What is the rate percentage per anum that a sum of money trebles itself in 25 years?


The correct option is A 20 yearsLet the principal be P. As per the question, Amount = 2(Principal) = 2P SI = Amount - Principal = 2P - P = P By formula, R=SI×100P×T R=P×100P×10 =10 % So, the rate is 10% per annum. Now, the sum gets tripled. A = 3(Principal) = 3P SI = 3P - P = 2P T=SI×100P×R T=2P×100P×10 = 20 years

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Let sum of money be P=100Interest per annum =10% amount = 2× 100 = 200 simple interest = 200 - 100 = 100Since, SI=PTR100⇒T=100×SIPR=100×100100×10∴t=10 years.

Simple Interest

Standard VIII Mathematics

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SSC GD Previous Paper 2 (Held On: 13 Feb 2019 Shift 1)_Hindi

100 Questions 100 Marks 90 Mins


The Sum of money doubles itself in 25 years.


Simple interest is the interest calculated on the principal portion of the loan or the original contribution to the saving account.

Formula Used:

Simple Interest = (P × R × T)/100

S.I = Amount - Sum


Let the sum be 'P' then Amount after 25 years = 2P

S.I = 2P - P = P

P = (P × R × 25)/100

⇒ R = 100/25 = 4%

∴ The rate of interest per annum is 4%. 

Latest SSC GD Constable Updates

Last updated on Oct 31, 2022

SSC GD Constable Vacancies Increased from 24369 to 45284. Earlier, the SSC GD Constable Exam Dates were out for the 2022 cycle. The exam will be conducted from 10th January 2023 to 14th February 2023. The candidates who will be appearing in exam must attempt SSC GD Constable Previous Year Papers. The vacancies have been released for the recruitment of GD Constables in various departments like BSF, CRPF, CISF, etc. Candidates can apply for this cycle till 30th November 2022. Applicants must note that they can apply for this recruitment only through the official website. The SSC GD Constable Exam Patternhas also been changed. Candidates can check all the details below. 

Let's discuss the concepts related to Interest and Simple Interest. Explore more from Quantitative Aptitude here. Learn now!

At what rate percent per annum does a sum of money treble itself in 25 years?

R=12. 5%

At what rate percent will the sum of money Triple itself in 20 years?

Hence, rate of interest is 10%.

At what rate percent per annum will a sum treble itself in 10 years?

Hence, we get the rate of interest as 12.5 %.

At what rate percent will a sum of money treble itself in 12 years?

Ans 16. 6% 3) Was this answer helpful?