Which of the following statements best characterizes managerial accountants of the past?

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Which of the following statements best characterizes managerial accountants of the past? Multiple Choice They were located in operating departments and worked with other managers

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Which of the following statements best characterizes managerial accountants of the past?

Multiple Choice

  • They were located in operating departments and worked with other managers.
  • They carried the job title of 'analysts'.
  • They often took on leadership roles.
  • They worked in teams.
  • They were isolated into separate departments.

Which of the following statements best characterizes managerial accountants of the past?

Multiple Choice

  • They were located in operating departments and worked with other managers.
  • They carried the job title of 'analysts'.
  • They often took on leadership roles.
  • They worked in teams.
  • They were isolated into separate departments.

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