Blindspot wer ist taylor shaw

Jane Doe wasn't the only person who went through a willing memory wipe

  • She may be the first one to succeed/survive whatever Training from Hell the Bearded Man put her through.
    • Half true that it was part of her plans to get amnesia and get sent to the FBI.

Jane Doe isn't actually a Navy SEAL.

  • There's a chance that the SEAL tattoo was applied and covered up as a red herring.
    • Could be possible. The pilot episode, IIRC, had their forensic scientist mention that it's impossible for Jane Doe to be a Navy SEAL due to perceptions on males serving in Western special forces units, as well as no woman IRL has tried to attempt it.
    • Mayfair counters that if there was a woman who was SEAL trained it would be highly useful to keep that top secret because a woman would be able to take advantage of the fact there would be considerably less suspicion of her being a special forces operator.
      • Season 2 confirmed that she's no SEAL. She's from Sandstorm.
      • By the end of Season 2, it's been explained that she was part of an off the books SEAL team.

Jane Doe is from the future

  • Because how else did whoever did this to her know everything encrypted in her tattoos so far in advance?
    • It would also explain how she's a female Navy SEAL when the present-day SEALs don't admit women.
    • It also explains the necessity of wiping her memory and encoding the information in the tattoos, to control any changes to history.
    • It's not just knowing information in advance, it's knowing some information, period. In "Bone May Rot" the tattoos have a complete list of the pathogen vials stolen when the only people who knew were the former director (who was murdered before he could reveal the information) and the two people responsible. Even if someone suspected one or both of them for being responsible for outbreaks, how could someone else possibly have found out that the ebola came from vial X instead of the sample from vial Y?
  • Children taken to (presumably) be trained into super-soldiers? One wonders if there's a Doctor Halsey involved.
  • Debunked as of 2nd season. She's trained by the South African gov't in black ops as a child soldier.

Jane Doe is not Taylor Shaw.

The evidence from the tooth pointing to an African origin is hard to fake or contradict, since it certainly is a natural tooth that came straight out of Jane's mouth. In contrast, Jane's DNA sample is compared to that from Taylor Shaw's old FBI file. Anyone who has knowledge of as many high-level Government Conspiracies and corruption scandals as whoever applied the tattoos ought to find it easy to get into that file and replace Shaw's DNA with Jane's, some time before the series began.

  • Confirmed. The real Taylor Shaw's been dead for years, and that's exactly how they arranged for the DNA match.

Jane is a future clone of Taylor Shaw.

Adding on to the "Jane is from the future" theory, she was cloned from Taylor Shaw's DNA and surgically given the scar but born and raised in Africa. This is why the tooth test and the DNA test seem contradictory.

  • Jossed

Weller's father really did abduct and possibly kill Taylor Shaw.

He wasn't crying in relief of being proven innocent, he was relieved to have evidence that exonerates him of a crime he knows he committed. But eventually he'll crack and admit it, adding to the mystery of Jane's identity and origins.

  • Confirmed. He gives a deathbed confession to Weller just as he dies telling him where Taylor's body is buried.

Jane was transformed into Taylor Shaw's genetic duplicate.

Rather than being a clone, Jane may have been an African person who was somehow mutated into a replica of Taylor Shaw. Hence why her DNA matches Shaw's — or rather, it does now — but the tooth shows she was born in Africa.

  • Jossed

Taylor Shaw was born in Africa.

If Jane really is Taylor, that would mean Taylor's origins are different from what Weller believes. Taylor was born in Africa, to American parents, but was moved to the US at a young age, and her parents had fake identification documents made for her claiming she was born in the US.

  • Confirmed in Season 2, but for different reasons. She's really a White South African, but was adopted and was sent to live in America since her parents were killed for anti-apartheid views.

Jane's old group's real target is Project Daylight

Everything that's happened throughout the series so far was all to get at the people involved with Project Daylight, including Carter and Mayfair.

  • Partially confirmed. Mayfair was always a target because of her participation, but the group has a larger goal than merely revealing some government corruption and bad acts.

