Describe how to assist clients to develop their own strategy for motivation and adherence

“Arriving at one goal is the starting point to another.”

– John Dewey

8 steps to improving your exercise adherence!

Regular physical activity and diet have been shown to have a positive effect on your health. Through the proper management of weight and blood pressure, there is a reduced risk for developing cardiovascular disease, depression, anxiety and behavioural problems.

The biggest difficulty for physical activity is keeping the motivation to stay active and maintain adherence to an exercise program. Fitness and healthy living needs to become integrated into your life by emphasising a behavioural change

Below are 8 steps to keep your exercise regular:

  • Goal setting and self-monitoring programs – establish what you want and make your goals SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time based)
  • Getting a personal trainer – a trainer can be a great way to keep your motivation and ensure you attend your sessions
  • Exercise at your level – increase the intensity (how hard) and duration (time and distance) gradually based on your fitness and capability of completing the training session.
  • Perform an active warm up/warm down every session to minimise injuries
  • Limit your excuses (time/laziness) – if training in the afternoon after work is tough, design all the training sessions in the morning before work.
  • Use a DEXA scan as a monitoring tool to keep you motivated
  • Use a self-monitoring program at the end of every week to record your achievements, physical and mental preparation rating, goals for the following week as well as issues and injuries from that week – you can use this to assess your program and monitor your goals
  • Train with a friend to help motivation

accredited exercise physiologist


This is an excerpt from Foundations of Professional Personal Training 2nd Edition With Web Resource by canfitpro.

The experience that clients have with a Personal Training Specialist may influence other aspects of their lives. When clients have a positive experience, make effective choices, and reach their personal fitness goals while working with you, they often experience positive changes in other areas. These changes are often reflected in their view of themselves, their level of self-confidence, and their experience of overall happiness, thus leading to a greater sense of overall fulfillment.

Client fulfillment is the ultimate goal for a Personal Training Specialist, and assisting clients along this important journey is a privilege. Whether clients are just getting started, thinking about making a change, looking for a challenge, or maintaining their exercise adherence, you have the opportunity to be a helpful part of that equation.

Some Personal Training Specialists inappropriately establish relationships in which they insist the client needs the Personal Training Specialist's guidance in order to succeed. This approach does a disservice to the client and can hinder long-term success and fulfillment. Although a Personal Training Specialist can educate and motivate during workout sessions to expedite the client's results, adopting techniques and strategies to endorse positive decision making outside the fitness facility can be long lasting and life changing.

During your training sessions be sure to explain the purpose of each workout component, demonstrate each exercise, cue as necessary, coach to motivate effort, and empower your clients to believe in themselves, their fitness goals, and their ability to achieve success. Table 1.1 gives an example of these types of interactions. Following this process in sequence will ease the adaptation of the clients' learning and fulfillment while affirming their skills and abilities. Leaving out any of these steps could result in clients' becoming disengaged and unsuccessful. See figure 1.1.

Cycle of client fulfillment.

A canfitpro Personal Training Specialist's goal is to empower clients to make confident and positive choices in and outside the fitness facility. This goal can be achieved by offering compliments or feedback to clients that confirms and provides evidence of their ability. Doing this increases the likelihood that they will continue with exercise, view themselves as capable, and believe that success is indeed possible. Asking questions also allows clients to take ownership of their success, thereby confirming that they have the resources they need to succeed.

Some examples of empowering feedback are the following:

  • "You really focused on the proper alignment throughout that set. That was great!"
  • "You found it in you to push through that last 15 seconds of the interval; that took a lot of determination!"
  • "You have made fitness a habit. Good for you! I have noticed that you've been really committed to reaching your fitness goals by being active three times per week."

Learn more about Foundations of Professional Personal Training 2nd Edition With Web Resource.

How would you assist clients to develop their own strategy for motivation and adherence?

Summary: How To Increase Your Clients' Adherence to Exercise.
Use external motivation to get buy-in from your clients..
Use suitable rewards..
Use a realistic plan that works with the client's schedule and willingness..
Make a contract to hold clients accountable..
Make exercise fun, interesting, challenging, and/or enjoyable..

What strategies could you use to improve your own exercise adherence?

Perform an active warm up/warm down every session to minimise injuries. Limit your excuses (time/laziness) – if training in the afternoon after work is tough, design all the training sessions in the morning before work. Use a DEXA scan as a monitoring tool to keep you motivated.

What steps could you take to approach your client to assist them in increasing their motivation and compliance with Behaviour change?

Here are five strategies for working with clients to create lasting behavior changes:.
Use the Stages of Change model..
Turn goals into SMART goals..
Identify ways to stay motivated..
Encourage accountability..
Acknowledge relapses..

What are three specific strategies you would use to promote adherence?

7 Ways to Increase Exercise Adherence.
#1 Health Education. ... .
#2 Health Risk Appraisals. ... .
#3 Goal Setting. ... .
#4 Self-Monitoring. ... .
#5 Reinforcement and Incentives. ... .
#6 Problem Solving. ... .
#7 Social Support. ... .