, features a "thoughtful" photo-portrait of the father. Dr. Mathias Bertram, Berlin - Publizist und Buchgestalter. Retrieved 24 November 2021.
  11. ^ Erhard Kaiser. "Axel Bertram". Gestalter von Zeitschriften und bibliophilen Liebhaberobjekten. Deutsches Buch- und Schriftmuseum der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek, Leipzig. Retrieved 24 November 2021.
  12. ^ a b Ralf Herrmann (6 April 2013). "Axel Bertram". Schriftkontor Ralf Herrmann (, Weimar. Retrieved 24 November 2021.
  13. ^ a b "Dorothea Melis". Addicted to Fashion. 22 December 2017. Retrieved 25 November 2021.
  14. ^ Marshall, Matt (1995-01-11). "Walls of Resentment Between East, West Run Through German Newsrooms". Washington Post. ISSN 0190-8286. Retrieved 25 November 2021.
  15. ^ Klaus Polkehn (October 1998). Computer statt Blei - die Neue Wopchenpost. Das war die Wochenpost: Geschichte und Geschichten einer Zeitung. This source is a book rather than a magazine. It nevertheless provides an example of adding a margin to the page lay-out, and (in this example) using it to highlight or summarize aspects of the main text. Ch. Links Verlag, Berlin. pp. 184–189. ISBN 978-3861531418. Retrieved 25 November 2021.
  16. ^ a b c Sylke Wunderlich (26 March 2019). "... Über A. B., den Grafiker der Vielfalt". Design in der DDR. Stiftung Industrie- und Alltagskultur, Berlin. Retrieved 25 November 2021.
  17. ^ a b André Stahl (1 July 2014). "13.000 Euro für ein paar Gramm Alu-Blech". Axel Springer SE (WELT und N24Doku), Berlin. Retrieved 25 November 2021.
  18. ^ Mark Lehmstedt. "Verschönerung des Alltagslebens". Zum Tod von Axel Bertram. Deutschlandfunk Kultur, Köln. Retrieved 25 November 2021.
  19. ^ Gabriele Netsch (2017). "Vertrauen und Bereicherung – Drei neue Vorlässe im Deutschen Buch- und Schriftmuseum .... Axel Bertram". Dialog mit Bibliotheken. Deutsche Nationalbibliothek, Leipzig & Frankfurt. p. 43. Retrieved 25 November 2021.
  20. ^ Dan Reynolds; Christoph Koeberlin (6 April 2013). "Socialist TV Typeface Videtur Finally Freed". I Love Typography Ltd ("TypeTogether"). Retrieved 21 November 2021.
  21. ^ "Rabenauâ"¢". My creative land. Monotype GmbH, Berlin. Retrieved 25 November 2021.
  22. ^ "Rabenau: distinct & legible". Rabenau, die gut lesbare Schriftfamilie mit warmer Ausstrahlung. Monotype GmbH, Berlin. Retrieved 25 November 2021.
  23. ^ "Axel Bertram". M. Russem Book Design. 2021. Retrieved 24 November 2021.
  24. ^ Axel Bertram (the book); Martin Z. Schröder in der Süddeutschen Zeitung, 7. 12. 2004 (a brief review-synopsis) (September 2004). "Das wohltemperierte Alphabet". Das wohltemperierte Alphabet – Eine Kulturgeschichte. Faber + Faber Verlag GmbH, Leipzig (the book) & Schriftkontor Ralf Herrmann (, Weimar (a brief review-synopsis). ISBN 978-3936618389. Retrieved 26 November 2021.
  25. ^ Charles de Souza (11 September 2020). "Art for Everyday Life". HubPages. In eastern Germany one could literally encounter Bertram's work at every turn over several decades


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