What are the major pillars of the positive psychology movement involves the study of?

Those who attribute their poor performance to a lack of ability or to situations beyond their control...

without any conscious effort, your ____ prepares you to fight or flee from dangerous situations.

Rodents who experienced inescapable shocks were more prone to developing cancer if they had previously been exposed to... 

When American dating couples wrestle with conflicts, those partners with a(n) ______ tend to see each other as engaging constructively.

The ability to delay immediate gratification of our impulses best illustrates 

Relaxation procedures have been found to reduce 

People who become blind usually _______ recover near-normal levels of day-to-day happiness. People who become paralyzed usually _______ recover near-normal levels of day-to-day happiness.

Aerobic exercise has been most closely linked to a decrease in 

Immune system cells that pursue and destroy diseased body cells are called

Which division of the nervous system calms the body after an emergency has passed?

Which of the following is a stress-management technique that counteracts depression by increasing arousal and increasing the brain's serotonin activity?

Imitating another person's facial expression of emotion is most likely to facilitate

In one study, 93% of nursing home patients became happier and more alert when they experienced

In one study, a sugar-sweetened drink reduced patients' financial impulsiveness by increasing their 

People often overestimate the clarity of their intentions in their e-mails because they underestimate the importance of ____ in communication.

The basic components of emotions are

Expressive behaviors, physiological arousal, and conscious experience.

In the 1920s, Walter Cannon discovered that stress produced and outpouring of ___ into the bloodstream.

Epinephrine and norepinephrine

Psychoneuroimmunology is most broadly concerned with how the psychological, neural, and endocrine systems together affect the 

Rats that received electric socks were unlikely to develop ulcers if the 

Rats could control the termination of the socks.

One of the major pillars of the positive psychology movement involves the study of 

Women who had experienced prolonged stress as caregivers for children with serious disorders experienced a premature decrease in the size of their 

Research on the accuracy of lie detector tests suggests that they

are more likely to declare the innocent guilty than to declare the guilty innocent.

According to the ___, you would be able to experience emotion even without sympathetic nervous system arousal.

Anger is the toxic core of

Avoiding stress is LEAST likely to inhibit the progression of ____ in humans.

Maureen is an introvert who prefers to stay home and read a good book. Her friend Paula is an extrovert who would much rather spend her time partying. In terms of their ability to recognize facial expressions of emotion and to express emotions

Maureen is better at recognition and Paula is more expressive.

Bernard is an ambitious, highly competitive corporate lawyer who recently had a heart attack. He tends to be impatient and a perfectionist, and he gets angry over little things. Research suggests that Bernard's susceptibility to heart attacks may be most closely linked to his

Which of the following is an example of biofeedback?

Milo learns to relax his forehead muscles after being provided with information regarding moment-to-moment changes in the tension levels of these muscles.

Following a catastrophic earthquake, residents of one community came together and provided each other with emotional support. This reaction best illustrates

The tend-and-befriend response.

When her son fails to arrive home as expected, Elena fears he has been in an accident. Both her heart and respiration rate remain elevated until she sees him come safely through the door. Her body soon returns to normal due to the action of her ______ nervous system.

When confronted by an armed robber, your emotional arousal is likely to be accompanied by 

Lee was momentarily terrified as a passing automobile nearly sideswiped his car. When one of his passengers joked that he almost had a two-colored car, Lee laughed uncontrollably. Lee was emotionally volatility best illustrates the

Who is the best example of a Type B Personality?
A) George, a self-confident, time conscious mail carrier. B) Wang Lung, a relaxed, easygoing dentist. C) Henry, an irritable, impatient college professor. D) Stasio, a fun-loving, hard-driving corporation president.

B) Wang Lung, a relaxed, easygoing dentist.

Noticing that his heart was pounding and that his palms were sweaty while he was taking a difficult test, Harley concluded that he was "anxious." Noticing that his heart was pounding and that his palms were sweaty when an attractive lady asked him to dance, Harley concluded that he was "falling in love." The differing emotions experienced by Harley can best be explained by the

Almost all adult residents in the town of Roxbury attend weekly religious services whereas almost all adult residents in the nearby town of worthington rarely do so. Compared with the residents of worthington, the residents of Roxbury are more likely to

Have a physically healthy lifestyle

Bryson was encouraged by a supportive network of friends following a serious business setback. Research suggests that this social support was likely to improve Bryson's health by reducing his 

After being physically aroused by his daily three-mile run, Kevin finds that he experiences stronger resentment if his wife asks for an unexpected favor and more intense romantic feelings if she kisses him. Kevin’s experience can best be explained by the:

Paul insists that the sight of guns always leads him to experience the same intense level of fear regardless of whether he is physically aroused or physically calm. Paul's reported experience is most consistent with

Boyd, a suspect in a criminal investigation, has agreed to take a lie detector test. The machine used in this test is most likely to measure his

Who is the best example of Type A personality

Philip, a competitive, hot-tempered cooperation president

What are the primary focuses of positive psychology?

Positive psychology focuses on the positive events and influences in life, including: Positive experiences (like happiness, joy, inspiration, and love). Positive states and traits (like gratitude, resilience, and compassion).

What are the three lines of inquiry in positive psychology?

C- Positive psychology focuses on promoting the well-being of the person. It has three lines of inquiry which are positive subjective experiences, positive individual traits, and positive institutions.

Which of the following psychologist has played the greatest leadership role in the development of positive psychology?

In 1998, Martin Seligman was elected President of the American Psychological Association and it was then that Positive Psychology became the theme of his term as president. He is widely seen as the father of contemporary positive psychology (About Education, 2013).

Who is the leader in the field of positive psychology quizlet?

Who is considered the founding father of the Positive Psychology Movement? The positive psychology movement, founded in part by Martin E.P. Seligman, PhD, former APA President, focuses on enhancing what's good in life rather than fixing what's wrong.