Wie viel kostet ein Big Mac in den USA?

Sep. 5, 2022

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Wie viel kostet ein Big Mac in den USA?
Zippia. "How Much A Big Mac Costs In Every State" Zippia.com. Sep. 5, 2022, https://www.zippia.com/advice/how-much-big-mac-costs-states/

Wie viel kostet ein Big Mac in den USA?

Big Mac Cost Per State Research Summary

  • The state with the most expensive Big Mac is Hawaii, where the burger costs $5.31.

  • The state with the cheapest Big Mac is Mississippi, where it costs only $3.91.

  • There are over 550 million Big Macs sold in the US each year.

  • When the Big Mac was first made in 1967, it cost only 45 cents.

The cost of a Big Mac has become more than just how much your favorite burger at McDonald’s costs and transcended to a whole economic theory.

While you can’t get a degree in Burgernomics, you can see the difference when looking at menu prices across the country. The average Big Mac costs $3.99. If you make it a value meal it will set you back $5.99.

But how much you pay will vary dramatically based on where you live. Keep reading to see the priciest (and cheapest!) places to get your Big Mac- and how we determined this.

Where Big Macs Are Most Expensive

  1. Hawaii
  2. New York
  3. New Jersey
  4. California
  5. Maryland
  6. Connecticut
  7. Alaska
  8. Massachusetts
  9. New Hampshire
  10. Virginia
  11. Washington

McDonald’s isn’t quite so cheap in the above states. A Big Mac- not counting fries or a drink- costs over $4.65 in all of them. Notoriously pricy Hawaii goes as high as $5.31.

Where Big Macs Are The Cheapest

  1. Mississippi
  2. Arkansas
  3. Alabama
  4. Missouri
  5. South Dakota
  6. Kentucky
  7. Ohio
  8. West Virginia
  9. Iowa
  10. Kansas
  11. Nebraska
  12. Oklahoma

In the 12 states above, a Big Mac for $4.07 or less. Mississippi is the cheapest with the trademark burger only coming to $3.91. In general, the Midwest is a pretty cheap place to visit Mickey D’s.

How We Determined This — And What It Means

This one was fairly simple. Our data on Big Mac prices comes from FastFoodMenuPrices.com.

From there, we found the average Big Mac price in each state- identifying the most (and least) expensive states. We opted to only include the Big Mac, and not the meal price.

Since states are big and offer a diverse range of cost of livings, this price may not reflect the price you see at the drive-thru.

For example, densely populated areas often have higher prices, an eater in a rural city may see a lower price.

So, if you’re looking to buy a Big Mac, you should get the price from the menu board near you. However, if you’re interested to see a tastier than usual look at cost of living (and relative wages) this is a pretty good big picture breakdown.

How Much A Big Mac Costs In Every State

Alabama $3.99
Alaska $4.87
Arizona $4.43
Arkansas $3.95
California $5.11
Colorado $4.59
Connecticut $4.95
Delaware $4.63
Florida $4.47
Georgia $4.15
Hawaii $5.31
Idaho $4.23
Illinois $4.55
Indiana $4.11
Iowa $4.07
Kansas $4.07
Kentucky $4.03
Louisiana $4.15
Maine $4.47
Maryland $5.03
Massachusetts $4.87
Michigan $4.27
Minnesota $4.43
Mississippi $3.91
Missouri $3.99
Montana $4.27
Nebraska $4.07
Nevada $4.43
New Hampshire $4.83
New Jersey $5.19
New Mexico $4.31
New York $5.23
North Carolina $4.15
North Dakota $4.11
Ohio $4.03
Oklahoma $4.07
Oregon $4.47
Pennsylvania $4.47
Rhode Island $4.47
South Carolina $4.11
South Dakota $3.99
Tennessee $4.11
Texas $4.39
Utah $4.39
Vermont $4.59
Virginia $4.67
Washington $4.67
West Virginia $4.03
Wisconsin $4.19
Wyoming $4.35

Never miss an opportunity that’s right for you.

Wie viel kostet Mc Donalds in USA?

Während ein Big Mac in den USA 4,79 Dollar kostet, sind es in Deutschland umgerechnet 4,25 Dollar. Am teuersten ist der Big Mac in der Schweiz (7,54 Dollar), am günstigsten in der Ukraine (1,20 Dollar).

Was kostet Big Mac in New York?

Kostet der Big Mac etwa in der Schweiz umgerechnet 6,76 US-Dollar, sind es in den USA nur 5,28.

Wie teuer ist ein Burger in Amerika?

Burger Preise inklusive Beilagen liegen meistens bei $8-$12. Oft werden an bestimmte Tage der Woche Specials gemacht, wo man bestimmte Essen oder Getränke billiger bekommt.

Wie heißt der Big Mac in Amerika?

Entwickelt hatte ihn ein Jahr vorher Jim Delligatti (1918–2016), der Betreiber eines McDonald's-Restaurants in Uniontown im US-Staat Pennsylvania. Der große Hamburger Royal kam erst 1971 in den USA als Quarter Pounder auf den Markt; er ist im Gegensatz zum Big Mac einstöckig, dafür aber breiter.