In Season 2, Team Kurt will be going after the people who are part of Orion

Kurt is very eager to throw Jane into prison after finding out she was never Taylor Shaw. What gets her back on the team is her ties to Orion.

  • Confirmed, sort of. They want to go after Jane's former group, codenamed by the NSA as "Sandstorm", who are connected to Orion.

Shepherd is a woman.

Oscar's reaction when Jane refers to Shepherd as "him" as well as the figure of Shepherd being so obscured in Jane's memory that it's impossible to make out their gender strongly hints at this.

  • Confirmed. She is, in fact, Jane's adoptive mother.

Jane will remember the full reason why she went with the memory wipe

And it will lead to her doing a Face–Heel Turn now that she no longer has to hide herself.

She'll get killed either by Jane or her mole in the FBI.

  • Semi-confirmed. In "Why Let Cooler Pasture Deform", she strongly implies that the group the NSA calls 'Sandstorm' is the tip of the iceberg. Roman and Jane also defeat her together, but she's still alive.

Sandstorm's mole in the FBI is unrelated to the team

They'll be someone unrelated to the team, yet the witch hunt will do a lot of damage.

  • Jossed. It's Doctor Borden.

Alternatively, Kurt himself is the mole.

  • This was bound to come up eventually, people. If this is true, it will certainly do the most damage. And be a Shout-Out to Captain America: The Winter Soldier for that matter.
    • Jossed.

Solutions for the anagram titles

  • Hero Fears Imminent Rot: For their moment is near
  • If Beth: The FBI, or B Thief
  • Her Spy's Harmed: Shepherd's army

The videotapes don't show any abuse.

It would be bit too easy for the question of whether Reade was abused or not to be solved by watching a tape. So they're just tapes of practices that the coach could easily make without arousing suspicion.

  • Jossed. A plot point occurs that Reade left the video tape detailing his abuse in the video machine. Zapata had to retrieve it from evidence otherwise it would have implicated him. The confirmation of his abuse lead to him to develop a drug habit in season two.

Why Kurt may recognize Shepherd's voice...

She was one of his instructors during military school.

Roman will remember his memory at the worst time

During the second half of season 2, he'll have become friends with the team only to remember his mission as Sandstorm and unlike Jane who's a better person post-zip, he'll turn on the team.

Borden is a mole for Sandstorm

Considering he was complicit in Patterson's torture, he'd end up having to pull off a Death Equals Redemption Heroic Sacrifice to make up for his time in Sandstorm.

Ist Jane Doe Taylor Shaw?

Allmählich kehren auch Bruchstücke ihrer Vergangenheit zurück - die Jane alles andere als beruhigend findet. Jane findet heraus, dass sie nicht Kurts Jugendfreundin Taylor Shaw ist. Nach den Informationen des geheimnisvollen Oscar hat sie sich selbst auf die Mission gegen Bethany Mayfair und das FBI geschickt.

Wann stirbt Jane Doe?

Diese hat nämlich eine ZIP-Bombe in New York versteckt, durch die unzählige Menschen ihr Gedächtnis verlieren würden. Tatsächlich gelingt es ihr und Weller, die Bombe zu entschärfen, doch direkt darauf stirbt Jane an ihrer Vergiftung und wird am Times Square in einem Leichensack abtransportiert.

Wer hat Jane Doe tätowiert?

und Jane Doe (Jaimie Alexander, r.) ... Möchte wissen, was es mit der Tätowierung seines Namens auf der unbekannten Frau auf sich hat: FBI-Agent Kurt Weller (Sullivan Stapleton) ...

Wer war John Doe?

John Doe, weibliches Pendant Jane Doe oder Jane Roe, ist ein englischer Platzhaltername für fiktive oder nicht identifizierte Personen. John ist einer der häufigsten englischen Männernamen. „Doe“ bezeichnet eine Hirschkuh, „Roe“ ein Reh. Der Begriff ist vor allem in den Vereinigten Staaten gebräuchlich.